Mission Possible Power Point


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A WebQuest for 1st - 6th Grade Art

Designed byCorinna Weisgerber


Mission Possible: Hello Mummy!

Go to the Mission

Attention All Agents: An urgent message from headquarters has just been received. The sneaky Mr. Krim Inal has infiltrated the local museum disguised as

a mummy! He was carried inside the museum in a fake coffin and under the cover of darkness, has stolen the funeral mask of the great pharaoh Tutankhamen! The Egyptian Exhibit is scheduled to open in three weeks and the mask is the center piece for the show. Mr. Krim Inal has been sighted in Egypt with the mask and is planning on selling it to the highest bidder. He is hosting an exclusive masked ball at the pharaoh’s tomb to hide the sale of Tutankhamen’s mask.

Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to research Egypt and Egyptian History. Once completed, you must infiltrate Mr. Krim Inal’s party by creating an Egyptian Mask of your own. Then retrieve the mask and bring it home. Good Luck!

The Mission

Go To Your Assignments

Your first assignment is to help you become familiar with where you are heading for your next assignment. You need to know and learn about the history of Tutankhamen, who the Egyptians were, and the geography of Egypt. Each one of these pieces of knowledge will help you find Mr. Krim Inal and bring back Tutankhamen's Mask safely.

Your First AssignmentAssignment 1: Know Your History!

I Accept This Mission

Describe crisply and clearly what the end result of the learners' activities will be. The task could be a:

problem or mystery to be solved;position to be formulated and defended;product to be designed;complexity to be analyzed;personal insight to be articulated;summary to be created;persuasive message or journalistic account to be crafted;a creative work, oranything that requires the learners to process and transform the information they've gathered.

If the final product involves using some tool (e.g., HyperStudio, the Web, video), mention it here.

Don't list the steps that students will go through to get to the end point. That belongs in the Process section.

Your Second AssignmentAssignment 2: Know Your History!







•First, you need to learn about the geography of Egypt. You will be landing in Cairo and continuing on to King Tutankhamen’s tomb.•Second, you will be traveling undercover so Mr. Krim Inal will not notice you on his trail. In order to accomplish this, you need to learn about the Ancient Egyptians as a people. •Third, as you will be trying to find Tutankhamen's tomb, you need to learn everything you can about his life as a pharaoh.

Mission 1 Instructions







To accomplish the task, what steps should the learners go through? Use the numbered list format in your web editor to automatically number the steps in the procedure. Describing this section well will help other teachers to see how your lesson flows and how they might adapt it for their own use, so the more detail and care you put into this, the better. Remember that this whole document is addressed to the student, however, so describe the steps using the second person.

Example:4.First you'll be assigned to a team of 3 students...5.Once you've picked a role to play....6.... and so on.

Learners will access the on-line resources that you've identifed as they go through the Process. You may have a set of links that everyone looks at as a way of developing background information, or not. If you break learners into groups, embed the links that each group will look at within the description of that stage of the process. (Note, this is a change from the older WebQuest templates which included a separate Resources section. It's now clear that the resources belong in the Process section rather than alone.)

In the Process block, you might also provide some guidance on how to organize the information gathered. This advice could suggestions to use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures. The advice could also take the form of a checklist of questions to analyze the information with, or things to notice or think about. If you have identified or prepared guide documents on the Web that cover specific skills needed for this lesson (e.g. how to brainstorm, how to prepare to interview an expert), link them to this section.

Mission 2 Instructions







Agents: Follow the links below to create a map of Egypt. You need to learn all aspects of Egypt in order to survive. There is a blank map of Egypt enclosed in your secret file. After following the links, fill out your map and leave it in your file for further use on your journey. Good Luck!

