Facebook Perro


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by myra riveraTECHNOLOGY COACH

So what's all the Hype?What exactly is Facebook®?

• Facebook® is a “social networking website”

• Facebook® is a free service that allows you to create an online page to connect with friends, family, or make new friends with anyone anywhere.

• On your Facebook® page you can share pictures, personal information , messages, videos , join groups and add applications.

History• Facebook® was founded in 2004 by Harvard

student Mark E. Zuckerberg with help from his

roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

• Facebook® was originally for Harvard students then expanded to other colleges then to anyone over the age of 18, and now currently to anyone 13 years of age or older.

• Company Overview:

“Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.”

Facebook® is a social networking website. You can access Facebook® by login into www.facebook.com

and this is what you will see….

What is Social Networking?Social Networking is defined as:

• A phenomena defined by linking people to each other in some way

by topicguru.com

• A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others

by wikipedia.com

• This is where people develop networks of friends and associates. It forges and creates links between different people. A social network can form a key element of collaborating and networking

by edublog.org

Lets find out more……

So what exactly is a Social Network?Lets found out, click below...

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You may ask….How can I be sure my students or child is safe on Facebook® or any

other social networking sites?

Lets explore…

Facebook® Advice for ParentsWhat you should know, click to find out..

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Privacy PolicyMajor points available on facebook.com:

1. You should have control over your personal information. Facebook® helps you share information with your friends and people around you. You choose what information you put in your profile, including contact and personal information, pictures, interests and groups you join. And you control the users with whom you share that information through the privacy settings on the Privacy page.

2. Children between 13-18

Facebook® recommends that minors 13 years of age or older ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet.

3. Sharing Your Information with Third Parties

Facebook® share your information with third parties under the following circumstances: 1) reasonably necessary to offer the service, 2) legally required or, 3) permitted by you.

Staying safe on Facebook®/ Internet

Available on www.facebook.com/safety/ :

Some important safety tips when using Facebook®: • Keep the amount of private information you post to a

minimum. • Never post information like your address, birthday, telephone

number, class schedule, or anything else that you would not want a stranger to know.

• Keep your password a secret• Make sure to adjust your privacy setting so only people you

want to review you page can• Be cautious about posting and sharing personal

information, especially information that could be used to identify you or locate you offline, such as your address or telephone number

• Block and report anyone that sends you unwanted or inappropriate communications

A Guide to Staying Safe on Facebook®/ Internet:

Major points available on www.facebook.com/safety/

• Facebook® strongly urges parents to talk to their children about the dangers they may encounter online, and to make sure their children are using Facebook® in a safe manner. Children must know that they should report any inappropriate or offensive Facebook® content to their parents and to Facebook® using the tools made available through the site.

• More information regarding Internet safety can be found on the following sites: OnguardOnline.gov WiredSafety.org Commonsense.com Ncmec.org TRUSTe.org ConnectSafely.org NetSmartz.org WebWiseKids.org

Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook®:


• It’s a social network- It’s a great way to keep in touch with friends and also make new friends. You can meet people with your same interest or hobbies, and even connect with people in your same field of study or job.

• Facebook® allows you to share information and photos, you can blog about a topic of interest, and you can also connect to other applications like, Twitter or Flickr.

• Facebook® allows people to connect, to learn from each other, to discuss issues, viewpoints and share advice. You can also join groups having similar likes and dislikes.


• Sharing too much private information could become a problem so share only what you are comfortable with sharing. Through your privacy settings you can control what you share.


Are their anymore advantages and disadvantages you can think of?

Fun Facts• Facebook® has over 200 million users

• Over 70% of Facebook® users are outside the United States

• The average person has 120 friends on Facebook®

• More than 3.5 billion minutes are spent on Facebook® each day

• The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older

• Slogan “Facebook® helps you connect and share with the people in your life.”

Questions?Hope you enjoyed this presentation…