I know Java, why should I consider Clojure?



Avram Aelony presented this talk in SBJUG on September 27 2012. To introduce Clojure as a powerful JVM language and look at Clojure from a value-added perspective for those that already know Java. The recorded talk can be found at - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhMCX8xwjo8

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Introducing Clojure as a powerful JVM language from a value-added perspective for those that

already know Java.


“Okay, I know Java, why should I consider Clojure?”

A little about me

● Avram Aelony● My programming language evolution● Notes about evangelism

● use the language you prefer “whenever, wherever...” like Shakira says

● How I came to Clojure


● Standing on the shoulders of giants, luminaries● This is a HUGE topic● The Good news:

● There are MUCH better (explained, comprehensive, deeper) talks on this topic than mine

● I will reference them● Should you remain unconvinced by this talk, there

are inumerable resources online that may be somewhat more convincing

Audience survey

● Java ?● Clojure ?● Other functional language?● Other JVM language?

Utility● Why is Clojure useful if you know Java?

● It adds to what you know● Provides simplicity, concision, more


Grand tour

● Idea is to go into the Rationale and introduce Clojure along the way

● Mostly about the Why rather than the How● ... some How as well...

Preliminaries and Similarities

Source: "Clojure-Java Interop: A Better Java than Java" http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Clojure-Java-Interop


"I wanted: A Lisp for Functional Programming symbiotic with an established Platform designed for Concurrency."

- Rich Hickey, creator of Clojure


Break down

1. A Lisp

2. for Functional Programming

3. symbiotic with an established platform

4. designed for Concurrency

Break down

1. A Lisp

2. for Functional Programming

3. symbiotic with an established platform

4. designed for Concurrency

A Lisp

● Dynamic typing● Homoiconic: Uniform, elegant syntax● Expression oriented: Symbolic expressions● Lambda calculus: variable binding● Macros● Code as data● Data as code

Clojure Data Structures

● Lists '( 1 2 3 4 )● new insertions go to the front

● Vectors [ 1 2 3 4 ]● new insertions go to the back

● Maps { :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4}● Sets #{ :a :b :c :d }

● implemented as k/v where k=v.

Data Structures

Persistent Data Structures

Immutable Data● So how can things change?

● New things can be created● Underlying structure is shared wherever possible● only connections change

Immutable Data + Structural Sharing

Phillip Potter http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/persistent-data-structures-in-clojure


function that returns true only when symbols are in fact the same object.

Collections Abstraction

● Vectors, Maps, Sets can be thought of as Collections.

● Most functions that work on one data structure will work on any other.

● Easy to change from Vector to Map to Set with minimal refactoring of functions.

Sequences and Collections

● seqs are persistent and immutable● seq function● lazyiness, lazy application● seq interface



Homo = Same, Iconic = representation

Anonymous Function syntax

Fizz Buzz

Print the numbers from 1 to N

If a number is divisible by 3, print "Fizz" instead

If a number is divisible by 5, print "Buzz" instead

If a number is divisible by 3 and 5, print "FizzBuzz" instead

Fizz Buzz

S-Expressions, data as code

as seen in The Joy of Clojure

S-Expressions, data as code

● John McCarthy● assign symbolic names to clojure data● trees of expressions, each of which returns a

value● functions can be assigned to vars● def, fn, defn



● Why Macros?● to arrange code differently

– Threading macros -> and ->>– infix versus postfix– dot and dot dot macros for Java interop

● to remove or reduce boilerplate code

“The whole language is always available. There is no real distinction between read-time, compile-time, and runtime. You can compile or run code while reading, read or run code while compiling, and read or compile code at runtime.”

“Running code at read-time lets users reprogram Lisp's syntax; running code at compile-time is the basis of macros; compiling at runtime is the basis of Lisp's use as an extension language in programs like Emacs; and reading at runtime enables programs to communicate using s-expressions, an idea recently reinvented as XML. “

What Made Lisp Different http://www.paulgraham.com/diff.htm


● “Clojure compiles all code you load on-the-fly into JVM bytecode, but sometimes it is advantageous to compile ahead-of-time (AOT).”


