Klarna's New Developer Portal - developers.klarna.com



Klarna recently launched a new developer portal for developers who integrate Klarna every day, at developers.klarna.com. This presentation describes the process of building the new developer portal: problems we aim to solve, product principles, vision for the developer portal, and five critical decisions we've made along the way.

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A Developer Portal by developers for developers.

•  The problems we’re actually solving

•  What are we comparing to?

•  Our guiding principles

•  The steps we took

•  Five critical decisions

•  What’s next?

A Developer Portal by developers for developers

The problems we’re actually solving

•  Content management – too complex and too time consuming

•  Low quality content

•  Cluttered codebase – difficult to extend

•  Poor design

•  Poor usability

What are we comparing to?

The steps we took

Our guiding principles

• Keep it simple, stupid.

• Developer first.

• Minimize overhead for users.

• Stay up to date.

The result?

Five critical decisions

ü We will base all our decisions on data and research.

ü  We will keep the deadline, and will limit the scope of the site if necessary.

ü We will build a site that we can extend easily.

ü  We will use open source software when possible.

ü  We will create a structure for the content of the site and be consistent in using it.

•  Implement an interactive API explorer.

•  Implement a third party application certification program.

•  Automated onboarding process.

•  Stay up to date.

We envision a community for developers who integrate Klarna

every day. Developers directly influence merchants’ sales

decisions. With the new developer portal, we can generate bottom

up sales and make developers into Klarna ambassadors.

What’s next?


Meni Morim, Product Manager, meni.morim@klarna.com Charlotta Åsell, Product Communication Manager, charlotta.asell@klarna.com
