Near-Miss Reporting (Infographic)



Near-Miss Reporting Infographic outlines that reporting and investigating near-miss events is a central part of any proactive safety management system. Near-miss data can be used to implement corrective actions that address safety concerns before they become safety incidents. Download this FREE Whitepaper to learn how to capture and track near-miss events before they become workplace incidents -

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A near-miss is an incident where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but where given a slight shift in time or position, damage and/or injury could have easily occurred.

Other terms:

close call

near collision

near hit


workers suffered injuries and illnesseson the job in 2013 in the united states

2,786,906 4,693 workers killed on the job in 2011 in the United States

13 deaths per day

Best practices:

Prevent near-miss reporting from getting out of control with a clear definition

Implement a successful reward and recognition program for reporting near-misses

Choose a Near-miss Reporting Solution That Works for Your Organization

Three factors to ensure near-misses are reported:


The safety pyramid*

Shows that for every 300 no-injuries(near-misses) there were 29 minoror recordable injuries.

By addressing these precursors, accidents could be avoided.*developed by Mr. H.W. Heinrich in 1931




Implement a near-miss reporting system

Near-miss system must be understood by all employees

All near-misses should be investigated and corrective actions taken if, if necessary, to prevent reoccurrence and/or more serious injury

Intelex provides web-based software that helps companies identify hazards within the workplace, report on the risks associated with these hazards and prioritize the required corrective actions. Improve employee productivity and safety while reducing incidents, absenteeism and workers’ compensation costs.

Download this free whitepaper!

Learn more about Near-Miss Reporting

SOURCES:From Near-Miss to At-Risk: How Untracked Data Costs Lives and Kills Profit (Intelex Whitepaper)

