Feb 21, 2012 Battle Against Cryptic Web Content w/ Chris Williams of Blue Ferret Communications...



Chris says, "When asked to address the Global Product Management Talk community, I thought, 'Great idea!' Every stage of the product lifecycle needs content. If content in one stage confuses management (or worse, customers), you've got extra problems. Luckily for all of us, the alternative is easy: Make sure your content is jargon-free & easy to understand. I'm happy to share my thoughts on how to do this!”

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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 1

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

From Chris’ website:

Battling Against Cryptic Web Content: Join Me for a Twitter Chat! Rejoice! I’m giving a talk February 21st on Confusing Content vs. Clear Content.

The talk is a Twitter Chat (plus audio), put on by the tireless folks at Global Product Management Talk. It’s been

titled, “The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content.”

(I didn’t come up with that, but I really like it!)

The Details: Who (Me), What (The Future of Web Content), Why (Because it’s Fun!)

Global Product Management Talk hosts a weekly combination radio show/Twitter Chat session. They discuss

product management, product marketing and related issues. Attendee numbers range from several dozen to the

several thousand, depending on the topic.

Cindy F. Solomon contacted me a while back. She was interested in having me speak about jargon, what I mean

by “Clear Content” and so on. Now who’d pass that up? Not this copywriter!

What We’ll Discuss: Jargon VS. Human in Content Creation

Like my blog, the focus will be on Clear Content (informal, more human-language web writing) and Confusing

Content (jargon, business-speak, The Insufferable Evil, call it what you will).

Chris says, "When asked to address the Global Product Management Talk community, I thought, 'Great idea!' Every stage of the product lifecycle needs content. If content in one stage confuses management (or worse, customers), you've got extra problems. Luckily for all of us, the alternative is easy: Make sure your content is jargon-free & easy to understand. I'm happy to share my thoughts on how to do this!”

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 2

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

It’s an interactive session – I’m here to talk about my work AND answer questions.

Will the B2B content standard shift toward human language in the future?

Will large companies fight for their business-speak?

Does the content’s voice influence buyer decisions?

All these questions are fair game. Log onto the Twitter Chat and join in the discussion!

How to Catch the Clear Content Chat

First, say that ten times fast. No, you don’t have to. Here’s how to take part in the Twitter Chat.


Go to http://www.prodmgmttalk.com for the full scoop on how to join in the FAQs.


Follow the hashtag #ProdMgmtTalk on Twitter. (You can also follow @prodmgmttalk @cindyfsolomon or myself

[@blueferret] on Twitter.)

If you want to hear me blather on, head to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/prodmgmttalk for the (live!) audio

stream, and follow for reminders of upcoming programs!

The chat will start on Tuesday, February 21st at 3pm PST.

The official press release is here: http://bit.ly/zc3CI1

Tune in on Tuesday at 3. And bring your content questions!

Each week, The Global Product Management Talk is a real time event featuring an expert guest speaker who asks questions of the participants on Twitter in a Socratic discussion, with a simultaneous audio discussion broadcast over BlogTalkRadio. The transcript of Tweets and podcast are available for on-demand consumption on the web and mobile devices.

Podcast: http://bit.ly/xdtQ6e

Links: http://bit.ly/yt1D0R

This week is sponsored by the AIPMM, The Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM) http://www.aipmm.com

