Module 4 pcva




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Leader : B r idge t te Lus tañasMembers :

Soph ia Maye AndradeAnna Pame la Ba luyo t

Reg ina ld A l ex i s Den iegaDav id Es ta r i s

Pa t r i c i a FernandoHe len Grace Hernane

Nico l e Anne PerezNina Sa l ve Tacu jan

Nazka A l ecks i a Tan tay

* e v e r y o n e p a r t i c i p a t e d


Barangay Tumana, Marikina City

Barangay Tumana is bounded by a farmland extending to Sierra

Madre to the northwest, Barangay Nangka on the North,

Barangay Malanday on the south and a river within the west side

and from the origin of it’s name, a wide land just above water

lever, tells us how close it is to the river. We chose this barangay

because even several years ago, Tumana has always been one of

the flood prone areas in Marikina. And probably another reason

why this happens is that many shanties are situated here thus,

through time, the drainage systems seem to malfunction.

Barangay Tumana, Marikina City

Barangay Tumana, Marikina City

Weaknesses: Bounded by a river on the west Malfunctioning drainage system due to:

Shanties / Illegal settlers

Barangay Tumana, Marikina City

Strengths The Marikina government has been more prepared by:

A warning bell was installed in the barangay, it depends on the ring it makes that will make the people aware whether to start preparing or to evacuate.

Boats were made out of recycled materials. Evacuation areas expansion Flood and evacuation drills Workshops on risk management to target “zero

casualties” Regular dredging of the river Illegal settlers relocation especially those who are near

the river.

Barangay Tumana, Marikina City

Proper waste disposalTrash bins to be put in certain areasWarning signage to indicate flood level

warningsPutting a barrier between the river and the

mainland (this was made in barangay Nangka, Markina City)

*all members were present but some were late for the meeting since we have different schedules so we decided to start planning and took a picture unfortunately, the digicam run out of battery.