Code as Data

Code as data, Data as Code

Break down

1. A Lisp

2. for Functional Programming

3. symbiotic with an established platform

4. designed for Concurrency

Functional Programming

● tools to avoid mutable state, data● referential transparency ● functions are first class objects● emphasizes application of functions● emphasizes recursive iteration ● encourages higher-order functions


Referential Transparency

● expressions can be replaced with their value without changing the behavior of the program

● easier to reason about programs

“... can help in proving correctness,

simplifying an algorithm,

assisting in modifying code without breaking it,

or optimizing code by means of memoization,

common subexpression elimination or parallelization.” -wikipedia


Higher Order Functionsmap is an example of a higher order function, since it applies another function to a collection.

juxt is a higher order function that juxtaposes the values that result from the application of one or more functions.

Not exactly what we want without map

Higher order functions allow for great flexibility in re-shaping data.

Break down

1. A Lisp

2. for Functional Programming

3. symbiotic with an established platform

4. designed for Concurrency

JVM as host platform

● Interop as built-in syntax● Java libraries easily used from Clojure● e.g. Hadoop, Apache libraries, anything in a

Maven repo, etc..

Java InteropClojure Java

Constructor (Widget. “foo”) new Widget(“foo”)

Instance members (.nextInt rnd) rnd.nextInt()

chaining access (.. person getAddress getZipCode) person.getAddress().getZipCode()

(.getZipCode (.getAddress (person.)))

static member access Math/PI Math.PI

Host Platforms

● JVM● CLR / .NET● Javascript via Clojurescript

Break down

1. A Lisp

2. for Functional Programming

3. symbiotic with an established platform

4. designed for Concurrency

Designed for Concurrency

● “I don't usually share State, but when I do...”● Must explicitly use special symbols, functions to

share mutable State. ● Easier to use concurrency safely in Clojure

Designed for Concurrency

● Asynchronous - the request to update is queued to happen in another thread sometime later. The thread that made the request can continue immediately.

● Coordinated - reads and writes to multiple refs can be made in a way that guarantees no race conditions.

● Retriable - work is speculative and may have to be repeated.

Concurrency vs Parallelism

● Parallelism -

partitioning of one task into multiple parts, each that run at the same time

● Concurrency -

execution of disparate tasks at roughly the same time, sharing a common resource

mutation a la carte● Available are

Shared? Asynchronous? Coordinated? Retriable?

Refs yes no yes yes

Agents yes yes no no

Atoms yes no no yes


● Software Transactional Memory (STM)● (dosync ... )● STM uses Multiversion Concurrency Control

– marks the old data as obsolete and adds the newer version

– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiversion_concurrency_control


● mutable references to objects● can only be changed within a transaction (TX)

● (dosync ...)

● no locks. no chance of a deadlock.● MVCC ensures snapshot isolation, each TX gets its

own view of the data it is interested in.● each TX is oblivious to other TX's.● all ref modifications succeed or none do● If TX2 commits a change while TX1 is working, it may

cause TX1 to be retried.


commuteThis fn should be commutative, or, failing that, you must accept last-one-in-wins

behavior. commute allows for more concurrency than ref-set.





compare-and-set! - sets atom to new value if and only if current value of the atom is identical to the old value.



● Libraries● REPL programming● Leiningen

● project.clj

● No IDE required, but many choices


● Java libraries● Maven etc...

● Clojure libraries● clojars.org

Web: Ring, Noir, HTML: Hiccup, EnliveHadoop: Cascalog, Statistics: IncanterSQL: Korma, CQL, Riak: WelleOffice Documents: docjure& more...

REPL via Leiningen] lein new clj-excel && cd clj-excel

now edit file “project.clj”

] lein deps && lein repl

REPL via Leiningen] lein deps

] lein repl

Reading an Excel file Excel file “sample.xlsx”

Reading an Excel file

IDE's and editors

● Any editor with syntax highlighting will do

● Your favorite Java IDE likely has a Clojure plugin

● What do most folks use?


1,372 responses were received over 7 days. Anounced via Twitter & Clojure mailing list (~6700 recipients)

That was a whirlwind grand tour...

Thanks for listening!

(def email {:name “aaelony” :domain “@gmail.com”})