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 3

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

Chris Williams, @blueferret, Professional Copywriter, Advocates Writing Web Content In A Language People Actually Understand Chris Williams switched from IT administration to copywriting in 2002. He is a free lancer focused on Web Writing - creating content for websites, case studies, emails and other marketing material. Along the way he's written for everyone from tech companies to off-the-wall startups to defense contractors. He blogs about "Confusing Content" (the jargon-choked business pages we hate reading) and "Clear Content" (human-language content that, surprise surprise, actually markets well!) at http://www.blue-ferret.com Chris actively tweets as @blueferret The use of jargon to pump up a business' importance is no longer valid. (And frankly, really tiresome.) Terms like "thought leader" are misleading. They imply hierarchies which don't really exist on the Web. No one benefits from having to decipher cryptic business websites and product descriptions. Corporate people are desperate to be addressed as human beings. Let’s discuss alternatives to heavy jargon use and stiff "business-y" content. Doesn't it make more sense to use human language to market to humans? How do you think content should develop along these lines? QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Q1: Please introduce yourself, where you're tweeting from & your involvement with #prodmgmt Q2: What was the last business webpage you saw that read like it a human being wrote it? Q3. When you see a webpage or email choked by jargon and stiff language, do you accept it as "just another business necessity" or do you go somewhere else? Q4. Should business content use a formal or an informal "voice"? Q5. Will B2B content become more casual in the future, or will B2B companies stick to their jargon-loaded guns? Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? Q7. If large companies stick to using "business-speak" and jargon on their websites, will it hurt them in the future? Q8. Would the voice of a website's content (webpage, case study, white paper) influence your decision on whether or not to work with that company?

TWEET CHRONOLOGY Join Global Product Management Talk! http://linkd.in/jRmwRx Never participated in a twitter chat? FAQs http://t.co/Qr2s1o0O Learn How to participate in Socratic Twitter Talk via Global Prod Mgmt Talk http://t.co/nV2DZflo

Learn about Tweeting Best Practices and Twitter Talk FAQs http://t.co/8WzU7LSf

Can't participate on Twitter? Listen to the podcast! Follow Us on BlogTalkRadio http://t.co/rgVn1HbN

Put it on your calendar! #prodmgmt Speaker Schedule (through April!) http://t.co/xJ9kLkSb

What is the Global Product Management Talk? http://t.co/WxgIN6Oz

When is the best time/day for you to participate on Twitter? http://t.co/Wzt7Lb96

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 4

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

globalnpd RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Resources for tomorrows chat w/@blueferret Collection of background

resourceshttp://t.co/00iTluMD #prodmgmttalk -3:12 PM Feb 20th, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @globalnpd Teresa, look forward to your joining us

w/ @blueferret tomorrow! http://t.co/PmVgWACh #prodmgmttalk-4:02 PM Feb 20th, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk 1. Tweet answers to pre-posted questions 2. listen to live audio broadcast discussion of your answers

http://t.co/00iTluMD #prodmgmttalk -9:43 AM Feb 21st, 2012

cindyfsolomon Today! http://t.co/cTtk9RZw @TwtrChat411 starts at 3:00pm PST

w/ @blueferret @ProdMgmtTalk @cindyfsolomon@brainmates #prodmgmttalk -11:16 AM Feb 21st, 2012

johnnewbury_ A nightcap for product managers. Join#prodmgmttalk tonight 23:00 GMT 'The Battle Against Cryptic Web

Content' w/ @blueferret #prodmgmttalk -11:59 AM Feb 21st, 2012

cindyfsolomon @PCAustin Check out @Storify story: "Product Camp Austin

8 #PCATX" http://t.co/WPQOyafG #storify #pcatx#prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk -1:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Please retweet: Chronological Transcript of tweets from #pcatx @PCAustin 8 http://t.co/OeWwJ0AU

#prodmgmt by@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk -1:34 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Coming up in 45 minutes! Today Battle Against Cryptic Web Content w/ @blueferret Listen

Live!http://t.co/AUBw43Gd #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk -2:17 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Global #prodmgmttalk will be starting at 10am Sydney time today. Listen here: http://t.co/hOAL6OOT and

participate http://t.co/7mo8icC0 -2:44 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Global #prodmgmttalk will be starting at 10am Sydney time today. Listen here: http://t.co/5a6v8Sau and

participatehttp://t.co/xPJBYlq2 -2:44 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Review the questions and the resources for the Global#prodmgmttalk chat here: http://t.co/Elr304Cz -2:48 PM Feb

21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @nickcoster starting at 10am Sydney time today. Listen here: http://t.co/2Md4k6O9 and

participatehttp://t.co/4Gr9ye0Y #prodmgmttalk -2:48 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs RT Join Global Product Management Talk!http://t.co/TrtPdOim Never participated in a twitter chat? FAQs

http://t.co/fbK4rfiK #prodmgmttalk -2:56 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Put it on your calendar! #prodmgmt Speaker Schedule (through May, 2012) http://t.co/xJ9kLkSb

