JFall 2011 no sql workshop


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NoSQL workshop

Discover the diversity of NoSQL

Friso van Vollenhovenfvanvollenhoven@xebia.comJoris Bontjejbontje@xebia.com

Why not only SQL?

scaling up has limits




RDBMS not built with scale

out in mind

scaling out per machine licenses

is expensive

Why not only SQL?

NoSQL landscape


‣ Document-oriented database (schema free)‣ Adhoc queries, querying nested fields, indexing‣ Sharding and Replication

$ db.twitter-user.find({id: 14352528})

{! name: “NLJUG, Dutch Java Us”! statuses_count: 200! description: ”NLJUG”! location: ”Netherlands”! screen_name: ”nljug”! status: {! ! id: 126973661537255420! ! geo: null! ! source: ”HootSuite”! ! text: ”RT @ktukker: en het lijkt erop dat het kabeltje weer verbonden is. de! ! @nljug server is weer bereikbaar. #xs4all #storing”! ! created_at: ”Thu Oct 20 10:50:54 +0000 2011”! }! url: ”http://www.nljug.org/”! friends_count: 31! followers_count: 950! id: 14352528! created_at: ”Thu Apr 10 16:12:07 +0000 2008”}


‣ Graph database‣ Storing data as nodes and relationships in graphs‣ High-speed node traversal / search‣ Full transaction support‣ Scalable for reads through replication


‣ Sparse column database‣ Based on Google’s BigTable model (similar to Cassandra)‣ Built for scalabil ity‣ Strong consistency at the row level‣ Data model:‣ row key => column family:column qualif ier:column value‣ columns are sparse‣ Data is always byte[]

key / column family ‘DATA FAMILY’ ‘OTHER FAMILY’

[100, 101, 13, 8] [13,10]:[1,2,3,4,5] [18,10]:[1,9,7] [120,124]:[123]

[100, 101, 13, 10] [13,10]:[1,2,3,4,5] [20,9]:[1,9,7] [120,124]:[123]

[100, 101, 13, 22] [18,10]:[1,9,7] [120,124]:[123]


‣ Decentralized Key-value store‣ Links, MapReduce, Secondary indexes‣ No master node; no single point of failure‣ Eventually consistentGET /riak/twitter-user/14352528

Content-Type: application/json{! name: “NLJUG, Dutch Java Us”! statuses_count: 200! description: ”NLJUG”! location: ”Netherlands”! screen_name: ”nljug”! status: {! ! id: 126973661537255420! ! geo: null! ! source: ”HootSuite”! ! text: ”RT @ktukker: en het lijkt erop dat het kabeltje weer verbonden is. de! ! @nljug server is weer bereikbaar. #xs4all #storing”! ! created_at: ”Thu Oct 20 10:50:54 +0000 2011”! }! url: ”http://www.nljug.org/”! friends_count: 31! followers_count: 950! id: 14352528! created_at: ”Thu Apr 10 16:12:07 +0000 2008”}


‣ Twitter data:‣ Most @nljug followers and their most recent tweets as JSON


‣ Now create 4 groups:‣ MongoDB: Age‣ Neo4j: Ron‣ HBase: Friso‣ Riak: Joris

‣ Access Point: NOSQL password: jfall2011‣ Data and source available on

‣ Check README.md for installation instructions, exercises and hints