Goo Create: Interface Overview


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Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.At the center of the Goo Create workspace you will find the canvas. An empty scene includes a default camera so you can easily pan, rotate and zoom in your published scene.

Rotate: Alt + Left Click

Pan : Shift + Left Click

Zoom : Scroll

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.

Play / Stop

Camera View Selection

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.

Frame Selection / Frame All

Toggle: Environment / Grid / Post Fx Shading Mode

Move / Rotate / Scale

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.The scene hierarchy on the right side of the Goo Create workspace displays all entities in the scene and parenting relationships.

Duplicate / Delete / Undo / Redo

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.

Toggle Search and Filter options

Show dependencies / Duplicate / Remove

The bin is a list of the different packs contained in your scene (every asset imported in your scene is in a pack). A pack can regroup all kind of assets (Models, Materials, Textures, Scripts, Sounds, Skyboxes).

Note: A pack is the way to re-use elements between different projects. You can create a new pack, drop what you want in it and export it to the asset library.

Create an empty asset pack

Clean the asset pack of all unused assets

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.By default the root entity of the scene will be selected and the left panel will display relevant information of your scene. Within the root entity you can change environmental settings such as skybox as well as post effects.

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.

Entity components

Each entity in the scene hierarchy consists of one or several components such as material, transformation and geometry. These can be accessed and manipulated in the left side panel after selecting an entity.

Controls such as shading mode, gizmo switch, camera selection can be found in the canvas menu.In the top bar you can navigate between projects, export your current scene, create geometric primitives as well as access the asset library.

Open creation popup

Open Timeline

Open Text EditorOpen Asset Library

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