#prodmgmttalk-2:57 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 5

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk Welcome @johnnewbury_ Hope you can listen to us now! http://t.co/TnVSp2WT #prodmgmttalk -2:58 PM Feb

21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Today's speaker Chris Williams @blueferret switched from IT administration to copywriting in

2002 #prodmgmttalk -2:59 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Intro to today's speaker Chris Williams @blueferretfocused on Web Writing, content for websites, case studies,

emails #prodmgmttalk -3:00 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates brainmates Global Product Management Talk has started! Listen here: http://t.co/5a6v8Sau and

participate http://t.co/xPJBYlq2 #prodmgmttalk -3:03 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk This is @cindyfsolomon tweeting from the SFBAy Area #prodmgmttalk -3:05 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster A1) I am Nick Coster, Director of @brainmates in Sudney Australia. I run our #prodmgmt training

eventshttp://t.co/vZZVKOSO #prodmgmttalk -3:05 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates A1) I am Nick Coster, Director of @brainmates in Sudney Australia. I run our #prodmgmt training

eventshttp://t.co/oLcGKraw #prodmgmttalk -3:05 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Welcome Chris Williams, @blueferret, our speaker discussing Clear Content #prodmgmttalk -3:06 PM Feb 21st,


ProdMgmtTalk Q1: Please introduce yourself, where you're tweeting from & your involvement with #prodmgmt #prodmgmttalk-

3:07 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Q2: What was the last business webpage you saw that read like a human being wrote it? #prodmgmttalk -3:07

PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Q2: What was the last business webpage you saw that read like a human being wrote

it?#prodmgmttalk -3:07 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Q2: What was the last business webpage you saw that read like a human being wrote

it?#prodmgmttalk -3:07 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster A2) I really love @MailChimp and @Manpacks. They are fun, personal and don't get stuck on their

technology.#prodmgmttalk -3:08 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates A2) I really love @MailChimp and @Manpacks. They are fun, personal and don't get stuck on their

technology.#prodmgmttalk -3:08 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 6

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk A2: @blueferret says website for @spotify new music service from UK, just debuted in US example like person

talking to you #prodmgmttalk -3:08 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Chris (@blueferret) loves http://t.co/Jf9iEKng because it sounds like there is a real person just talking to the

user.#prodmgmttalk -3:09 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Chris (@blueferret) loves http://t.co/5iZE0Rq4 because it sounds like there is a real person just talking to the

user.#prodmgmttalk -3:09 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk We're analyzing http://t.co/RYZozJea an iTunes competitor using down to earth language to talk to potential

users#prodmgmttalk -3:09 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @brainmates: A2) I really love @MailChimp and@Manpacks. They are fun, personal and dont get stuck on

their technology. #prodmgmttalk -3:10 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk We're discussing how great web content doesn't discuss how product is made or even what it does=just what

visitor cares about #prodmgmttalk -3:12 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Value in education as content strategy - always good to educate, but not necessarily right away on first

impression of website #prodmgmttalk -3:12 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Discussing tone of voice used by @mailchimp - powerful system, well laid out - consistent human (chimp) voice

through out #prodmgmttalk -3:14 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @MailChimp managed to keep things simple - to make complex easy - without dumbing it down #prodmgmttalk -

3:14 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret RT @ProdMgmtTalk: We're discussing how great web content doesn't discuss how product is made, just what visitor

cares about #prodmgmttalk -3:15 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Manpacks - "because you've got better things to do" sells men's underwear problem... men don't want to buy

underwear or socks #prodmgmttalk -3:15 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk A lot of startups recognize that even though they're B2B focussed going against big budget companies - still 1-1

human tone #prodmgmttalk -3:18 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk A lot of startups recognize that even though they're B2B focussed going against big budget companies - still 1-1

human tone #prodmgmttalk -3:18 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 7

