Magento advanced layered navigation


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Magento Advanced Layered Navigation

Magento extension Store by CMSIDEASFeatures and User guide


Allow customers to see the selected products faster without multiple page reloading by enabling Ajax navigation, thus improving customers’ experience

Allow customers to filter search results by multiple product attributes in each category

Show customers’ chosen filters in “Currently shopping by” box on the upper left sidebar for them to make changes if they want without reloading pages

Easily install and configure

Have user-friendly interface

Use price slider with price range as well as input field for inserting prices

Control filter display types with many options without problem

Manage attributes easily

Allow setting or hiding attribute filters for certain categories

Allow using various modes for category display

Appear a loading icon while waiting for products results

Multi-store and multi-language store supported

5 Steps to Install and ConfigurationAfter download the package, please proceed with the following steps:

Step 1:

Please unzipped the archive.

Step 2:

Installing the extension. You can check compilation state in System > Tool > Compilation, see "Compiler Status". If status is "Enable" to change it to "Disable".

Step 3:

Disable cache at System > Cache Management.

Step 4:

Unload the contents of the module package to the Magento root folder. This will not over write the existing Magento folders of files, only the new contents will added.

Step 5:

Refresh your admin user access rights: logout from your store admin and then login back.Next, please Enable Cache

Back-end settings

1.Config ExtensionNavigation to Advanced Navigation Layer by CMS-IDEAS Settings

In general settings

In Seo Settings and Advanced Categories

2. Configuration attribute filtersNavigation to Advanced Navigation Layer by CMS-IDEAS > Manage Filters, then click to Load FiltersAlready consist of 6 attributes in here. If you want add to more attributes, please take following steps:Navigation to Catalog > Attribute > Manage Attribute, then click on atrributethat you want add

Take similar steps, we can add more attributes.Next, Navigation to Advanced Navigation Layer by CMS-IDEAS > Manage Filters, then click to Load Filters

Then, click on a filter to edit its+ In tab General

Display Type Tab : option for display of filters

+ In tab Option

3. Create Price RangeNavigation to Advanced Navigation Layer by CMS-IDEAS > Manage Price Range

In Fontend

Thank You!Full features:

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Demo back-end:

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