GPU - how can we use it?



this presentation covers some general topics about current GPU architecture, how one can use it, how one can code on this...

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Bartłomiej Filipek

How does this work? General architecture Advices Tools

The lecture will not cover the technical details about the gpu, it shows only overview needed to understand current technologies and standads.


BUS Commands, Textures,

Vertices, Shaders, Data…



3D Api (DirectX/OpenGL)


Vertex Processing

Fragment Processing




Vertex Processing

Fragment Processing


Vertex units

Pixel units

As we can see, previous architectures matched vertex/fragment „fixed” chain… so at the beginning all the data was processed in „vertex units” and then it was moved to fragment units.

SISD – Single Instruction Single Data

Standard way… one instruction is being executed per single data.

SIMD – Single Instruction Multiple Data Instruction is being executed per several data –

like for one 4D vector (128 bits)

MIMD – Multiple Instructions Multiple Data Parrarel processing!




k d




ed t





u n u s e d

Fragment units used

Vertex units used

Effect that uses a lot vertex processing

u n u s e d

Fragment units used

Vertex units used

Effect that uses a lot fragment processing


Effect that uses a lot vertex processing

Vertex units used

fragment units used


Effect that uses a lot fragment processing

fragment units used

vertex units used

Vertex units/Fragment units and their quantities were fixed – we had N vertex processors, and M fragment processors, but now we have unifed architecture. That means that we have K units that can process vertex and fragments… there is no difference between them.

Shared memory

Stream processors


As we can see there are no vertex/fragment units… instead there are stream processors that can handle both vertex and fragments… and even more.

Scalars… not Vectors!

Stream processor uses only one data per instruction.

But we have a lot of SP!

SP gives far more great flexibility.


SIMT – Single Instruction Multiple Threads

New architecture - NV DX11, OpenCL Miltithreaded Rendering

Rendering commands can be called from difrent threads

3 000 000 000 transistors! End of 2009? End of winter 2010? Never?

Double precission callculations cost twice as much as float, not ten times as it was before!

Debugging – one can debug gpu directly from VisualStudio

Unified Shader

Geometry Shader

Vertex Shader

Fragment Shader

CUDA OpenCL DirectX Compute ATI Stream

General-purpose computing on graphics processing units

Kernels – code that will be executed on the

GPU Not only graphics but also:

Physics ▪ Fluids ▪ Collisions ▪ N-body simulations…

Financial Speach/Pattern recognition Phenomena modelling – weather… Neural nets AI

Use as few as possible: calculations Huge textures – mimpaps instead interpolators Data Rendering state changes Dynamic Vertex Buffers Textures… use texture atlases maybe Texture fetches

Use more: Batches Triangle stripes

Use Maths

Reduce calculation on uniform vars!


Uniform sphere:

p = sqrt(Rx^2 + Ry^2 + (Rz + 1)^2) =

sqrt(Rx^2 + Ry^2 + Rz^2 + 2Rz + 1);

R vector is normalized so: Rx^2 + Ry^2 + Rz^2 = 1

p = sqrt(2 * (Rz + 1)) = 1.414*sqrt(Rz + 1)

half4 main(float2 diffuse : TEXCOORD0,

uniform sampler2D diffuseTex,

uniform half4 g_OverbrightColor) {

return tex2D(diffuseTex, diffuse) * g_OverbrightColor * 3.0;


dot(normalize(N), normalize(L)) uses two sqrts!


(N/|N|) dot (L/|L|) = (N dot L) / (|N| * |L|) = (N dot L) / (sqrt( (N dot N) *

(L dot L) ) = (N dot L) * rsq( (N dot N) * (L dot L) )

Now we have only one sqrt – three dots are much cheaper than sqrt

Calculte this before it is send to the gpu!

Texture lookups:

~ 10 : 1 (ALU:Sampler)

Normalization cube map

Single „Dot” is not worth texture lookups…

But calculation of NormalDistribution… YES!

Early Z-Test

Depth-only Rendering, then full scene (for the second time)

Lighten number of attributes – „pack” them as possible. float4 myData is better than:

▪ float3 myDataOne; ▪ float1 myDataTwo;

But do not pack in interpolators

Use as few scalars as possible When vectors are packed no optimalizations can be performed

What do you really need?

Normal, binormal, tangent… no! You need only two of them! Binormal = normal _Cross_ Tangent

PerfKit •For DirectX mostly •Little support for OpenGL – via glExpert

PiX for Windows •Shows everything! But only for Windows, DirectX…

Similar to Pix, but for OpenGL… 800$ ;(


GLIntercept • OpenGL • free • log every call of opengl command • edit shaders in realtime • although it is a bit simple it has a powerful impact on debugging…

GPU ShaderAnalyzer • free, from AMD! • glsl/hlsl • shows number of asm instructions • ALU, TEX instructions, etc.. • bottlenecks

FXComposer, by NVidia

RenderMonkey by AMD/ATI

ShaderDesigner by TyphoonLabs