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

nickcoster The communications challenge is to make the complex simple without treating the reader like an

idiot. #prodmgmttalk -3:18 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates The communications challenge is to make the complex simple without treating the reader like an

idiot. #prodmgmttalk -3:18 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @nickcoster: The communications challenge is to make the complex simple without treating the reader like an

idiot.#prodmgmttalk -3:19 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret encounters old timers who know what workd 20 years ago - but havnt kept pace w/new language of

web#prodmgmttalk -3:19 PM Feb 21st, 2012

michelbesner RT @brainmates: The communications challenge is to make the complex simple without treating the reader like an

idiot.#prodmgmttalk -3:20 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret RT @ProdMgmtTalk: A lot of startups recognize - even B2B focused are using a 1-1 human tone #prodmgmttalk -3:20 PM

Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Are businesses restricted from using a more formal communications tone? Does this create a communications

barrier?#prodmgmttalk -3:20 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Welcome @michelbesner ! We're also broadcasting live http://t.co/AUBw43Gd #prodmgmttalk -3:21 PM Feb 21st,


ProdMgmtTalk Founder of @copyblogger "Give info until it starts to hurt" which works well = people tend to be

lazy... #prodmgmttalk-3:22 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret Which is easier: training sales staff to preach jargon, or let them build friendly relationships with

customers? #prodmgmttalk-3:23 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs RT @ProdMgmtTalk @copyblogger "Give info until it starts to hurt" which works well = people tend to be

lazy...#prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk -3:23 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @blueferret: Which is easier: training sales staff to preach jargon or let them build friendly relationships w/

customers? #prodmgmttalk -3:23 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Thank you to our sponsor @AIPMM Join webinar tomorrow: 7 Key Tips to Commercialize Product

Innovationhttp://t.co/1i0RPrUh #prodmgmttalk -3:24 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs Let/enable people to build relationships, it is a much more genuine way of communicating #prodmgmttalk -3:26 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 8

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

brainmates Great communications makes it engaging and fun to read. It is does not require effort. It creates value for the reader.#prodmgmttalk -3:26 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Not providing context is indication that company had specialist write content instead of writer #prodmgmttalk -3:26 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @KellyBurroughs: Let/enable people to build relationships, it is a much more genuine way of communicating#prodmgmttalk -3:27 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates RT @KellyBurroughs: Let/enable people to build relationships, it is a much more genuine way of communicating#prodmgmttalk -3:27 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates There is often an assumption that the reader shares the same knowledge as the writer. Rarely true, leaving the reader lost. #prodmgmttalk -3:28 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret says its a challenge to boil the complex down - but isn't challenging for writers who listen to the audience#prodmgmttalk -3:28 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Companies consider producing content itself as a cost center - focus on segmentation & toosl, ignore ROI for content, voice #prodmgmttalk -3:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

pug @KellyBurroughs Agreed. #prodmgmttalk -3:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @pug: @KellyBurroughs Agreed. #prodmgmttalk-3:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates People don't spend enough research and effort to create clear communications but they will spend on the graphic design. Oi! #prodmgmttalk -3:31 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Welcome @pug ! #prodmgmttalk -3:31 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Here's background for our discussion:http://t.co/00iTluMD You can listen here: http://t.co/AUBw43Gd#prodmgmttalk -3:32 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs RT @brainmates Ppl don't spend enough research & effort to create clear comm. but they will spend on the graphic design. Oi! #prodmgmttalk -3:33 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret RT @brainmates: People don't spend enough effort to create clear communications but they will spend on the graphic design! #prodmgmttalk -3:33 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 9