Mission Geography

•Ancient Egyptian Geography•Geography Story•Egypt Site Map

To Include on your Map:Cities: 1. Cairo, 2. Alexandria, 3. Rosetta, 4. Giza, 5. Thebes, 6. Memphis, 7. Luxor

Rivers/Seas: 1. Nile, 2. Euphrates, 3. Mediterranean Sea, 4. Red Sea

Cataracts (waterfalls): there are 4 along the Nile

Extras to Label: 1. Nile Delta, 2.Upper Egypt, 3. Lower Egypt, 4. Sahara Desert, 5. Sanai Peninsula







To accomplish the task, what steps should the learners go through? Use the numbered list format in your web editor to automatically number the steps in the procedure. Describing this section well will help other teachers to see how your lesson flows and how they might adapt it for their own use, so the more detail and care you put into this, the better. Remember that this whole document is addressed to the student, however, so describe the steps using the second person.

Example:4.First you'll be assigned to a team of 3 students...5.Once you've picked a role to play....6.... and so on.

Learners will access the on-line resources that you've identifed as they go through the Process. You may have a set of links that everyone looks at as a way of developing background information, or not. If you break learners into groups, embed the links that each group will look at within the description of that stage of the process. (Note, this is a change from the older WebQuest templates which included a separate Resources section. It's now clear that the resources belong in the Process section rather than alone.)

In the Process block, you might also provide some guidance on how to organize the information gathered. This advice could suggestions to use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures. The advice could also take the form of a checklist of questions to analyze the information with, or things to notice or think about. If you have identified or prepared guide documents on the Web that cover specific skills needed for this lesson (e.g. how to brainstorm, how to prepare to interview an expert), link them to this section.

Mission Egyptians







To accomplish the task, what steps should the learners go through? Use the numbered list format in your web editor to automatically number the steps in the procedure. Describing this section well will help other teachers to see how your lesson flows and how they might adapt it for their own use, so the more detail and care you put into this, the better. Remember that this whole document is addressed to the student, however, so describe the steps using the second person.

Example:4.First you'll be assigned to a team of 3 students...5.Once you've picked a role to play....6.... and so on.

Learners will access the on-line resources that you've identifed as they go through the Process. You may have a set of links that everyone looks at as a way of developing background information, or not. If you break learners into groups, embed the links that each group will look at within the description of that stage of the process. (Note, this is a change from the older WebQuest templates which included a separate Resources section. It's now clear that the resources belong in the Process section rather than alone.)

In the Process block, you might also provide some guidance on how to organize the information gathered. This advice could suggestions to use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures. The advice could also take the form of a checklist of questions to analyze the information with, or things to notice or think about. If you have identified or prepared guide documents on the Web that cover specific skills needed for this lesson (e.g. how to brainstorm, how to prepare to interview an expert), link them to this section.

Mission Tutankhamen

Student Page








[Teacher Page]






Stated objective or Performance

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.

Stated objective or Performance

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.

Stated objective or Performance

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.

Stated objective or Performance

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.

Stated objective or Performance

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting a beginning level of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting development and movement toward mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting mastery of performance.

Description of identifiable performance characteristics reflecting the highest level of performance.

To Succeed

Student Page








[Teacher Page]

Put a couple of sentences here that summarize what they will have accomplished or learned by completing this activity or lesson. You might also include some rhetorical questions or additional links to encourage them to extend their thinking into other content beyond this lesson.

Final Report

Student Page








[Teacher Page]

I would like to thank the following people for the use of their works:

Mummy Photograph (Mission Title Page) - Doesn't Look a Day over 2500 by Stuck in Customs, Taken July 16, 2006 (flickr)

Tutankhamun’s Funeral Mask (Mission Page) - Replica of King Tutankhamum's Mummy Case at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum by mharrsch, Taken March 29, 2006 (flickr)

Egyptian Photograph () – Egypt Egipto Egipte by Noelia, Taken January 1, 2006 (flickr)

List any books and other analog media that you used as information sources as well.

Include a link back to The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group so that others can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials.

Credits & References

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

A WebQuest for xth Grade (Put Subject Here)

Designed by

Put Your Name HerePut Your E-mail Address Here

Based on a template from The WebQuest Page


Teacher Script


Put the Title of the Lesson Here (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

Begin with something that describes the origin of the lesson. For example: This lesson was developed as part of the San Diego Unified School District's Triton Project, a federally funded Technology Innovation Challenge Grant.

In this second paragraph of the introduction, describe briefly what the lesson is about. Remember, the audience for this document is other teachers, not students.


