Orange Community Phone


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Community Phone story …

« an individual poor person is an isolated island by himself or herself. Information Technology can end that isolation overnight »Dr. Muhammad Yunus2006 Nobel laureate

« Orange provides a fully branded pack to support the community phone operator to start their activity»

« We introduced greener solutions via a solar charger to eliminate the need to use car batteries to power the Orange Community phones»

« We kept in mind the target audience – the man who had to walk 16km just to make a call. We tested, then tested again to source the most robust equiprment. »

Orange Project team


« Everybody held their breath during the test call, but when the phone call came in and was over, whole village rang out »

Orange Djamaa Phone coordinators


« When there were no telephones, store keepers hadto go to Bamako to restock. It could cost up to FCFA10 000 for travel fees, whereas now they can manage it for FCFA200 to 500 by using a phone »

« They said that before [telecommunications services]; when there were injured people, they had to travel 80km to find an ambulance »

« Before community phone, we weren’t in Mali because we weren’t connected to the world »

« We were in the darkness, and the callbox lit us up »

Malian Villagers


« Usually to call we had to go to the town because there was no solution here. We walked for around 13km, for a call….”

« I have eleven children and only two livewith me, so imagine how important it is to join them or to be reachable »



Mama Tangara, from katiana village

First Djamaa Phone operator, previously out of job, today a

micro entrepreneur with a particular place within his community

and a revenue higher to Mali GDP PPP per Capita.

« Before Djamaa, he lived off the community, he was dependent but since Djamaa launch, he is the one who helps it and one of the most important person of the village.»

Katiana Prefect

launch ….

In the villages and in the presence of government representatives, local authorities, regional notables, microfinance institutions, Orange’s delegation to promote the Orange Community Phone

Malian Diaspora event in Paris

An event which gathered 300 members of the Malian Diaspora together. Organized with Migrant Malian organization and in the presence of Mali’s government.

Aimed to present Djamaa Phone product to Malian migrants to allow them to finance a community phone equipment for their own native village .


Sharing experiences within the community

orange community phone in AMEA

orange community phone in AMEA

orange community phone in AMEA

« Because for all of us, it is much more than a simple antenna»Orange Community phone team

la vie change avec orange
