Présentation Rome2


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The Sun at the Lycée Charlie Chaplin

The solar checker

This experience lets us checking the cellars in function of the position of the sun in the sky. You will use this in an experience soon !

The GnomonIt’s a kind of sundial on which we can trace the sun trajectory. We take measurement with a web cam and you will do measures too !

The gnomon is an experience on which we can find the high and the azimuth of the sun. We proceed with a web cam, during a whole day, and we can find those measures at the top of the stick shadow.

The calculations

Winter solstice Summer solstice


We calculate the energy per m2 we get with a static panel (red bar) and a moving one (green bar). The blue bars represents the energy coming from the sun on each m2. We can see the difference of yield and it confirms our theory.

The thermal panel

This panel is moving without any motor. So it doesn’t needs energy, and take the position of the main thermal source.

The motorized panel

We create this panel for a project for the exam. It moves with an electrical motor and a Pic Basic program.
