Good morning!



Tour guide Trelew

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  • 1. PresentationGood morning!We are studentS from school 730. Our names are Agustina flores kevin weise,benjamin poitevin and ELIZABETH CASTILLO. In this presentation we willshow part of history and geography of Trelew. This presentation lastsapproximately 50 minutes. Try a walk around town, as we talk of our city, Trelew.

2. IntroductionTrelew city is in Chubut province (south of the country) about 19 km East of the capital ofthe province. Trelew is asmall city with a population of approximately 3. TehuelchesPatagonia was occupiedby natives calledtehuelchesThe tehuelches werepeople of great size.They were hunters ofguanaco, armadillo, etc.They had a nomad 4. WelshThey Arrived to Pt.Madryn in 1865Part of them remainedin Madryn and theothers moved toTrelew in search ofwater.They Found the River 5. FaunaIn the meseta we find many animal like a redand grey fox ,guanacos andues, maras,piches and skunk.If weGuanacos (Lama guanicoe) we can see sea lions,go to the coastmagallean penguin, elephant seals,cormoran, right whale, etc. Magallean penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) 6. FloraWe can see small bushes like a coiron zampa,coihue, jume, jarilla, etc. (Nothofagus dombeyi Coihue ryso phylla)Coiro n (Stipa chJarilla (Larrea ntida cavanilles)Zampa (Atriplex lampa Gill) Jume (Allenrolfea vaginata) 7. Economic resources The economic resources are based on Industrial parkomy. Today its economy is commercial and industrial. It is base on companies such as textile and mOther activity is tourism 8. In conclusionis all. Come to visit patagonia!
