How to choose the right web host: 10 questions to ask



Are you looking for a web host? Here are the 10 questions you need to ask yourself and the hosting providers.

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10 questions to ask when you are looking for a web host

Slides by Jerry Low |

10 questions to ask when you are looking for a web host

1. What are my hosting needs?

• What kind of website am I building – blog/forum/eCommerce?

• Do I need Windows applications?

• Am I comfortable to manage the entire server myself?

• Do I need a special version of software (ie. PHP)?

• Does my website need a special software?

• How big (or small) can the web traffic volume go?

• How much money do I have for the hosting service?

• Do I need private SSL and a dedicated IP?

First of all, you need to understand your hosting needs. Questions to ask yourself before you proceed:

2. What is your uptime record?

3. How many addon domains?

Domain names are cheap – so cheap that it is hard to resist not owning more than one. In fact, most webmasters own dozens of domain names these days. To host these domains, you will need extra hosting space. And this is why it is important to have a hosting account that allows adding multiple domains. Generally, most hosting companies allow at least 25 addon domains in one account nowadays but you can never be sure. Some years ago I was careless and signed up on a web host that allows only one domain. And, I was holding more than 10 parked domains at that time! Do not repeat my mistake – always check the domain capacity before you make a purchase.

4. Can I upgrade my server in future?

Generally speaking, there are four different types of web hosting: Shared, Virtual Private Server (VPS), Dedicated, and Cloud Hosting. While all types of hosting servers will act as a storage centre for your web content (html files, videos, audios, images, apps, databases, etc), these hosting options differ in the amount of storage capacity, control, technical knowledge requirement, server speed, and reliability; and have it very own pros and cons.

Shared web hosts are pretty powerful these days. But if you expect your website to grow really big in next two or three years, then you should consider picking up a web host with room to grow. By grow, I mean upgrading your web host – from shared hosting to VPS to dedicated server – for more processing power, memory capacity, disk storage, and better security features.

5. What is your renewal price?

6. What is your refund policy?

• Do you charge cancellation fees?

• How do I get back my domain ownership when I cancel?

• How long does it take to process account cancellation?

7. Do you support __________?

• Name the server features you need, such as Cron Jobs, Auto Script Installer, .htaccess, Server Side Include, etc.

8. e-Commerce features?

•Are you running an e-commerce website? •Do you need to process business transactions on your website? •Are you using any specific shopping cart software?

If yes, then it is important for you to pick a web host with sufficient e-commerce features support. SSL certification, dedicated IP, and one-click shopping cart software installation are some of the essential features/supports you will need.

8. What your server limitations?

Ask: • What will cause my accounts being suspended?

9. Is your hosting service green?

10. Which control panel are you using?

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