Google adwords-ppc-reports-06.09.2012


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Google AdWords (PPC) Reports

Paid Search Traffic:

The total conversations were 118. Rather than all the other channels, the paid search channel is

amplified up to 49.15%. “Google ad word” is the paid search channel used in this project.

Goal Conversion Flow:

When ever a conversation takes place, a goal is reached. Here the term Conversion is nothing

but a form (booking form or an enquiry form) after submission; it displays a thank you page.

Thus this conversion from a form in to a thank you page is called conversion.

When ever the user fills the form and submits the query list, the admin will receive that as an

email or as a general form. Hence it is assumed that a goal is reached.

The image portrays that most of the conversation takes place only through PPC Google Ad

Word rather than Direct, Google Organic, Yahoo Organic and any others. Thus PPC is preferable

for optimizing the site than any other.

ROI Calculation

The Return on Investment (ROI) has been calculated in this image. In this project, the over all

ROI has increased up to 806.24%. , ROI differs depending upon the various factors of the

particular niche.

Ad Group & Keywords Performance:

We can view the ROI calculation for every single Keyword and Ad Group used. There by, we can

optimize the keywords based on the reach among the audience.

Quality Score Improvements:

This image gives a complete overview of the number of clicks before and after the Quality score


Initially, it was only two digit clicks with average budget 20pounds. But later after the

implementing the quality score, the number of clicks has been increased in to three digits but

with the same average budget of 20 pounds.


Goal Completion:

This image illustrates the goals achieved and the revenue gained by implementing PPC. We

assumed that each goal, costs $100. Hence for 125 goals, the value gained is $12500.00