Going Native With React


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Going Native With React

Next Generation Mobile Development

Mobile Revolution

A Giant Leap Forward for Consumers

A Huge Step Backwards for Developers and Product Organizations

Traditional Mobile Dev

Here Come the Hybrids

“Write once, deploy everywhere”

PhoneGap / Cordova

PhoneGap / CordovaA glorified webpage wrapped as an app

Use existing HTML5/JS/CSS knowledge

JavaScript API wrapper for native functionality

UX and efficiency at the mercy of mobile browsers



Compiles to native apps

Use existing C# knowledge

C# API wrapper for native platforms

Extremely clumsy developer experience, C# was once not very accessible

Better Development or Better UX

Choose Wisely.

React Native

Code in JavaScript

Style in CSS (Flexbox)

Create Components and Assemble

React Native

Hi, Old Friend…

React Native

Compiles to native apps + hot code deploys

Use existing React, JS, Flexbox knowledge

The React ecosystem and Developer Experience at your disposal

Breaking changes come quickly with new versions, tooling needs iteration

Still Native

Native-based libraries (e.g. Twitter Fabric)

Platform-specific packaging and releases

Integrating community-built plugins

“Learn Once, Write Anywhere”

“Write Once, Deploy Everywhere”




Success Stories

• http://tech.taskrabbit.com/blog/2015/12/17/react-native-launch/

• https://code.facebook.com/posts/1189117404435352/react-native-for-android-how-we-built-the-first-cross-platform-react-native-app/

• https://facebook.github.io/react-native/showcase.html

Everyone is Reacting

ReHacked Native!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

MacBooks highly recommended

Get to know React Native basics and how to use Redux with RN

Thank You!




