Me aiesec and the world




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The Why of my existence

Leonardo Silveira

In general, presentations follow the order:

But I’d rather use a Galileo’s statement to do it in an inverse flow, so people can

imagine how I got to my why:

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them

My Vision of the world

We have reached an unprecedented number of inhabitants and resources

utilization in our story

My Vision of the world

And sometimes I see that the world looks like a bunch of foundations managed by churches; although they cause positive impact, although

their honorable purposes, this kind of organizations never get together; because they

are ruled by creeds that do not gather at all

My Vision of the world

That’s why I believe in the power of Hubs (the center part of a wheel); because they can unite different

creeds and realities under the same umbrella

My Vision of the world

And there’s a generation more suitable to change

My Vision of the world

The youth that has the power of drawing and leveraging the changes we want to see in a mid/long term


AIESEC & the world

And there’s one specific hub, that unites the expectations, time and resources of 60.000 people divided in 110 countries that might have a significant role in that change

AIESEC & the world

I see AIESEC as the most trustworthy and practical way to connect youth to

positive impact


And this organization has provided me with many opportunities to achieve my

objectives, such as international experience


Effective management & Leadership opportunities


Effective management & Leadership skills


Discovering my personal mission


But the most important thing…





Capt different ways of learning

Contribution to the global network

Collaborate with people to achieve their goals

Me & the World

Gave me a practical way to achieve my ambition

Be positively relevant to 2 billion people

Me & the world

Which connects me back to youth

Me & the world

And makes my existence relevant to the world