JavaScript and HTML in shipbuilding and aircraft industries


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JavaScript, HTMLinshipbuilding and aircraft industries

Unification effective method to decrease diversity. Aim for unification is to place elements in particular order building strict system which is comfortable to use.

(c) Wikipedia

Unification never stops

Try to distinguish
modern Boeing and Airbus

Do you enjoy unified lamp holders? It was not like this in the beginning, but...

Only best solutions survive

Unification in UI development

We develop software for 60 years. There is no unification for UI technology yet.

HTML/JS is good enough to expandit`s limits


Electronic Flight Instrument System

What is EFIS?

How does EFIS look like?


Reliability and standartization

Decreases development cost with standardization of development flow and technologies stack.

Network accessability

HTML driven EFIS systems are easier to share via computer network. This is highly valuable in the age of remotely controlled drones.

Shorter development cycle

Moving responsibility for rendering from indicator developer to a well-tested browser core shortens development cycle.

New horizons

New career opportunities for front-end developers and basis for new qualitative leap for these industries.

HTML5 EFISsamples

More flexible layouts for EFIS
Sample layout

Instruments as components spreading via new kind of market
Deployment sample

Components as JS classes:
new AttitudeIndicator('#leftColumn1')

More interactivity
EFIS interactivity sample

Sensors data

Accessing data from JavaScript

Getting altitudevar altitude = window.sensorsData.altitudeSensor.altitude;

Getting current coordinatesvar longtitude = window.sensorsData.gpsSensor.longtitude;var latitude = window.sensorsData.gpsSensor.latitude;

Similar approach is being successfully used to access native resources in PhoneGap and Adobe Air.

Artificial horizon development

Choosing from HTML/CSS stack

Just few moving parts;

Key frame animations are absent.

Smooth indication of roll and pitch.

Performance tuning

CSS transitions

GPU transformations

Smallest possible amount of DOM modifications

Avoiding memory leaks


Arguments of constructorcssSelector specifies element for indicator deployment;

autoUpdate optional boolean argument defines will indicator use HTML5 Orientation API or not. If it is true Orientation API is enabled, otherwise value should be sent with updateAngles(horizontalAngleDegrees, verticalAngleDegrees) method.

Attitude indicatorDemo


HTML/JS is adult enough;

HTML/JS indicators are quite competitive;

New job opportunities for developers;

New kind of market for entrepreneurs;

New era for aircraft and shipbuilding industries.

Pixels Commander
aka Denis Radin

PixelsCommander.comE-Mail: denis.radin@gmail.comTwitter: PixelsCommander

HTML flight instruments repository

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