Homegrown on silicone_mesa



Presentation from Andrew Stone (http://stone.com/Twittelator/index.html) to NMTC's Tech Thursday on Local App Development (3/10)

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Home Grown on Silicone Mesa

How Indies can help jump start the NM Tech revolution

Andrew Stone, @twittelator

Andrew Stone, indy

1989: First 3rd Party NeXT App TextArt

1990: First 3rd Party Design/Page layout Create®

1991: First 3rd Party flatfile DataPhile

1997: Create® first app for Rhapsody aka Mac OS X

2002: StoneWorks first indy creative suite for Mac OS X

2008: First free adless Twitter client Twittelator

Cocoa Conspiracy

A homegrown loosely affiliated bunch of iPhone & iPad developers - and wannabe’s welcome

Sometimes, it’s more about social interaction for nerds

Every Thursday 8:30 - 11am RB Winnings 111 Harvard

Cocoa Conspiracy

And here is the story of how it began...

We live in #nm but we can take on work from anywhere


What we can help you with

iOS Development and Ruby Development

Hooking you up with work and other projects

Bring your code and questions

All volunteer because it’s about people not money

Ruby Tuesday

Server-side of iOS programming

First and third Tuesday’s, 6-8pm OneUp 301 Central

They can help you select a Belgium Ale

Needed Skills for iOS Apps

User Interface designer

UIKit ObjectiveC programmer

Database programmer for server side

HTML 5/CSS web design skills

Marketing/Schmoozer/Public Relations

Funding: Self or Venture?

Venture Capital Pro’s

Use other people’s money

Enough capital for marketing

Venture Capital Con’s

They own you

You may have to wear a suit and goatee

Funding: Self or Venture?

Self Pro’s

You own it all

You can win big

Self Con’s

You might starve

You still have to market it

Guerrilla Marketing 101

Can’t afford advertising? No Problem!

Using Twitter and Facebook - crowdsource the news!

All you really need is chutzpah (shameless audacity)

Join updates@cocoaconspiracy.com


Learning UIKit: watch Apple’s videos

Take & modify the sample apps Apple provides

You get stuck: google method name - stackoverflow.com

Tons of free components at github.com

Join in!

Thursday, 9-11am, RB Winnings at 111 Harvard SE


