PHE234 Industrialization & Pollution-Adriana Jensen, Elizabeth Santana & Robert Cobos


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Wall-EIndustrialization & Pollution

Popular Culture Millay/VIVES

Group Members & their contributions

Adriana Jensen: -Film introduction & discussion questions !Elizabeth Santana: -Slideshow/master designer & discussion questions !

Robert Cobos: -Topic/film overview & discussion questions

tOPIC/film OVERVIEW Industrialization & Pollution

The topic for Industrialization & Pollution is defined as Industrialization is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from a society that depends on agriculture into an industrial one. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that cause adverse change.The film Wall-E demonstrates these underlying issues through out its story.

Wall-E is about a robot whose main directive is to compact all the garbage left on the planet by the humans while they are out in space living on a ship called the Axiom. Wall-E develops a personality and eventually meets another robot by the name of E.V.E. Her main directive is to find vegetation and to bring it back to Axiom. When we get to the Axiom we see that humans haven't really changed their ways regarding consumerism, technology and corporate involvement.

tOPIC/film OVERVIEW Industrialization & Pollution cont.

B N L (Buy n large) is still running the government and people consuming their products. The people rely on technology and are not able to fully interact with other humans other than through a gadget. The need for the next big thing is the cause of the overwhelming amount of pollution and garbage. Which piles up all around the planet including Earths orbit, where we see it being released into outer space. We see that we humans have still not changed and they haven't found other ways to dispose of the waste properly, leaving the planet completely destroyed environmentally. 

Film Introduction Wall-e

Wall-E is a Pixar film based in the future where two robots fall in love with one another, but this movie gives a deeper meaning. It is connected more with the takeover by the industries and of the humans that once lived on Earth. Leading to an increasing quantity of trash and garbage piled into gigantic pyramids covering the face of the Earth. With no humans to be found on Earth, they move their lives into outer space where they are controlled by robots and high technologies. Human beings become obese with lack of exercise and are being transported by self-floating chairs. With nothing in their own minds to think or do for themselves. They forget about the past and those whom once lived on a place called Earth.

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