Moving to Cloud for Good: Alexander Tsirel, HiveTec


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github @noma4i

What is Hivetec

Why Move To The Cloud?Success Story

I lied

Nobody likes Success Stories

True Story

No Future in On-Premises ITWe have Cool Server rack.

Every visitor will see how Enterprise we are!

…spent a night in office to fix network issue in or infrastructure…

Im IT hero!

time for populism

New should/must controls from Government to comply with

Firewall critical patch available

Urgent need of resources

complain about security

Im convinced a bit

too old for that cloud

How about THIS

Delphi 4, VB, Batch files logic

Our personal Hell of old software

Talk with Cloud ProviderNot every Cloud Provider is ready to help you

Express your needs

Usual reaction after our Tech Demo

words don't come easy

Every Cloud Provider want’s you to follow THEIR workflow


Main Track

Tech Track

Configure Tableau

Configure Terminal Service

Fully Automated Tableau Setup

OK. Thats all about Windows

What about other stuff?

Ruby on Rails Monolith217375 LOC 34654 Commits 11 Servers 1 Really Old NetApp

Every new Tenant = HOURS of preparation

Deployed per Tenant


Scheduled downtime to scale. Overnight works

• Automate provisioning • Automate configuration management • Prepare KVM images(Win) • Dokerize our app


Don’t Solve Every Problem With Provisioning Hammer

can’t stop using hammer

Windows/CoreOs cloud story

Contact our

Lots of ApplicationsEven more to come

Windows SetupHappy Path

Using existing Image

Windows Real World Setup

Existing App

As image

What about that scaryRails Monolith?



170 - Containers Scale to 230

under 5 minutes

Security in Openstackcloud story

Our 300+ containers 50+ Windows Servers

IRAP Assessor?CIS Benchmark?

ASD Certified CloudIaaS

Vault Systems: Securing Openstack in Line with the Government ISM and PSPF

controls and how to deliver High Performance Openstack Cloud to

address Government Legacy Systems

like they are talking about us

WE DON’T CAREIaaS Customer is not in charge

for security*

- Cable management - Network auditing - Disabling Physical ports - Firewalls

*most of it

Swiftcloud story

Swift vs Fileserver

Traditional way

Easy adoption

Future wayObject Storage

Insane speed




Alexander Tsirel
