Personalising Windows 7



Here I show how to personalise most parts of the Windows 7 OS

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Personalising Desktop

Changing the wallpaper

Mr Earl Atkinson is in a business environment.

He needs his computer to reflect this.So we had to change his desktop background

to reflect this.

Changing the screen resolution.

Mr Earl Atkinson has a monitor of different size to ours, he may benefit from a different screen resolution.

Changing the screensaver

A screensaver is used to stop screen burnout.It prolongs the life of the monitor.Mr Earl Atkinson could use this to avoid extra

costs of new monitors.

Icon Size.

Mr Earl Atkinson is using the computer for work, himself or one of his employees may have a hard time seeing.

Making the icons larger would help that person. To just make the icons larger and not the task bar (etc.) follow the picture to

the right.

Changing the mouse to left-handed.

Earl or one of his employees may benefit from using the mouse left-handed.

Type mouse into the control panel, and click mouse settings.
