FOSS vs. Web Services Lightning Talk: Is FOSS Necessary?



This was a lightning talk I gave at OSCON. Basically, trying to establish why the Open Cloud Initiative is necessary.

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Is FOSS Necessary?

Hi. I'm John Mark. I have opinions.

In a services world...

The interface is everything

Interfaces can hide / reveal

Interfaces can allow / deny

Interfaces can lock you in...

...or they can grant you freedom

...but they don't have to

It's not in an interface's immediate interest to grant

you more freedom

ie. make it easier for you to leave.

In fact, it's exactly the opposite

So, about free software

Does FOSS change this dynamic?

If free software is behind the interface...

You're still at the discretion of the interface

The interface doesn't care what's running behind it

...or in front of it

The interface doesn't care if your last name is Stallman...

...or Peters

...or DiBona


The interface is a friggin' robot...

With laser beams comin' out of its friggin' eyeballs...

In this scenario, free software doesn't matter

At least not in the way we currently think about it

Hi. I have opinions.

Like any robot, the interface is only as good as its creator

Or crappy.Choose your comparison.

What if service providers were compelled to be more


“By what?” you may ask.

By rules. Rules about data, service and API portability.

OMG! Free markets! Are you some kind of commie? DFH!


Dude. Rules are everywhere.

Rules make for stronger, viable, sustainable


And rules are not necessarily anti-business.

Japanese automakers voluntarily added new safety

features in the 80's

...even though it added to the cost of production

Did they go out of business? Lose market share?

No. In fact, they kicked ass.

In 1998, free software economy participants

published rules of engagement, known as the

Open Source Definition

...And it was a disaster. I mean, nobody uses Open

Source. Clearly, rules are bad for business.

Er... um... ok, that's not what happened.

Hi. I have opinions.

When some segment of industry or a particular

company bitches about new rules and regulations...

You need to check the source and their motivations

Because they're often wrong.

So when I say that we need rules to govern data, service

and API portability...

Pay close attention to those who don't agree.

So no, FOSS, as we currently know it, is not enough.

But something like FOSS....

Something that recognizes the rights of all participants...

Something that recognizes what is needed to establish a

viable ecosystem... necessary

Because if there's one thing we've learned...'s that good rules don't grow on trees.

...and neither do sustainable systems.

They happen because a lot of good people work really hard

to make them happen

And that is why I support...

The Open Cloud Principles and the Open Cloud Initiative

Open InterfacesOpen Formats

Open DataOpen Source

Open Interfaces → Open protocols, open API

Open Formats → ODF, Atom

Open Data → CC licenses, open knowledge

Open Source → Oh, come on