Making Holiday Networking Work! A Guide for Job Seekers



Things slow down for the holidays. People simply have less time to work because they are busy socializing with friends, colleagues, and family. So, it goes to follow that job seeking should slow down as well, right? Wrong! What is networking if not socializing with friends, colleagues, and family? And, what better time to network than with people who are joyous in the holiday season? Follow the logic here? Good. Now, let’s make that holiday networking work.

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Making the Most of

Holiday Networking

Laura Gassner Otting, Founder and President

Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group LLC

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Today’s Speaker

Hosting: Sam Frank, Synthesis Partnership

Laura Gassner Otting, President

Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group


Understand the Purpose


Get a Job

Catch Up with Old Friends

Make New Connections

Create a Buzz

Why Use the Holidays?


People are happy.

People are less guarded.

People are looking to connect.

People are feeling generous.

But I Hate Networking!


When was the last time someone asked you for help?

How did you feel when you helped them?

Why would you want to withhold that feeling from someone?

Strategy #1: Be Selective

Do your homework to determine who will be attending specific

events, and then choose where you spend your time based on

where you expect to derive the most benefit.

Have you sent holiday greetings in advance?

Will the music be too loud?

Will you be able to get a private audience?

Will there be others who can make introductions?

Will your agenda be welcome?

Will you be able to find specific take-aways to use later?

Is there a ticket price, and is it worth your investment?




Strategy #2: Be Prepared

Know what you want to accomplish before saying hello.

Look the part. First impressions count!

Bring your existing business cards, or have new

ones made.

Have quips, icebreakers, or other conversation

starters at the ready.

Have a compelling, (but short!) description of

what you do, or want to do.

Get a business card, referral, or permission to

follow up with them after the holidays.

Be prepared to try more than once, but respect their time.



Strategy #3: Get a Buddy

It is always easier to work a room with someone else. It you are

feeling awkward, you can talk to each other. And, they also might

know people you don’t.

Be explicit with your networking buddy.

Ask people to introduce you around.

Be each other’s wing (wo)man.

Thank the host. They will remember you later.

Don’t Go

It Alone

Strategy #4: Get a System

Just as important as making it to the right events and speaking to

the right people is remember where you were and who you met. The

key to keeping everyone straight is having a system.

Take notes, out of sight, in your blackberry,

on the backs of business cards, on the event

invitation, or in a small notebook.

Stay focused by setting goals about how many or

whom you are planning on meeting, and use it to

keep yourself honest.

Know that not all connections will yield immediate fruit,

and don’t discount the slower growing seeds.



Strategy #5: Be Memorable

Your targeted contacts will meet a lot of people at each event. Make

sure that you are someone they remember.

Dress well. Look the part that you want to play.

Wear a pin, carry a pen, anything that is both

appropriate and memorable.

Focus on eating when you are eating, but not when

you are networking. And, watch your drinking!

Write notes about follow up on the back of any

business card you distribute.

Have a positive attitude and a warm smile.



Strategy #6: Give!

Most people are shy about networking because they feel that it is a

one way streak. All ask, and no give. Don’t be needy. Flip this on

it’s head by considering what you can give, and then giving it


A token gift to the hostess to thank them for

inviting you.

A compliment, given with a genuine heart and an

authentic voice.

A note of appreciation for the effort one makes.

A referral, an article, a book, or a webpage.

A warm smile, an open ear, and a happy disposition.




Fixing the Flubs

Fear of failure hinders even the best networkers. Here’s the bad

news: you will fall flat on your face. But then you will get up, and all

will be fine.

Don’t point out your mistakes. You’ve either said or done enough

already. Pointing it out will only magnify the issue and expand the

circle of discomfort. A simply apology is often sufficient.

Change the subject. Be prepared with more than one go-to topic.

Poke fun at yourself, and then quickly move on.

Set boundaries, and stick to them.

Learn how to end a conversation.

Fake a reason to leave: a phone call, a person across the room, a bio

break. And, then swiftly walk away.

Choose, act, apologize later.


Rating Your SuccessHow

did you


Did you have a lot of brief and shallow interactions, or

a depth of quality?

How likely are you to follow up with the connections

you made during the holidays?

How welcome do you feel taking the next step?

Were you gracious, thankful, and courteous?

Do you have a clear strategy for follow up?


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