In-Depth SEO Recommendations for B2B Companies


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In-Depth SEO: Recommendations for B2B Companies Strategies for staying one step ahead of the rest

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#wm123 @webmarketing123

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Want to learn more?

Contact us for a complimentary SEO Analysis. Details at

end of webinar.

Housekeeping Items

#wm123 @webmarketing123

1 Survey the Scene

Understand the current search climate

2 Develop a Winning Content & Marketing Strategy

Follow content best practices to distinguish your voice

3 Measure the Impact

Attribute visitor activity & conversion rates to deals / losses

Webinar Agenda

#wm123 @webmarketing123

1 Survey the Scene

Understand the current search climate

2 Develop a Winning Content & Marketing Strategy

Follow content best practices to distinguish your voice

3 Measure the Impact

Attribute visitor activity & conversion rates to deals / losses

Webinar Agenda

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Source : Webmarketing123 2011 Digital Marketing Survey

Over 500 B2B and B2C marketers indicated that SEO makes the biggest impact in achieving their digital marketing goals

1 What Marketers Are Saying

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Courtesy: SEOmoz

Search engine use is growing rapidly

1 Where Are You Ranking?

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Currently, there are more

than 3 billion

searches/day on Google

Courtesy: SEOmoz

Search engine use is growing rapidly

1 Where Are You Ranking?

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Problem Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decisions


Search marketing aims to broaden and shorten the sales funnel

1 How Search Affects Your Bottom Line







- SEO: Broad/generic keyword searches

- Display advertising

- Email marketing

- Social media

- Brand names

- Remarketing

- Search advertising

- Search marketing

- Model numbers

- Branded terms

#wm123 @webmarketing123

1 Create B2B Full Funnel Digital Visibility Understand the sales funnel and how to make it run smoother

Introducer Influencer Influencer Closer

Organic – Non Branded

“CRM Software”


“Company Name”

Email Marketing Campaign

Direct “Bookmarked”

#wm123 @webmarketing123

1 Why Digital Marketers Need This Full Funnel Digital Visibility

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Insight Tools: Capitalize on terms that drive the most qualified traffic

1 Is Your Site Attracting the Right Audience?

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Evaluate search trends by industry, brand, or demographic

1 Select the Best Keywords with Insights

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Turn to Google’s own data to discover the best keyword opportunities

1 Engage in a Competitive Keyword Analysis

#wm123 @webmarketing123

1 Survey the Scene

Understand the current search climate

2 Develop a Winning Content & Marketing Strategy

Follow content best practices to distinguish your voice

3 Measure the Impact

Attribute visitor activity & conversion rates to deals / losses

Webinar Agenda

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Develop a “mapping” document that targets 3-5 keywords per page

2 Target Keywords To Each Page

#wm123 @webmarketing123

What needs to happen: Google needs to know how your pages fit


How to accomplish:

• Carefully structure internal linking

• Create content silos

• Establish crawling pathways through a clear navigation structure

2 Create Content Silos Develop a thematic structure for search engine crawls

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Main Elements Consist of:

a) Page Title

b) Description

c) And sometimes… Keywords

What is it?

2 Use Meta Content

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Main Elements Consist of:

a) Page Title

b) Description

c) And sometimes… Keywords

What is it?

2 Use Meta Content

Facebook Groups: B2B Lead Gen

Keywords in the First or Second Position of the Page Title Have the Highest Impact!

Include descriptive keywords and phrases in page titles

2 Use Meta Content

#wm123 @webmarketing123

• Continue to churn out fresh content for search engine spiders

• Add more content that includes your keyword phrases and is

composed in a natural writing style

• Work to engage your visitors in your products and services:

• Blogs

• Press Releases

• Articles, Whitepapers, and More

2 Reuse Important Content If you have good content, don’t stop refreshing it across your site!

#wm123 @webmarketing123

2 Create Inbound Links Links from other highly relevant websites, back to yours

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Why SEO matters

2 SEO is a Means to an End





Lead and





#wm123 @webmarketing123

1 Survey the Scene

Understand the current search climate

2 Develop a Winning Content & Marketing Strategy

Follow content best practices to distinguish your voice

3 Measure the Impact

Attribute visitor activity & conversion rates to deals / losses

Webinar Agenda

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Monitor improvement of your keyword rankings against competitors

3 View Ranking Improvement

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Problem Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decisions


How many visitors do we

get to our site?

What is our ratio of new vs. returning


How many people fill out our “Contact

us” form?

What are our most popular webpages?

What is my Average Order Value (AOV)?

What keyword searches led to visitors to

our site?

A few metrics we can track with website analytics programs

3 Use Analytics To Get the Best Reporting

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Filter out “branded” traffic

Measures effectiveness of SEO program

3 Track Organic Traffic

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Set up Goals

• Define conversions for your business goals

• Set your goal values

• Analyze which keywords are leading to more

conversions and work to strengthen them in your

links and content

• Consider removing poor-performing keywords from

your campaign

• Observe where visitors abandon the goal path and

analyze the data to determine why

Ties SEO effectiveness to lead and sales flow

3 Track Goal Conversions

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Measure SEO effectiveness by identifying keywords that drove the best conversions and sales

3 Identify Successful Keywords

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Gauge your ROI by tying analytics & conversion data to closed deals

3 Calculate Your Digital ROI

Allows for 360 tracking from initial keyword search to closed opportunity by uncovering

data from Analytics and CRM into unified view.

#wm123 @webmarketing123

• Identify the specific personality, perceptions, and needs of

your customers through research of online trends and insights.

• Develop a winning content and marketing strategy to

distinguish your business’ presence online against your


• Measure the impact of your SEO efforts by defining which

keywords drove the most business to your company and your

annual revenue goals.

Key Takeaways

Thank You!

#wm123 @webmarketing123

Contact Us about Qualifying for a Complimentary Analysis

- “Cost of the Problem” Analysis: Discover the cost of not

ranking in the top positions on search engines. How much

revenue is being lost to competitors with the best rankings?

- Competitive Report: Find out where you rank against your top

competitors and what tactics they’re employing

- ROI Tracking: Detailing the keywords and sources that visitors

are using to discover your website and if those visitors are

converting into leads and sales

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