[HetRec2011@RecSys]Experience Discovery: Hybrid Recommendation of Student Activities using Social...



The aim of the Experience Discovery project is to recommend extracurricular activities to high school and middle school students in urban areas. In implementing this system, we have been able to make use of both usage data and data drawn from a social networking site. Using pilot data, we are able to show that very simple aggregation techniques applied to the social network can improve recommendation accuracy.

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Experience Discovery: Hybrid Recommendation of Student Activities using Social Network Data

Robin Burke, Yong Zheng, Scott Riley

Web Intelligence Laboratory

College of Computing and Digital Media

DePaul University

Problem Service organizations offer many educational

programs and activities for youth

Participation (especially by underprivileged youth) is low

Even though these are the individuals who would benefit the most

How to get better participation?

not just a recommendation problem

The Role of


Need for personalization

Many diverse activities

from basketball to poetry to robots to knitting

Low tolerance for imprecise results

Need for system initiative

user research shows that students are unlikely to

search and browse

To “pull” opportunities

system should “push” suggestions

we are considering mobile platforms

Partners Digital Youth Network

service organization focused on the creation of digital media

Nichole Pinkard


school-based online social network

affiliated with DYN

Chicago Learning Network

consortium of museums and non-profits

Chicago Public Schools


MacArthur Foundation

Gates Foundation

Experience Discovery:

Research opportunities

Full cycle observation

activity enrollments

activity attendance


post-activity rating, tagging, reviewing

Social network data

uploading of digital media

browsing / commenting behavior

friend / follower connections

Research question 1

There are multiple important knowledge sources

past enrollment history

content data

social network data

log data

Mixed vs integrated hybrid recommendation

should different knowledge sources be integrated in

making recommendations?

or should recommendations of different types be

presented side-by-side?

Research question 2 Activities sometimes have a logical planned sequence

Video editing I -> Video editing II

Sometimes they are sequenced idiosyncratically

Digital photography -> Zoo explorer I

Educational goal

increase both depth and breadth of student participation

The role of “curricula”

how can recommendations be used to increase both breadth and depth of student involvement?

what is the role of top-down vs bottom-up sequences in recommendation?

Research question 3

Dynamics of interest

students mature a lot between 11 and 18

old activities may lose their appeal

Dynamics of offerings

activities change from year to year and season to season

may not be explicit

Coping with change

how can we ensure that recommendations don’t lag student interest?

how to detect and respond to program changes?

Research question 4

Students aren’t the only ones with questions

Service providers can get value, too

what activities should I offer and where?

how do my offerings compare to other groups?

what needs are not being met?

Analytics and recommendations for service


what can we provide that is helpful and



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Initial experiments

Data (2 schools)

226 students

32 activities

3800 records

(now adding ~2000 enrollments and ~50 activities / month)


collaborative / binary

collaborative / pseudo rating

content-collaborative meta-level hybrid

plus behavioral descriptors


Some activities are attended multiple times

evidence of strong interest


book discussion group

Normalize to user’s profile

weight for activity a = # of times attending a / total


Can we normalize in other ways?

take into account how often something was offered

Meta-level hybrid

Use course topic descriptors

13 choices

health, music, visual arts, etc.

activities may include several topics

Build a topic profile by summing over descriptions

of all activities

Compare users based on topic profiles

rather than attendance data

Adding social network data

Extracted 10 features from the social network

counts of uploaded media types

overall level of activity

Used feature combination

content profile

behavior profile

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Temporal leave-one-out evaluation

see Burke, 2010

Look at a user’s experience over time

looking at users divided by

# of enrollments (profile size)

profile diversity (# of different enrollments)

Need to do more research

Hybrid 2 works best for large, diverse users

Doesn’t matter what you do for non-diverse users


We are in the early stages here

Eager to get our hands on bigger data

Many research questions

Would like to hear ideas


Questions / Comments / Ideas
