Evaluation 7


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Evaluation 7 : Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you

have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As you can see there is a clear difference between the quality of my preliminary magazine and the final coursework magazine. The layout of the front cover of my final magazine fits in the usual convention of a professional magazine. The picture quality of the main image shows more polished edit on the final magazine. Whereas, the image on my preliminary magazine is very simple and un-cropped.

The colour scheme of my final magazine is a lot more cohesive, the variation of colours compliment each other very well.

The font style of my final magazine has very modern connotations, also the colour is carried through.

The contents page of my preliminary did not really match the usual convention of layouts. This I mainly because in my final created magazine I grouped the features of the content. Whereas, in my preliminary the contents page is very messy without appropriate gaps in writing. The overall layout just doesn’t look as polished or professional.

Also, I used more amounts of pictures in my final magazine, this is more like a professional magazine as they usually show a lot of pictures of content to entice the reader.

Using Quark

When creating my final magazine for coursework, we used Quark to ensemble the magazine. This software was very effective in bringing together my edited pictures and font. The dimensions of creating the magazine pages were easy to ensemble. Whereas, in my preliminary task I used Microsoft Publisher which wasn’t very sophisticated when creating my magazine.

Double Page Spread

This double page spread attempts to again follow the colour scheme of the whole magazine. Also, to interest the reader a large page filled with the image will draw the reader in, with the pull quote also complimenting the picture . The picture shows a progression from my preliminary magazine as the image matches my genre of music magazine and will attract the target audience.