Explore Yii Development with Yii Developer


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Yii Development Services


Yii stands for Yes It Is!

It is Open-source PHP 5 based high performance framework used for developing Web 2.0 applications

It is simple and easy-to-use

Cost and time effective

Advantages Of Yii

Ease Of Use

Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern

DAO/Active Record

Authentication and role-based access control


Theming and Skinning Mechanism

Form input and validation

AJAX-enabled widgets

Skinning and theming

Advantages Of Yii

built-in authentication authorization support

Supports Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N)

Layered caching scheme

Error handling and logging

Supports for Unit and functionality testing

Automatic code generation

Friendly with third-party code

Provides Extension library

Provides Detailed documentation

Contact Us

-----Probytes Software-----

Mobile: 020 652 62643Email: info@probytes.inWebsite: http://www.probytes.net/