Meetup presenation 06192013



Accumulo presentation from June 19, 2013 Meetup Presenter: Joe Cavanaugh

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sqrrl Secure.  Scale.  Adapt  

Sqrrl Data, Inc., All Rights Reserved

Security  of  data  within  Hadoop  

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<5%  of  Data  


General Data Problems

Source:    Forrester  

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What about security?


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What is the market saying?

security  becomes  an  “enabler”  by  making  it  possible  to  bring  together  huge  stores  of  data    

You  want  security  to  be  just  as  scalable,  high-­‐performance  and  self-­‐organizing  as  the  clusters  

most  big  data  technologies  don’t  have  any  security  features  built  in  

want  fine-­‐grained  security  and  policy  control  at  the  database-­‐level  

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•  With  every  copy  of  data,  there  is  an  increased  risk  of  unintended  disclosure  

•  Every  now  and  then  people  with  access  and  privileges  take  a  look  at  records  without  a  legiCmate  business  purpose  e.g.,  an  employee  of  a  banking  system  looking  up  their  neighbor  

A few more risks…

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The Perfect Storm


Security  Analysis  

Customer  Support  

Customer  Profiles  

Sales  &  MarkeCng  

Social  Media  

Business  Improvement  

Big  Data  

Regula+ons  &  Breaches   Increased


Increased profits

Increased profits

Increased profits

Increased profits

Increased profits

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•  Big  Data  is  a  Cme-­‐bomb  based  on  how  things  are  coming  together  

•  Big  Data  deployment  is  growing  fast;  rushing  into  it  

•  Shortage  in  Big  Data  skills  

•  Big  Data  security  soluCons  are  not  effecCve  

•  General  shortage  in  security  skills  

The Perfect Storm


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So  what  can  we  do?  

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(Def.)  A  form  of  security  in  which  data  carries  with  it  the  elements  of  provenance  that  are  required  to  make  policy  decisions  on  its  visibility:    •  Separate  data  modeling  for  security  and  analysis  •  Data  comes  with  security  aYributes  governing  its  

visibility…  is  self-­‐describing  •  Reusability  of  applicaCons  across  security  domains  

•  Distributed  development  of  ingest  and  query  applicaCons  •  Supported  by  Accumulo’s  cell-­‐level  security  

Data-Centric Security

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Data-Centric Security

Within  Accumulo,  a  key  is  a  5-­‐tuple,  consis+ng  of:      "   Row:  Controls  Atomicity  "   Column  Family:  Controls  Locality    "   Column  Qualifier:    Controls  Uniqueness  "   Visibility  Label:    Controls  Access  "   Timestamp:    Controls  Versioning  

Row   Col.  Fam.   Col.  Qual.   Visibility   Timestamp   Value  

John  Doe   Notes   PCP   PCP_JD   20120912   PaCent  suffers  from  an  acute  …  

John  Doe   Test  Results   Cholesterol   JD|PCP_JD   20120912   183  

John  Doe   Test  Results   Mental  Health   JD|PSYCH_JD   20120801   Pass  

John  Doe   Test  Results   X-­‐Ray   JD|PHYS_JD   20120513   1010110110100…  

Accumulo  Key/Value  Example  

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Data-Centric Security

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Data-Centric Security

Row Col Value 1 Name Jones 1 Sales 100 1 Age 28 2 Name Smith 2 Sales 350 2 Age 25 2   Quota   1000  

Row Col Value 1 Name Anon1 1 Sales 100 2 Name Smith 2 Sales 350 2   Quota   1000  

User 1 User 2 Data  Store  

Data-­‐centric  security  approach  allows  all  the  data  to  be  stored  on  a  single  pla9orm  and  only  authorized  data  is  returned  to  the  user  

Pushing  security  to  the  data-­‐level,  simplifies  applica@on  development  and  enables  more  powerful  queries  

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We  now  have  user  access  to  the  data  secured.    But  what  about  your  

HDFS  administrators?  

Encryption of Files

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Encryption of Files By  encrypCng  the  files  we  write  into  HDFS  we  further  eliminate  who  can  access  the  data!