Firebase Adventures - Real time platform for your apps


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An enthusiastic Front end Engineer with over 7 years of experience, after his first CSS class devoted completely to Front End and UX.

Front end Engineer at madewithloveCaravana Web Founder GDG Casts and GDG Organizer Hybrid Enthusiast (Ionic & Firebase)

+JuarezPAFilho California Lover <3 Real time apps and more with Firebase by @juarezpaf

Build Extraordinary AppsA powerful platform for your mobile or web application

Real time apps and more with Firebase by @juarezpaf An introduction and overview of Firebase Real time apps and more with Firebase

Features will help you to build extraordinary Apps

Real Time Static HostingUser Auth Real time apps and more with Firebase

Data in your Firebase database is stored as JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client.

Automatically scales with your app

First-class security features

Works offlineReal Time

Features will help you to build extraordinary Apps

Mobile Offline Support Real time apps and more with Firebase

With Firebase, you can easily authenticate users from Android, iOS, and JavaScript SDKs in just a few lines.

Social Login (Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Google)

Handle user login entirely with client-side code

Integrate authentication with your existing backendUser auth

Features will help you to build extraordinary Apps Real time apps and more with Firebase

Deploy your web app in seconds with Firebase production-grade static asset hosting.

Deploy in seconds to

SSL by default

Manage and rollback deploysStatic Hosting

Features will help you to build extraordinary Apps

Hosting your extraordinary App in Firebase

Easily deploy and host your app's static assets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc) with Firebase production-grade hosting service.

All of your content is served over HTTPS and backed by a global CDN. Real time apps and more with Firebase Real time apps and more with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Cross-platform Apps Real time web apps and more with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Web Apps

v2.2.7 Real time web apps and more with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Web Apps

Check this 5 minutes tutorial which will teach you the basics of the Firebase JavaScript client

5 minutes

Quick Start Real time AngularJS apps with Firebase

Building Extraordinary AngularJS Apps


AngularFire is the officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase.

The combination of Angular and Firebase provides a three-way data binding between your HTML, your JavaScript, and the Firebase backend.

v1.1.1 Learn more

ReactJS is a framework for building large, complex user interfaces.

Firebase complements it perfectly by providing an easy-to-use, realtime data source for populating the state of React components. Real time ReactJS apps with Firebase

Building Extraordinary ReactJS Apps

ReactFirev0.4.0 Learn more

EmberJS is a framework for building ambitious web applications that utilizes auto-updating Handlebars templates, components, and routing with great URL support.

You can easily add a realtime backend to your Ember app with EmberFire, using Firebase with Ember Data. Real time EmberJS apps with Firebase

Building Extraordinary EmberJS Apps

EmberFirev1.4.7 Learn more

Backbone.js is a library that gives structure to web applications. This structure comes from components such as models, collections, and template views.

Firebase gives your Backbone app a realtime backend, by utilizing our official library, BackboneFire. Real time Backbone.js apps with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Backbone.js Apps


Polymer 1.0 has been rebuilt from the ground up for speed and efficiency. The new, leaner core library makes it easier than ever to make fast, beautiful, and interoperable web components

With the unofficial firebase-element you can bring all Firebase features to work with your Polymer app. Real time Polymer apps with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Polymer Apps


v1.0.1 Learn more

Ionic is a front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.

Because Ionic uses Angular, developers can use AngularFire to easily wire up a Firebase backend with an Ionic app.

Real time Ionic apps with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Hybrid Apps


Learn more

GeoFire is an open-source library that allows you to store and query a set of keys based on their geographic location.

GeoFire uses the Firebase database for data storage, allowing query results to be updated in realtime as they change. Realtime Geolocation queries with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Geo location powered Apps Real time apps and more with Firebase

Building Extraordinary Android Apps


Android Quick Start Real time apps and more with Firebase

Building Extraordinary iOS Apps


iOS Quick Start Real time apps consuming REST APIs with Firebase

Build mobile and web apps in minutes using any Firebase database URL as a REST

endpoint appending .json to the url Connect and automate your apps with Firebase and Zapier Partnership

Firebase works seamlessly with Zapier so you can add a whole new level of connectivity to

your Firebase without writing a single line of code. Case studies using Firebase to make extraordinary products

Companies and Developers using Firebase ♥

Incredible first experience. I was able to get a completely custom, embedded chat client running in 30 mins. I really couldn't imagine how this could be easier.

– Ryan Bubinski, Founder Codecademy

Yaaaay! Let’s create amazing products with Firebase Real time apps and more with @Firebase