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk Q3. When you see a webpage or email jargony & stiff language, do you accept it as "just another business necessity" or leave? #prodmgmttalk -3:33 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates A3) I see it as a lack of understanding of that customer that is being targeted and the value that is being offered.#prodmgmttalk -3:34 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @brainmates: A3) I see it as a lack of understanding of that customer thats being targeted & value being offered. #prodmgmttalk -3:35 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret giving ex of email marketing piece w/screenshot of site & customer - took precedent over content, bad layout #prodmgmttalk -3:36 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Effective use of images and graphics can really help readability and support the message in the content.#prodmgmttalk -3:36 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs Stiff language make me leave.I don't enjoy talking to ppl who use stiff language,but will if have to-reading I have a choice! #prodmgmttalk -3:36 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates RT @KellyBurroughs: Stiff language make me leave.I dont enjoy talking to ppl who use stiff language, but will if have to.#prodmgmttalk -3:37 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @KellyBurroughs: dont enjoy talking to ppl w/stiff lang,but will if have to-reading I have a choice! #prodmgmttalk -3:37 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @KellyBurroughs Powerful point to make! Evry1 has a choice NOT to read your website - in person, might be more polite #prodmgmttalk -3:38 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Stiff language drives visitors away! They won't expend effort to understand what you're saying unless they get its relevance #prodmgmttalk -3:39 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Discussing the features vs. benefits = there is an audience seeking facts - but maybe not front page of website; support docs #prodmgmttalk -3:40 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? #prodmgmttalk -3:40 PM Feb

21st, 2012

blueferret We used to accept jargon-choked content from big firms; no alternative! Now we have alternatives for nearly everything. #prodmgmttalk -3:40 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 10

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk RT @blueferret: We used to accept jargon-choked content from big firms; no alternative! Now alternatives for nearly everything #prodmgmttalk -3:41 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk A6. @blueferret says Web content must NOT give away IP or tread on legal lines - but informal voice isn't legal issue necesrly #prodmgmttalk -3:42 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster A6) No. Even if you are informal you still need to be accurate, and true. In fact communications can benefit by jargon removal #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates A6) No. Even if you are informal you still need to be accurate, and true. In fact communications can benefit by jargon removal #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st,


ProdMgmtTalk Aim for good balance betw what content says AND how it says it. Don't let legal determine voice (HOW) or else legalz#prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret Make sure HR/Legal is okay with what your content conveys. But don't let them determine HOW your content conveys.#prodmgmttalk -3:44 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs Let/enable people to build relationships, it is a much more genuine way of communicating #prodmgmttalk -3:26 PM

Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Great communications makes it engaging and fun to read. It is does not require effort. It creates value for the

reader.#prodmgmttalk -3:26 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Not providing context is indication that company had specialist write content instead of writer #prodmgmttalk -

3:26 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @KellyBurroughs: Let/enable people to build relationships, it is a much more genuine way of

communicating#prodmgmttalk -3:27 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates RT @KellyBurroughs: Let/enable people to build relationships, it is a much more genuine way of

communicating#prodmgmttalk -3:27 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates There is often an assumption that the reader shares the same knowledge as the writer. Rarely true, leaving the

reader lost. #prodmgmttalk -3:28 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

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@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 11

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret says its a challenge to boil the complex down - but isn't challenging for writers who listen to the

audience#prodmgmttalk -3:28 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Companies consider producing content itself as a cost center - focus on segmentation & toosl, ignore ROI for

content, voice #prodmgmttalk -3:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

pug @KellyBurroughs Agreed. #prodmgmttalk -3:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @pug: @KellyBurroughs Agreed. #prodmgmttalk-3:30 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates People don't spend enough research and effort to create clear communications but they will spend on the graphic

design. Oi! #prodmgmttalk -3:31 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Welcome @pug ! #prodmgmttalk -3:31 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Here's background for our discussion:http://t.co/00iTluMD You can listen here: http://t.co/AUBw43Gd #prodmgmttalk -3:32 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs RT @brainmates Ppl don't spend enough research & effort to create clear comm. but they will spend on the

graphic design. Oi! #prodmgmttalk -3:33 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret RT @brainmates: People don't spend enough effort to create clear communications but they will spend on the graphic

design! #prodmgmttalk -3:33 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Q3. When you see a webpage or email jargony & stiff language, do you accept it as "just another business

necessity" or leave? #prodmgmttalk -3:33 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates A3) I see it as a lack of understanding of that customer that is being targeted and the value that is being

offered.#prodmgmttalk -3:34 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @brainmates: A3) I see it as a lack of understanding of that customer thats being targeted & value being

offered. #prodmgmttalk -3:35 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret giving ex of email marketing piece w/screenshot of site & customer - took precedent over content,

bad layout #prodmgmttalk -3:36 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Effective use of images and graphics can really help readability and support the message in the content.

