Front cover construction




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The programmes I will be using:

Adobe Photoshop CS3- I will be using this programme to edit images.

InDesign- I will be creating my magazine here.

The layout of this Vibe magazine is the basic layout I would like my magazine to follow as I feel it is very simple but still effective.


Box out with competition on it



Issue numberPrice Date





Main image

As you can see the layout very much follows that of the magazine opposite with a few of my own ideas.

Box out with freebie


Here is the background for my magazine, first I had to create it on Photoshop and then imported it on to InDesign, I have chosen a black background as I feel the typography will stand out and contrast well on top of it. Also black is a colour that is associated with hip hop as it represents style, wealth and authority (significant elements within hip hop).

In the top left hand corner I have decided to have a poster which will represent a freebie that will be present within my magazine. Freebies are an effective way of attracting the audience as they cause the audience to feel the excitement of receiving something new, this could as a result determine whether or not a magazine is brought . I firstly opened my picture on Photoshop where I edited it. Having edited it on photo Shop I saved it as PNG and placed it on to InDesign. After putting it on InDesign I had to play around with the angle until I felt it looked most effective. Here are the steps I took in producing the poster:

Firstly I opened my image on to Photoshop and erased the background. Continued on

next slide.

After this I applied a black background to the image. Also if you look closely you will be able to see a piece of thread on the face of my model which is hanging down from his cap, this looked very unprofessional and therefore jeopardised the chances of my magazine looking genuine, as a result of this I used the clone stamp to remove it. I cloned a part of his face and then used it to get rid of the thread.

I then added the posturize affect.

Finally I placed it on to InDesign.

When placing or adding something on to InDesign it is important to create a new layer, this makes it easier to delete or change a certain aspect of your magazine. I named each layer as this made it easier for me to identify the aspect of the magazine that needed changing or improvement.

Masthead- On other hip hop magazines the typography is usually quite bold and simple therefore I selected a font that I felt reflected this( Gills San Ultra Bold). I have used gold because it was one of the colours I have selected for my house style. Also gold is a colour that represents wealth and power therefore by making the mast head gold I believe it will cause my audience to feel like they are buying something that buys them in to this. Having coloured my font gold I applied the outer glow effect as I feel it caused the gold to stand and made it more glossy. I did this within InDesign by left clicking and then selecting the effects option. I created my mast head within InDesign as I have previously mentioned using the Gills Sans Ultra Bold font, after selecting the font I manipulated it by increasing the height by stretching the font.

As you can see here the Masthead is quite bold and simple.

I have created a box out creation within InDesign which I have decided to coloured red. This is because red is a colour which is bright and will catch the audiences attention. On this box out I added text about the freebie (the poster) . As I have mentioned before freebies are an effective way of attracting the audience. I then coloured the font which explained the freebie white as it stood out well on the red. I have used the font Gills sans Ultra Bold for the text referring to the freebie.


I placed the cover lines on the left third of the magazine following the codes and conventions. This causes the magazine to stand out while on the shelves and allows the audience to see the featured articles which play a part in attracting them. The articles on the cover of the magazine are another convention which play a huge part in attracting the audience as they allow them to be aware of the content inside the magazine. Therefore I had to make them short and snappy and something that sounded interesting and would cause the reader to want to read on and find out more. For the first article I used the name of my model who if genuinely famous in real life would attract the audience as it would be about somebody they admire. I varied the colour of the text to cause the article to look more diverse. For the first part of the article I left the inner part of the text black and added a gold out line, I felt this would draw the audiences attention. For the gold outline I used the outer glow effect on InDesign. After this “I wanna go solo” is in white as the contrasting colours cause the magazine to look more effective. Also to “I wanna go solo” I added a satin effect as I felt it made it look quite edgy and different reflecting the genre.

For the rest of my cover lines I varied the colours to enhance the appearance of my magazine causing it to look eye catching which would attract the audience. For the second cover line I again used the outer glow, as you can see there is a pattern of solid text and text with an outer glow. I feel this looks very effective.

Having selected the image I was going to use on the cover of my magazine I erased the back ground within Photoshop, I chose a picture I felt would be placed well on my magazine and portrayed a hip hop stars persona best. I knew the picture had to be extremely good and excellent quality as the main image of the magazine plays a huge part in the presentation of the magazine. After erasing the back ground with the magic wand tool I inverse selected it and then feathered it to give it a smoother finish allowing it to blend in to the background well. After doing this I saved my picture as a PNG ( so the background would be transparent) and imported it on to InDesign. On InDesign I played about with the positioning of my image, the idea was to have it placed so that it would be overlapping the masthead. This is because I had seen this technique used on a number of other magazines, and I feel it looks very effective.

Step 1- removal of the background

Step 2-Select inversing the image

Step 3- Feathering my image using a feather radius of twelve.

Finally I placed my image on to InDesign.

Here you can see the overlapping of the image on to the Mast head, this is what I have tried to incorporate on to my magazine.

I created a second box out on InDesign for the bottom of my magazine which I coloured red as I would after put a competition on it, I felt it contrasted well with the black and having it in red would again catch the readers attention. I varied the colour of the words limited edition Ipod as I had it in black instead of white like the rest of the text. I did this as I felt it emphasised the importance of the prize increasing its appeal to the audience.

As you can see here there is a blank space therefore I have decided to place something here.

I have covered this area by adding another cover line.

I placed the barcode in the bottom right hand corner of my magazine front cover in the portrait position, bar codes allow the magazine to be easily identified. Above the barcode I added the Issue number, date and price basic conventions which allows the audience to be aware of what they are buying. Adding these conventions was vital as they cause the magazine to look more professional and genuine.