Motivation of individuals


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Motivation of Individuals

Nature of Motivation

Importance of Motivation

Historical Perspective on Motivation

Need Based Perspective on Motivation

Processed Based Perspective on Motivation

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

Learning Based Perspective on Motivation

Reinforcement Theory and Learning

OB Mod

The Nature of Motivation Motivation

Is the set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior rather than some alternative behavior.

Are the following people motivated? Students who stay up all night to study. A worker who hangs-out all day. Doctors making follow-up phone calls to

patients. Students who don’t go to school, to play

computer games Teacher giving free tutorial classes

during his vacant time.

The importance of Motivation

Managers strive to motivate people In the organization to perform at high levels. This means getting them to work hard, to come to work regularly, and to make positive contributions to the organization’s mission.

To reach high levels of performance, an employee must be motivated, is able to do the job effectively, and must have all the necessary resources to do the job. This relationship can be easily remembered as:

P= M+A+EWhere: P = Performance M= Motivation

A= Ability E= Environment

Thus, a manager should strive to ensure that all three conditions are met.

The Motivational Framework

Experienced Need

DeficienciesSearch for ways

to satisfied needs

Choice of goal- directed


Enactment of behavioral

Choice( Performance)

Experienced rewards or punishment Reassessment of

need deficiencies

Need-something an individual requires or wants.

Motivated behaviors- usually starts when a person has one or more needs.

Need deficiency- usually triggers a search for way to satisfy the need.

Historical Perspective on Motivation Historical views on motivation although

not always accurate, are of interest for several reasons. For one thing they provide a foundation for contemporary thinking about motivation. For another the are generally based on intuition, an appreciation of their strengths and weaknesses.

The Traditional Approach/ Scientific Management One basic premise of this approach is that it is

assumed that employees are economically motivated and works to earn as much money as they can. Other assumptions are, that the work is unpleasant for most people and that the money they earn is more important to employees than the nature of the job they are performing.

Frederick Taylor Developed a method for structuring jobs that he

called scientific management. one of the first writers to address work motivation.

The Human Relations Approach This approach assumes that employees

want to feel useful and important, that they have strong social needs, and that these needs are more important than money in motivating employees.

This supplanted scientific management during the 1930s.

The Human Resource approach The human resource approach assumes

that people want to contribute and are able to make genuine contributions.

Need-based perspective on motivation Need-based perspective represents the

starting point for most contemporary thought on motivation. The basic premise of need-based models is that humans are motivated primarily by deficiencies in one or more important needs or need categories.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Developed by psychologist Abraham

Maslow in the 1940’s and is the best-known needs theory.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needsSelf-

actualization Needs

Esteem Needs

Belongingness Needs

Security Needs

Physiological Needs

Deficiency needs

Growth needs

ERG Theory Developed by Yale psychologist Clayton Alderfer. It

extends and refines Maslow’s needs hierarchy concept, although there are several important differences between the two.

ERG stands for three basic need categories: E existence (necessary for human survival) R relatedness ( need to relate to others) G growth ( self-esteem and self- actualization)

In contrast to Maslow’s approach, ERG theory suggests that more than one kind of need may motivate a person at the same time. Another difference is that ERG theory includes a satisfaction-progression component and a frustration regression component.

Satisfaction- progression concept suggests that after satisfying one category of needs, a person progresses to the nest level.

Frustration-regression concept suggests that a person who is frustrated by trying to satisfy a higher level of need eventually will regress to the preceding level.

Dual- Structure Theory Originally called the ‘two-factor theory’. Developed by Frederick Herzberg and

his associates during the late 1950’s and early 1960s.

To use this theory in a workplace, Herzberg recommended a two-stage process. First, is to eliminate situations that cause dissatisfaction, second is to motivate the people in the workplace.

The Traditional View




Herzberg’s view


No Satisfaction

Motivation FactorsAchievementRecognition

The work itselfResponsibility

Advancement and growth



No Dissatisfactio


Hygiene factorsSupervision.

Working Conditions.Interpersonal Relationships.

Pay and Job Security.Company Policies.

Other important needs Need for achievement

Most frequently associated with the work of David McClelland.

Arises from an individuals desire to accomplish a goal more effectively than in the past.

Need for affiliation Need for human companionship

Need for power Desire to control one’s environment, including

financial, material, informational, and human resources.

Processed-based perspective on Motivation Processed-based perspective are

concerned with how motivation occurs. Rather than attempting to identify motivational stimuli, it instead focuses on why people choose certain behavioral options to satisfy their needs and how they evaluate their satisfaction after they have attained these goals.

Equity Theory of Motivation Equity theory is based on the relatively

simple premise that people on organizations want to be treated fairly.

Equity- belief that we are being treated fairly in relation to others.

Inequity- belief that we are being treated unfairly compared with others.

Forming equity perceptions

Four-step process 1 they evaluate how they are being treated by the

firm. 2 they form a perception of how a another person is

being treated. 3 they compare their own circumstances with other

people and use this comparison as the basis for forming an impression of either equity or inequity.

4 depending on the strength of this feelings , the person may choose to pursue one or more of the alternatives.

Equity ComparisonOutcome(SELF) Outcome(OTHERS) Input(SELF) Input(OTHERS)

Compared with

Expectancy Theory of Motivation The basic expectancy model was first

applied in the workplace by Victor Vroom.

The basic premise of this theory is that motivation depends on how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it.

The models general components are effort, performance and outcomes.

Effort to performance expectancy A persons perception of the probability

that effort will lead to successful performance.

Performance-to-outcome Expectancy A persons perception of the probability

that performance will lead to certain other outcomes.

Outcome Anything that might potentially result

from performance. Valence

Is the relative value of the outcome to the person.

The Porter-Lawler Model Porter and Lawler used the expectancy theory to

develop a novel view of the relationship between employee satisfaction and performance.

If rewards are adequate, high levels of performance may lead to satisfaction.

Performance results in two kinds of rewards: Intrinsic rewards

intangible, a feeling of accomplishment, a sense of achievement.

Extrinsic rewards Tangible outcomes such as pay and promotion

Learning-based perspective on Motivation Learning

Is a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavior potential that results in maintaining motivated behavior

How Learning occurs Traditional View : Classical Conditioning

Developed by Ivan Pavlov in his experiments with dogs.

A simple form of learning in which a conditioned response is linked with an unconditioned stimulus.

The contemporary View: Learning as a Cognitive Process It assumes that people are conscious, active

participants in how they learn It suggests that people draw on their experiences

and use past learning as a basis for their present behavior.

Reinforcement Theory and Learning Also called operant conditioning, is

generally associated with the work of B.F. Skinner.

It suggests that behavior is a function of its consequences. Behavior that results in pleasant consequences are more likely to be repeated, and those that result in unpleasant consequences are least likely to be repeated.

Reinforcement Consequences of behavior

Types of Reinforcement: positive reinforcement

Reward or other desirable consequence Avoidance

Negative reinforcement; the person is given an opportunity to avoid an unpleasant consequence.

Extinction Decreases the frequency of behavior, especially behavior that

was previously awarded. Punishment

An unpleasant, or adverse consequences of a behavior.

Schedules of reinforcement Continuous reinforcement

Rewards behavior every time it occurs. Fixed-interval reinforcement

Reinforcement provided on a predetermined, constant schedule.

Variable-interval reinforcement Varies the interval between reinforcements

Variable-ratio reinforcement Number of behavior required for reinforcement

varies over time.

Social Learning Occurs when people observe the

behavior to others, recognize their consequences, and alter their own behavior as a result

Organizational Behavior Modification OB Mod is the application of

reinforcement theory to people in organizational settings.