#prodmgmttalk -3:36 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 12

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

KellyBurroughs Stiff language make me leave.I don't enjoy talking to ppl who use stiff language,but will if have to-reading I have a

choice! #prodmgmttalk -3:36 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates RT @KellyBurroughs: Stiff language make me leave.I dont enjoy talking to ppl who use stiff language, but will if have

to.#prodmgmttalk -3:37 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @KellyBurroughs: dont enjoy talking to ppl w/stiff lang,but will if have to-reading I have a

choice! #prodmgmttalk -3:37 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @KellyBurroughs Powerful point to make! Evry1 has a choice NOT to read your website - in person, might be

more polite #prodmgmttalk -3:38 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Stiff language drives visitors away! They won't expend effort to understand what you're saying unless they get its

relevance #prodmgmttalk -3:39 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Discussing the features vs. benefits = there is an audience seeking facts - but maybe not front page of website;

support docs #prodmgmttalk -3:40 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? #prodmgmttalk -3:40 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret We used to accept jargon-choked content from big firms; no alternative! Now we have alternatives for nearly

everything. #prodmgmttalk -3:40 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @blueferret: We used to accept jargon-choked content from big firms; no alternative! Now alternatives for

nearly everything #prodmgmttalk -3:41 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk A6. @blueferret says Web content must NOT give away IP or tread on legal lines - but informal voice isn't legal

issue necesrly #prodmgmttalk -3:42 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster A6) No. Even if you are informal you still need to be accurate, and true. In fact communications can benefit by jargon

removal #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates A6) No. Even if you are informal you still need to be accurate, and true. In fact communications can benefit by jargon

removal #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Q6. Does the law put a barrier on how informal web content can be? #prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Aim for good balance betw what content says AND how it says it. Don't let legal determine voice (HOW) or else

legalz#prodmgmttalk -3:43 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 13

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

blueferret Make sure HR/Legal is okay with what your content conveys. But don't let them determine HOW your content

conveys.#prodmgmttalk -3:44 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk According to @nickcoster Some people crave technical explanation but diff betw initial impression & factual

education #prodmgmttalk -3:45 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk 1. People must buy into your product - clear value proposition 2. once bought in, then want to learn

more#prodmgmttalk -3:46 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk 1. Initial marketing comunications = Pay Attention! 2. Let me tell you relevance 3. If you want to know more

(tech) go here #prodmgmttalk -3:46 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Three levels of product content identified by@nickcoster #prodmgmttalk -3:47 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret suggests that each level may be targeting a diff person with/in org i.e.1. end-user 2. subject matter

expert 3. VP #prodmgmttalk -3:48 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @blueferret underlines comments of 3 layers of content made by @nickcoster "Don't assume only 1 type person

listening" #prodmgmttalk -3:48 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Security products on top level 1. product will provide protection immediately 2. How will it do it/how much $ 3.

how implement #prodmgmttalk -3:49 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Start talking to human being and add details as conversation deepens #prodmgmttalk -3:50 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Q7. If large companies stick to using "business-speak" and jargon on their websites, will it hurt them in the

future?#prodmgmttalk -3:50 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Business communications will probably need to target multiple buyers in company to achieve a sale. #prodmgmttalk -

3:50 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Business communications will probably need to target multiple buyers in company to achieve a sale. #prodmgmttalk -

3:50 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk A8 degree of inertia - large comps slow to respond & change. ROI on content development not consistently

measured#prodmgmttalk -3:50 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk A8 large companies tend to say it and forget it - they develop content then don't revisit it or exploit it

appropriately #prodmgmttalk -3:51 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 14

