iOS Development (Part 2)



Use of TextField, Label, Sliders and Switch buttons Handling ActionSheet and Alerts Application Delegates Handling ActionSheet and Alerts Application Delegates UIApplication Delegates View Controllers Life Cycle of Application & Methods ARC iPhone App Development Training Programme (contd.)

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Goals of the Lecture

Use of TextField, Label, Sliders and Switch buttons

Handling ActionSheet and Alerts

Application Delegates

Handling ActionSheet and Alerts

Application Delegates

UIApplication Delegates

View Controllers

Life Cycle of Application & Methods


Application Delegate

A delegate is an object that acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object when that object encounters an event in a program. The delegating object is often a responder object—that is, an object inheriting from NSResponder in AppKit or UIResponder in UIKit—that is responding to a user event. The delegate is an object that is delegated control of the user interface for that event, or is at least asked to interpret the event in an application-specific manner.

These objects are designed to fulfill a specific role in a generic fashion; a window object in the AppKit framework, for example, responds to mouse manipulations of its controls and handles such things as closing, resizing, and moving the physical window.

UIApplication & Delegates

View Controllers

View controllers are a vital link between an app’s data and its visual appearance. Whenever an iOS app displays a user interface, the displayed content is managed by a view controller or a group of view controllers coordinating with each other. Therefore, view controllers provide the skeletal framework on which you build your apps.

iOS provides many built-in view controller classes to support standard user interface pieces, such as navigation and tab bars. As part of developing an app, you also implement one or more custom controllers to display the content specific to your app.

Life Cycle & Methods


When Apple switched the default compiler from GCC to LLVM recently, it stopped being necessary to declare instance variables for properties. If LLVM finds a property without a matching instance variable, it will create one automatically.


Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a new feature of the Objective-C language, introduced with iOS 5, that makes your life much easier.

It’s no longer necessary to release objects. Well, that’s not entirely true. It is necessary, but the LLVM 3.0 compiler that Apple started shipping with iOS 5 is so smart that it will release objects for us, using a new feature called Automatic Reference Counting, or ARC, to do the heavy lifting. That means no more dealloc methods, and no more worrying about calling release or autorelease.

ARC is very cool, but it’s not magic. You should still understand the basic rules of memory management in Objective-C to avoid getting in trouble with ARC. To brush up on the Objective-C memory management contract, read Apple’s Memory Management Programming Guide at this URL: tual/MemoryMgmt/


It is an important feature of any object-oriented programming environment and the iPhone SDK is no exception to this rule. Subclassing allows us to create a new class by deriving from an existing class and then extending the functionality. In so doing we get all the functionality of the parent class combined with the ability to extend the new class with additional methods and properties.


@interface Superclass : NSObject {

int v;


- (void)initV;


@implementation Superclass

- (void)initV {

v = 20;



@interface Subclass : Superclass {

int w;


- (void)displayVars;


@implementation Subclass

- (void)initW {

w = 50;


- (void)displayVars {

NSLog(@"v is %d, w is %d", v, w);




int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

Subclass *sub = [[Subclass alloc] init];

[sub initV]; // Inherited method & ivar

[sub initW]; // Own method & ivar

[sub displayVars]; // Inherited method [sub release];

[pool drain];

return 0;



v is 20, w is 50

Action Sheet and Alert

Action sheets are used to force the user to make a choice between two or more items. The action sheet comes up from the bottom of the screen and displays a series of buttons. Users are unable to continue using the application until they have tapped one of the buttons. Action sheets are often used to confirm a potentially dangerous or irreversible action such as deleting an object.

Alerts appear as a blue, rounded rectangle in the middle of the screen. Just like action sheets, alerts force users to respond before they are allowed to continue using the application. Alerts are usually used to inform the user that something important or out of the ordinary has occurred. Unlike action sheets, alerts may be presented with only a single button, although you have the option of presenting multiple buttons if more than one response is appropriate.

Conforming to the Action Sheet Delegate Method

In order for our controller class to act as the delegate for an action sheet, it needs to conform to a protocol called UIActionSheetDelegate.

@interface BIDViewController : UIViewController <UIActionSheetDelegate>

Other parameter allow you to add more buttons\

E.g otherButtonTitles:@"Foo", @"Bar", nil

Switching Views

presentModalViewController and presentViewController

Other different techniques to switch views

- view overlapping

- navigation controller

Navigation Controller

The main tool you’ll use to build hierarchical applications is UINavigationController. UINavigationController is similar to UITabBarController in that it manages, and swaps in and out, multiple content views. The main difference between the two is that UINavigationController is implemented as a stack, which makes it well suited to working with hierarchies.

A stack is a commonly used data structure that works on the principle of last in, first out.


A computer stack follows the same rules:

 When you add an object to a stack, it’s called a push. You push an object onto the stack.

 The first object you push onto the stack is called the base of the stack.

 The last object you pushed onto the stack is called the top of the stack

(at least until it is replaced by the next object you push onto the stack).

 When you remove an object from the stack, it’s called a pop. When you pop an object off the stack, it’s always the last one you pushed onto the stack. Conversely, the first object you push onto the stack will always be the last one you pop off the stack.

Setting Up the Navigation Controller

Add property in main app delegate file

@property (strong, nonatomic) UINavigationController *navController;

Then implement

self.navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:self.viewController];

User push or pop, when needed: [self.navigationController pushViewController:foo animated:YES];


First, what’s a Table View in iPhone app? Table View is one of the common UI elements in iOS apps. Most apps, in some ways, make use of Table View to display list of data.

The best example is the built-in Phone app. Your contacts are displayed in a Table View.

Another example is the Mail app. It uses Table View to display your mail boxes and emails. Not only designed for showing textual data, Table View allows you to present the data in the form of images. The built-in Video and YouTube app are great examples for the usage.

UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource

The UITableView, the actual class behind the Table View, is designed to be flexible to handle various types of data. You may display a list of countries or contact names. Or like this example, we’ll use the table view to present a list of recipes. So how do you tell UITableView the list of data to display? UITableViewDataSource is the answer. It’s the link between your data and the table view. The UITableViewDataSource protocol declares two required methods (tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath and tableView:numberOfRowsInSection) that you have to implement. Through implementing these methods, you tell Table View how many rows to display and the data in each row.

UITableViewDelegate, on the other hand, deals with the appearance of the UITableView. Optional methods of the protocols let you manage the height of a table row, configure section headings and footers, re-order table cells, etc. We do not change any of these methods in this example. Let’s leave them for the next tutorial.





Tab Bar App

No more windows.xib file

Add ThirdViewController subclassing UIViewController

Add DetailViewController subclassing UIViewController

#import "ThirdViewController.h"

Create new class object

ThirdViewController *navController = [[ThirdViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ThirdViewController" bundle:nil];

Create Navigation instance

UINavigationController *nav=[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:navController];

@class Directive

The @class directive sets up a forward reference to another class. It tells the compiler that the named class exists, so when the compiler gets to, say an @property directive line, no additional information is needed, it assumes all is well and plows ahead.

@Classs Vs
