Facebook Hashtags: 6 Hot Tips for Healthcare Marketers



Healthcare marketers are already starting to leverage Facebook hashtags to help their brands visibility and discoverability. If you're still not sure what to with hashtags on Facebook, here are 6 great tips to help you get started.

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Facebook #Hashtags: 6 Hot

Tips for Healthcare Marketers

Patricia Redsicker@predsicker


For healthcare marketers Facebook Hashtags are useful for search, and the discoverability of your brand.

Here are 6 Tips to Help You Get Started

#1. Experiment Strategically

Experiment with strategic hashtags (such as the ones you already use on Twitter) on your public Facebook posts.

People who are in your network will be able to search, see & click on your hashtag making it easier to discover your brand.

Remember – you’ve got to experiment to see what works!

#2. Use the Healthcare Hashtag Project

• Don’t re-invent the wheel trying to come up with new hashtags for your brand.

• Check out The Healthcare Hashtag Project created by Symplur.com.

• With over 2,500 healthcare hashtags on The Project, you should be able to find one or two that match your brand’s message.

#3. Add Hashtags to Facebook Ads

If you already use Facebook Ads or Promoted Posts, using brand-relevant hashtags will help to amplify your message.

#4. Understand Hashtag URL’s

• Each Facebook hashtag has it’s own unique URL e.g. www.facebook.com/hashtag/hcsm

• Drive traffic to that URL from other platforms to encourage more conversation on your Facebook page.

#5. Use Hashtags in mobile posts

• Even though they’re not yet enabled on mobile start using hashtags on your mobile postings to get you used to crafting strategic posts that will catch the attention of a growing mobile audience.

• Start now and you’ll be ahead of the game by the time other healthcare marketers get on board.

#6. Find influencers & competitors

• Use Graph Search to search for any hashtag and thus discover people, brands, competitors & even influencers who are leading those conversations.

• You can then monitor or respond to the conversations in a way that demonstrates your thought-leadership.

Patricia Redsicker is a healthcare content writer & content marketing strategist offering content & social media strategies that help healthcare organizations improve brand visibility, increase web traffic and generate quality leads.

To learn more about Patricia Redsicker visitwww.wordviewediting.com

Want to learn more about Facebook Hashtags for Healthcare Marketers?Read the full article here.