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk A8 Jargon laced content really HURTs support and#custserv - people won't read/no time or patience for

boring...need help #prodmgmttalk -3:52 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Asking tech support that content was supposed to answer drains productivity & increases overhead costs - major

source of pain #prodmgmttalk -3:53 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret Confusing Content hurts companies in support too. If customers hate your content, they’ll call & eat up lots of staff

time! #prodmgmttalk -3:53 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk @NickCoster mentioning product lastpass - conveys benefits immediately, then provides tech details further

in#prodmgmttalk -3:54 PM Feb 21st, 2012

nickcoster Technology example of different communcations styles. LastPass - http://t.co/ZcGDcphL vs Tech pages

http://t.co/wEjQMN7Y #prodmgmttalk -3:55 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates Technology example of different communcations styles. LastPass - http://t.co/HUkMTFo0 vs Tech pages

http://t.co/cWY92KWi #prodmgmttalk -3:55 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Q8. Would voice of website content (webpage, case study, white paper) influence decision to work with that

company? #prodmgmttalk -3:55 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk If content uses clear language better than competitior - it shows up in research phase above others - provides

influence #prodmgmttalk -3:56 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret A company has no real influence on the Research stage of the buying cycle. But their content does. #prodmgmttalk -

3:56 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Thank you to our sponsor @AIPMM Join webinar tomorrow: 7 Key Tips to Commercialize Product Innovation

http://t.co/1i0RPrUh #prodmgmttalk -3:57 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Today's unedited transcript of tweets will be available in 1 hour: http://t.co/1hck73Jv #prodmgmttalk -3:58 PM Feb

21st, 2012

blueferret Clear Content: Human-language content, written to grow a conversation between you and your

reader. #prodmgmttalk #clearcontent -3:58 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Please visit our sponsor @AIPMM http://t.co/0vIDTERK to find out about the ProdBOK! #prodmgmttalk -3:58 PM Feb

21st, 2012

blueferret RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Today's unedited transcript of tweets will be available in 1 hour: http://t.co/W2YnX6pi #prodmgmttalk -3:59 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 15

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk Please follow & Thank our speaker Chris Williams@blueferret co-host @nickcoster of @brainmates &

@cindyfsolomon #prodmgmttalk -3:59 PM Feb 21st, 2012

brainmates When asked many companies don't actually know who their customers are. This effects the communications styles.

#prodmgmttalk -4:00 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret Confusing Content: Cryptic business-speak which sounds important, but just scrambles your reader’s

brain. #prodmgmttalk #clearcontent -4:00 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Web content will become real more time, more engaging & less jam packed with jargon & more human as time

goes by #prodmgmttalk -4:00 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs Another factor is the informal way of communication in social media,I think it has made informal more expected

in all content #prodmgmttalk -4:00 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @blueferret: Confusing Content: Cryptic business-speak sounds important, but just scrambles reader’s

brain. #clearcontent #prodmgmttalk -4:01 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret The BFC Primer on Clear Content: http://t.co/sVAP5tjw #prodmgmttalk #clearcontent -4:02 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Excellent point! RT @KellyBurroughs informal way of communication in socialmedia has made informal more

expected all content #prodmgmttalk -4:02 PM Feb 21st, 2012

KellyBurroughs Thanks everyone, enjoyable session! #prodmgmttalk-4:03 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret RT @KellyBurroughs: Another factor is the informal communication in social media, it's made informal expected in all

content #prodmgmttalk -4:04 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret A 30-Second Lesson in Clear Content from The Oatmeal: http://t.co/gNzrSWoK #prodmgmttalk #clearcontent -4:04 PM

Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Thanks everyone for a great session! Following are points from @blueferret We'll invite him back to address

Mobile Content #prodmgmttalk -4:05 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Make sure HR/Legal is okay with what your content conveys. But don't let them determine HOW your content

conveys @blueferret #prodmgmttalk -4:06 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Today's stats: 138 tweets generated 191,118 impressions, reaching an audience of 16,015 #prodmgmttalk -4:08 PM

Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 16

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

ProdMgmtTalk Thank you tweeters: @brainmates @blueferret @nickcoster @kellyburroughs @cindyfsolomon @pug

