Exam 1 Review


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Exam One

Review the life cycle of a typical moss plant by filling in the following blanks:

The dominant generation is the a)_____. Female gametophytes produce eggs in the b)______. Male gametophytes produce sperm in the c)________. Sperm d)_______ through the damp environment to fertilize the egg. The zygote remains in the archegonium and grows into the e)______, still attached to the female gametophyte. Spores are formed by the process of f)______ in the g)______. When shed, spores develop into the h)_______.

Adaptations for terrestrial life seen in all

plants are

A. chlorophylls a and b

B. cells walls of cellulose and lignin

C. Sporopollenin, protection and nourishment of

embryo by gametophyte

D. Vascular tissue and stomata

E. Alternation of generations

Bryophytes differ from all other land

plant groups because

a) Their gametophyte generation is dominant

b) They are lacking in gametangia

c) They have flagellated sperm

d) They are not embryophytes

e) Of all of the above

If a plant’s life cycle includes both a male and

a female gametophyte, the sporophyte plat

must be

a) Heterosporous

b) Homosporous

c) Homologous

d) Analogous

e) Megasporous

[Life cycle of a pine] Describe a pollen cone and the formation

of a male gametophyte.

[Life cycle of a pine] Describe a ovulate cone and the formation

of a female gametophyte.

Name the four whorls of modified leaves

that make up a flower.

What does a seed consist of?

List the four phyla that are considered


Where would you find a microsporangium in the life cycle of a pine?

a) Within the embryo sac in an ovule

b) In the pollen sacs in an anther

c) At the base of a sporophyll in a pollen cone

d) On a scale-like sporophyll found in an ovulate cone

e) Forming a seed coat surrounding a pine seed

In which of the following groups do sperm

no longer have to swim to reach the

female gametophyte?

a) bryophytes

b) ferns

c) gymnosperms

d) angiosperms

e) Both c and d

An example of coevolution is

A flower with a nectar tube that is the length of

its pollinator’s proboscis (elongated appendage

from the head/sucking organ)

The synchronization of nutrient development and

fertilization resulting from double fertilization

Win pollination in conifers

The evolution of seeds in both gymnosperms and


The development of alternation of generations

independently in land plants and some algal


Which types of plant cells are dead at

functional maturity?

Which types of plant cells lack nuclei at

functional maturity?

Starting from the outside, place the letters

of the tissues in the order in which they are

located in a woody tree trunk.

a) Primary phloem

b) Secondary phloem

c) Primary xylem

d) Secondary xylem

e) Pith

f) Cork cambium

g) Vascular cambium

h) Cork cells

Explain the contribution of each of the

following to the long-distance transport of







a) Have haustoria for anchoring to their host

plants and obtaining xylem or phloem sap

b) Are symbiotic relationships between leaves

and fungi

c) Grow on other plants and obtain nutrients

from their hosts

d) Grow on other plants and do not obtain

nutrients from their hosts

e) Are able to fix their own nitrogen

What function does double fertilization serve?

Name two important messengers in plant hormonal systems.

What kind of root growth do auxins promote? What kind of charge does auxin have? How are auxins transported in plants?