Introduction to node.js by jiban



Its a presentation about node.js. Here I have covered the basic things of node.js. Like what is node.js how it can be used. and explanation about some node.js frameworks

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Introduction To

Prepared ByJiban


• What is Node.JS• Event Driven• Blocking Vs. No Blocking• What can I do in node• Install node.js• A simple node.js example• Create a web Server using Node.js• Some node.js frameworks• A demo with express.js• Who Uses node.js

What is Node?

• JavaScript based software system• Event driven• Non- blocking• Launched in 2009• Founded by Ryan Dahl

I/O Event-loop based server

• A tale about bunnies, hamsters and Squids…

A hamster visiting your site

Single threaded bunny

(a happy bunny)

Your web server

Impatient hamsters

Single threaded bunny

Your web server

(a busy bunny!)

Multi-threaded bunny

Your web server

Fetching database (2s)

Consuming Service (3s)

Writing to a file (3s)

Event-loop based server

Hyperactive squid

Constantly check who is idle doing nothing or waiting

Node.js runs on the event loop

• The event loop keeps on running. Checking for new events, so it can call callbacks for those events.

Blocking vs. Non-Blocking

Doctor’s Surgery vs. Fast-food Outlet

Doctor’s Surgery(Blocking Process)

Fast-food Outlet (Non-blocking Process)

Non-Blocking? Blocking? I’m so confused

• By introducing callbacks. Node can move on to other requests and whenever the callback is called, node will process is.

• You should read non-blocking code as « put function and params in queue and fire callback when you reach the end of the queue »

• Blocking= return Non-Blocking= no return. Only callbacks

Well, That’s Node.js

What Can I Do in Node?

• Anything you want!• Chat servers, Analytics & Crazy fast backends• library is a wicked way to build real

time apps• Build a social Network! LinkedIn, Dropbox all

using Node.js

Using Modules

• In node.js require(‘ ’) is using a lot.• Require is basically a way to import modules

to your application. Modules are basically classes.

• They are a module of code that contain functions which have been exported.

• Exported functions are basically public.

Install node.js

• Go to the NodeJS home page• Click install to download the .msi installer

package• Run it and follow the instrucitons, you now

have NPM (node package manager) and Node.js installed

• Reset your computer to get everything working in your command-line interface (CLI)

A simple node.js applicationvar http = require("http");

var server = http.createServer();server.listen(8888);

function say(word) { console.log(word);}

function execute(someFunction, value) { someFunction(value);}

execute(say, "Beautiful Bangladesh");

Creating a web server with


var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':

'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }).listen(1337, ""); console.log('Server running at');

Node.js Frameworks

Node.js is one of the most popular javascript framework that allow to build scalable network web applications. Node.js contains a different kind of frameworks such as MVC framework, full-stack framework, REST API and generators, lots of libraries as server library that making it possible to sun a web server without use of external software such as Apache and Lighttpd. These frameworks makes it more user-friendly and easy to use, also supports a large number of features and functionality to develop huge web applications in just follow few steps.


Sails is one of the excellent framework that make it easy to develop custom, enterprise-grade and modern Node.js apps, also it’s good for building charts, dashboards and multiple games.


Total.js is another great framework for Node.js helps to create web pages and web applications, also supports MVC architecture. This is the open source modern framework for building websites using HTML, javaScript and CSS.


Partial js, framework for Node.js, Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript developers can build large scale of web applications and websites. Features and architecture are same as total.js.


This framework for Node.js is designed by team of Express. Koa.js is next generation tool, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.


Locomotive supports MVC pattern, RESTful routes also builds on Express. This is one of the most powerful web framework for Node.js, present great features : -1) convention over configuration2) Routing Helpers3) MVC Architecture4) connect to any Database and more.


Most Popular web framework for Node.js over the internet and among web developers. Using robust set of features developers can create single and multi-page, and hybrid web applications.


Flatiron.js is also a modern and next generation web framework for developers that helps to building impressive and huge web application with its advance features. is realtime web framework for Node.js. And also supports MVC architecture for create web applications.

Socket Stream

Socket stream is dedicated to building real time single page applications with its fast and modular nature.


Geddy.js is simple, structured and original MVC web framework for Node.js for building advance web application.


Create An Application Using


Companies using node,-Applications,-and-Companies-Using-Node

Thank you