@michelbesner @johnnewbury_ #prodmgmttalk -4:09 PM Feb 21st, 2012

blueferret RT @ProdMgmtTalk: Thank you tweeters: @brainmates @nickcoster @kellyburroughs @cindyfsolomon @pug

@michelbesner @johnnewbury_ #prodmgmttalk -4:10 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk All content from today's talk will be captured here, including edited transcript & recap (to be created)

http://t.co/00iTluMD #prodmgmttalk -4:11 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Join us next week Mon, February 27 with Tom Evans @compellingmktr Assessing Gaps To Improve #prodmgmt &

#ProdMrktg Practices #prodmgmttalk -4:13 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk This week's talk brought to you by @AIPMM Join webinar: 7 Key Tips to Commercialize Product Innovation

http://t.co/1i0RPrUh #prodmgmttalk -4:15 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Get reminders of upcoming events! Follow Us on BlogTalkRadio http://t.co/rgVn1HbN #prodmgmttalk -4:17 PM Feb

21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Like Us on Facebook http://t.co/ppUFX3Kv Join Us on LinkedIn http://t.co/2SwZRb9y #prodmgmttalk -4:17 PM Feb

21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Speaker Schedule http://t.co/xJ9kLkSb Listen on iTunes http://t.co/j02YmpOL #prodmgmttalk -4:17 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Android App http://t.co/4owvOjDz Newsletterhttp://t.co/3bSifQnj #prodmgmttalk -4:17 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk Recaps http://t.co/Vpu05U2Z Blog http://t.co/yNqC2Ksu #prodmgmttalk -4:18 PM Feb 21st, 2012

ProdMgmtTalk RT @blueferret One big advantage of informal voice in content - it's easier to maintain throughout the sales cycle.#prodmgmttalk -4:20 PM Feb 21st, 2012

cindyfsolomon RT @blueferret Which is easier: training sales staff to preach jargon or let them build friendly relationships with customers? #prodmgmttalk -4:21 PM Feb 21st, 2012

cindyfsolomon RT @blueferret A B2B company COULD stick to their jargon-loaded guns and still succeed. But it wouldn't be due to the content #prodmgmttalk -4:21 PM Feb 21st, 2012

cindyfsolomon RT @blueferret Confusing Content hurts costs support too: If customers hate, they’ll call & eat up lots of staff time! #prodmgmttalk -4:22 PM Feb 21st, 2012

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our sponsor The Association of International Product Marketing & Management http://www.aipmm.com

Sponsor us http://bit.ly/gF0Tt3 Thank you.

@prodmgmttalk #prodmgmttalk http://www.prodmgmttalk.com/ 17

Transcript from Feb 21, 2012: Global Product Management Talk

Chris Williams, Blue Ferret Communications @BlueFerret

The Battle Against Cryptic Web Content

MAIL: http://bit.ly/ouZN8J FB:http://on.fb.me/ncKUD8 Site: http://bit.ly/dESAcb Hear: http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

cindyfsolomon RT @blueferret A company has no real influence on the Research stage of the buying cycle. But their content does... #prodmgmttalk -4:23 PM Feb 21st, 2012

cindyfsolomon RT @blueferret Clear Content = Human-language content, written to grow a conversation between you and your reader #prodmgmttalk -4:23 PM Feb 21st, 2012

Please visit our sponsor @AIPMM http://www.aipmm.com to find out about the ProdBOK ! Thank you Chris Williams @BlueFerret for SPEAKING today! Thank you Nick Coster @NickCoster @brainmates for co-hosting! Todays stats: 138 tweets generated 191,118 impressions, reaching an audience of 16,015

Join us next week Monday, Feb 27 for Unsucking Product Management & Product Marketing w/Tom Evans

@compellingmktr Find your time: http://bit.ly/zYsiQz Follow for Reminders! http://bit.ly/nbw9Yr

Global Product Management TalkTM is a weekly mini-product camp Socratic discussion of pre-posted questions with live audio of thought leader and co-hosts commenting.

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