Live development & tools


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Live Development & Tools

Ramu PulipatiCofounder

Visually monitor your changes as you code

Quick feedback loop will greatly boost productivity

Setup Live Reload or Hot loading or Nodemon and Go!

Modern platforms has built in and others one-time setup

Use it for all platforms – web, mobile and desktop

CSS, Nodejs, Django, RoR, React Native, and Windows

Lint your code to keep your sanity

spend time building great products (and not hunting bugs)

Use Atom, Flow and Nuclide for maintainability

Reduces production support calls. A must try!

Use in your front-end projectBrowserSync/LiveReload/Nodemon

ESLintFacebook Flow

Gulp/Grunt/WebpackAtom Editor


• Live reload: Plugin, Browser Sync• General purpose building: nodemon• Javascript Linting• Task managers: GruntJs, GulpJs, WebPack• Javascript type checking• Atom editor with Nuclide plugin
