Learning Event No. 13, Session 2: al-Momany. ARDD2012 Rio,



Presentation by Ms Zeinab Al-Momany, President, Specific Union for Women Farmers, Jordan, at the 2012 Agriculture and Rural Development Day (ARDD) in Rio de Janiero, Learning Event No. 13, Session 2: Perspectives of marginalized women farmers and their needs.

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The Experience of the Union

Submit by: Zeinab Al-


Specific Union for Farmers Productive In Jordan

Introduction The specific union was established at the

beginning of the year 2007. as a volunteer

union and all of its members are farmer

women. It was established because a lot

of farmer women in all over Jordan

realized the hard circumstances and big

difficulties that women face like: lack of

occupations, poverty, low standard of

living, violence, lack of a wariness, the

increase in the number of the family

members and misuse of agricultural land.

االقتصادية }تنمية المرأة الريفيه المزارعه التنمية الشامله

من االردن ء وتمكينها ابتدا{ و الثقافيه و االجتماعية

للسيدات الريفيات في دول العالم الثالث ال وووص

The vision of the specific

union Develop farmer

women Comprehensive



The vision



انشااااااء العدياااااد مااااان المشااااااري •االنتاجيه و الخدماتيه الزراعيه و خاصه المتقلعاه بزراعاه النباتاات الطبياااااااااه و العطرياااااااااه لرفااااااااا المساااااتوع المعيشااااا و اعطااااااء المااااااارأا فرصاااااااة المشااااااااركه و التفاعااال فااااي مجتمعهااااا وعقااااد العديااد ماان الاادورات التدريبيااه و التثقيفيااااااااااااه و المااااااااااااؤتمرات و المعاااااااااااااااااار الداخلياااااااااااااااااه و الخارجيه وانشااااااء شااااابكةالمرأا

تضاام ( علاا االنترناات) المزارعااهجميااا السااايدات المزارعاااات مااان

.جمي انحاء العالم

The mission of the specific union:

- Establish a lot of productivity and service projects .

- To raise the standard of living and give women opportunity to participate and interact with the society, hold many training sessions, conferences and shows and establish a website for farmer women.

Impact of the case study (real or expected)

for rural women and their organisations • SUFW is an organization which fights for women rights ,

organize them in cooperatives and unions and develop them economically by giving them the opportunity to have their own projects

• The law of the General Union of Jordanian farmers, which provides that a member of the union should have possession of the land of not less than 10 acres. We have solved this problem .Rather than owning land women can rent land and that makes it easy for them to be members in the Farmers Union. Therefore we increased the proportion of women in the General Farmer Union in Jordan from less than 1% to 8% and we aspire to increase.

• Develop them culturally by training them and building their capacity through workshops , training sessions , shows and participating in national occasions .

االسباب التي ادت ال

انشاء االتحاد

The Reasons for

establishing the union

مواجهةةةةةةةياا واةةةةةةة ا ا ةةةةةةة اا صعبياا وياتع نيامنه اا سةد ا ا هةةةةةةةةة اا ف ةةةةةةةةةرا

ا ر فدةةةةةةةةة ا مةةةةةةةةة اا

. ا بط يا ت نيامسووىاا عد ي

Face the challenges

and hard difficulties

that farmer women

suffer. Like poverty,

worklessness and

low standard of


Backing up the competitive output of our Jordanian production

ت ةةةةةةةةادعاا لا ةةةةةةةة ا ةةةةةةةة ااالسةةةةةةةةةةةةةوف امةةةةةةةةةةةةة انةةةةةةةةةةةةةة ت اا ا صةةد اا ل ا دةةيا ة ا ةةياا نب تةةة اا طبدةةةيا ا عطر ةةةيا

ونو عامص اا خ

Encourage farmer

women to make use

of agricultural

products and grow

medicinal plant and

aromatic for the

variation of revenue.

م اا غذائي Bolstering Food Security تعل لااال

Spread awareness between farmer women

Taking Care of Environment

To connect the

Jordanian farmer’s

voice to all directions

and take care of her


ا ع ةةةةةةة ا ةةةةةةة اتطةةةةةةةو راا وسةةةةةةة ئ اسةةة دلاا ل ا دةةةيا ةةة ا ر ةةة ا


ا باثاا ع ي

Working on developing

the agricultural aids

and procedures

through scientific


One of the Union’s Projects

One of our important projects is giving small loans for farmers

to establish their own projects for: water harvesting, land

reclamation planting gardens with medicinal plant and

aromatic, and other agricultural activities for the variation of

revenue. And any other productive project.

Training courses are also funded for farmers to spread

awareness between farmer women. We take bank guaranties

to guarantee that the project will continue.

We give small loans to small number of farmers in all areas in

Jordan because we depend on grants from international