Teacher Script


Introduction (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

Describe the grade level and course that the lesson is designed to cover. For example: "This lesson is anchored in seventh grade language arts and involves social studies and math to a lesser extent." If the lesson can easily be extended to additional grades and subjects, mention that briefly here as well.

Describe what the learners will need to know prior to beginning this lesson. Limit this description to the most critical skills that could not be picked up on the fly as the lesson is given.


Teacher Script


Learners (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

What will students learn as a result of this lesson? Describe the outcomes succinctly. Use the language of existing standards. For example:

Social Studies Standards Addressed

•Recognize the relationships among the various parts of a nation's cultural life.•Learn about the mythology, legends, values and beliefs of a people.

Most lessons don't just teach a block of content; they also implicitly teach one or more types of thinking. In addition to describing learning outcomes within traditional subject areas, describe what kind of thinking and communications skills were encouraged by this lesson. Inference-making? Critical thinking? Creative production? Creative problem-solving? Observation and categorization? Comparison? Teamwork? Compromise?


Teacher Script


Curriculum Standards (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

You can paste in the process description given to students in the “student” process slide and then interleave the additional details that a teacher might need.

Describe briefly how the lesson is organized. Does it involve more than one class? Is it all taught in one period per day, or is it part of several periods? How many days or weeks will it take? Is it single disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or what?

If students are divided into groups, provide guidelines on how you might do that.If there are misconceptions or stumbling blocks that you anticipate, describe them here and suggest ways to get around them.

What skills does a teacher need in order to pull this lesson off? Is it easy enough for a novice teacher? Does it require some experience with directing debates or role plays, for example?

If you're designing for a one-computer classroom or for pre-readers and are creating a facilitated WebQuest in which the teacher or an aide controls the computer and guides discussion, you can link from here to the Teacher Script page which would contain a printable script for the facilitator to follow.

VariationsIf you can think of ways to vary the way the lesson might be carried out in different situations (lab vs. in-class, for example), describe them here.


Teacher Script


The Process (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

Describe what's needed to implement this lesson. Some of the possibilities:

•Class sets of books•E-mail accounts for all students•Specific software (how many copies?)•Specific hardware (what kind? How many?)•Specific reference material in the classroom or school library•Video or audio materials

If the lesson makes extensive use of specific websites, it would be appropriate to list, describe and link them here.

Describe also the human resources needed. how many teachers are needed to implement the lesson. Is one enough? Is there a role for aides or parents in the room? Do you need to coordinate with a teacher at another school? With a partner in industry or a museum or other entity? Is a field trip designed in as part of the lesson?


Teacher Script


Resources (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

How will you know that this lesson was successful? Describe what student products or performances you'll be looking at and how they'll be evaluated. This, of course, should be tightly related to the standards and objectives you cited above.

You may want to just copy and paste the evaluation section of the student page (Evaluation) into this space and add any clarifications needed for another teacher to make use of this lesson.


Teacher Script


Evaluation (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

The WebQuest model is best suited for learners who can navigate the Web on their own and can read the kinds of material commonly found on the Web. We can stretch the format to reach primary-aged learners, developmental English Language Learners and special populations by creating a facilitated WebQuest, one that requires an adult or older peer to drive things.

Use this page to create a script for that facilitator. The facilitator would print this page out and use it to guide their progress through the WebQuest.

This page will include step by step directions to the facilitator, including:

•What to say at each point in the process•What to click on•What questions and misconceptions to anticipate•How long to take at each point•When to direct learners to work away from the computer

To help the facilitator, you might want to include screen dumps of particular screens embedded with the directions of what to do at that point.

This page is linked to the Process segment off of the Teacher Page


Teacher Script


Teacher Script (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

Make some kind of summary statement here about the worthiness of this lesson and the importance of what it will teach.


Teacher Script


Conclusion (Teacher)

[Student Page]








Teacher Page

List here the sources of any images, music or text that you're using. Provide links back to the original source. Say thanks to anyone who provided resources or help.

List any books and other analog media that you used as information sources as well.

Include a link back to The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group so that others can acquire the latest version of this template and training materials.


Teacher Script


Credits & References (Teacher)