JavaFX in Action Part I


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JavaFX in Action
Part I

Hossein Rimaz
K.N. Toosi University of Technology

Table of Contents

Why JavaFX and Use Cases

JavaFX App Architecture

Hello World

JavaFX Shapes

Recursive Graphic

Quick Introduction to Java 8 Lambda

Event-Driven Programming

Design Patterns and Observer

Properties & Bindings

Simple Graph Editor

Why JavaFX and Use Cases

History of JavaFX Using Google Trends

JavaFX Script1.0



Where can you use JavaFX?

Basically everywhere!Desktop Applications

Mobile (with Gluon Mobile)

Web Application (require plug-ins but JPro doesnt need any!)

Embedded System (even ARM)

JavaFX App Architecture

JavaFX Application Life cycle

Each JavaFX application needs to extend the javafx.application.Application class, which defines the life cycle of an application.

Application.init() can be used to define and prepare everything before the application starts.

Application.start(Stage stage) is called to start the application. This method should be used to define the complete application and its view by adding a scene that defines the main window of the application.

Application.stop() is called once the application is closed.

Structure of a JavaFX Application

Strange Names?

Not at all!Think about it as a theater stage!
You have a stage; actors (Nodes) come into the scene and going out of it. And well this is a play, scene goes in and goes out!Just as simple as it is!

Hello World

Creating a JavaFX Application

Final Result

That was a simple hello world that probably you have no idea about it!But the result is actually pretty!

JavaFX Shapes

JavaFX Shapes

Well, lets start a little bit simpler.Lets just draw lines!

Be careful about what package you are importing!

JavaFX Shapes

How about adding some loops?

Final Result

More Shapes

Recursive Graphics

Recursive Graphics

You learned recursive programming and now you can apply those techniques to achieve stunning visual arts!

Drawing a Tree

Source code at:

Sierpinski Carpet

Source code at :

Quick Introduction to Java 8 Lambda

Java 8 New Features

Lambda expressions

Method references

Default Methods (Defender methods)

A new Stream API.


A new Date/Time API.

Nashorn, the new JavaScript engine

Removal of the Permanent Generation

and more

Lambda Expression

A primary goal of lambdas is to help address the lack in the Java language of a good way to express functional programming concepts.


There are two ways to specify lambda expressions. The following simple examples illustrate the general forms:

(param1, param2, ...) -> expression;

(param1, param2, ...) -> { /* code statements */ };

Another thing to note is that parameters can be optionally typed. The compiler will infer the type of the parameters depending on the context.

Why Lambda?

In event handling lambda expressions will makes our codes shorter and more expressive.

Now you can understand NetBeans starter code better.

Event-Driven Programming

What is Event-Driven Programming?

Until now, you may only wrote your programs in imperative way. Your code flow was deterministic and run line after another.

Event-driven programming is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events such as user actions (mouse clicks, key presses), sensor outputs, or messages from other programs/threads.

Event-driven programming is the dominant paradigm used in graphical user interfaces and other applications that are centered on performing certain actions in response to user input.

Simple Example

Simple scenario: mouse goes in, performs a double click and goes out.

Design Patterns and Observer

What is Design Pattern?

In software engineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design.
A design pattern isn't a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.

Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms.

In addition, patterns allow developers to communicate using well-known, well understood names for software interactions.

GoF 23 Design Patterns

Creational patternsAbstract Factory


Factory Method



Structural patternsAdapter







Behavioral patternsChain of responsibility









Template method


Design Pattern and JavaFX

Well youve used many of them in your development without knowing their names.

Knowing about observer design pattern
can help you to understand
JavaFX Properties & Bindings and Its
Observable collections better.

If you want to learn more
Please read this book:
Java Design Patterns by Vaskaran Sarcar

Observer Design Pattern

GoF Definition: Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

Concept: In this pattern, there are many observers (objects) which are observing a particular subject (object). Observers are basically interested and want to be notified when there is a change made inside that subject. So, they register themselves to that subject. When they lose interest in the subject they simply unregister from the subject. Sometimes this model is also referred to as the Publisher-Subscriber model.

Computer World Example

In the world of computer science, consider a simple UI-based example, where this UI is connected with some database (or business logic).
A user can execute some query through that UI and after searching the database, the result is reflected back in the UI. In most of the cases we segregate the UI with the database.
If a change occurs in the database, the UI should be notified so that it can update its display according to the change.

UI Patterns

Graphical user interfaces have become a familiar part of our software landscape, both as users and as developers. Looking at it from a design perspective they represent a particular set of problems in system design - problems that have led to a number of different but similar solutions.

When developing GUI applications you will inevitably encounter UI architectural framework concepts such as model view controller (MVC), model view presenter (MVP), or model view view-model (MVVM).

Properties & Bindings

Properties & Bindings

Properties are basically wrapper objects for JavaFX-based object attributes such as String or Integer. Properties allow developers to add listener code to respond when the wrapped value of an object has changed or is flagged as invalid. Also, property objects can be bound to one another.

Binding behavior allows properties to update or synchronize their values based on a changed value from another property.

Types of JavaFX Properties



JavaFXs properties are wrapper objects holding actual values while providing change support, invalidation support, and binding capabilities.

Some Property


Output:StringProperty Value = password1observable = StringProperty [value: 1234]oldValue = password1newValue = 1234


binding has the idea of at least two values (properties) being synchronized. This means that when a dependent variable changes, the other variable changes.

JavaFX provides many binding options that enable the developer to synchronize between properties in domain objects and GUI controls.

Types of JavaFX Bindings

Simple Binding

Bidirectional Binding


Binding String length to a Integer Property

Simple Graph Editor

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