Email newsletters


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Adrienne RoyerApril 4, 2012Email Newsletters


Who is on the Internet?

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project


E-mail Still King Email is still the major player on the Internet

According to Pew Internet, 92% of online adults use email, and 61% use it every day.

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project


Email vs. Social

Source: 2012 eNonprofits Benchmark Study (NTEN & M+R Strategic Services


Effective Solicitation Channels

From charities/nonprofits with established relationship

% say appropriate solicitation channel rank ordered by very important

Source: Show Me the Money: Reaching Donors Across Generations, Care2 2010


Select the Right Email System

Do you have an email program?

Outlook or Gmail is not an option

Select the best email service for your organizations needs.

Can run between $0 to $100,000+ per year


Establish Goals for the NewsletterWhy are you writing it? Share information Connect with clients Raise money Advocate for a cause Develop a community among stakeholders Sell a product or service Reinforce your brand

Where do you want traffic from the e-newsletter to go? Blog Website Fundraising page Facebook or another social network


Establish Goals for the NewsletterHow often will you send the newsletter? Weekly Monthly Quarterly

Do you have a source for stories and photos?

*What is the editorial process?*


Develop an Email ListDo you have an email list? Website sign-ups Intake forms Event information Donor or client information Newsletter list Response card in next mailing List matching service

Do all of your publications/marketing materials include website and email sign up information?


Create an Email PolicyShare your intentions How often will you email them? What will you email them? Will you send out emails on behalf of another organization?

Privacy concerns Let subscribers know your email policy about sharing or renting your list.

Post your email policy Always include your email policy near sign up forms or an some place thats easy to find on your website.


Design a Good TemplatePick a template with strong graphics and lots of pictures

Make sure content and stories are scannable.

Always test on a variety of email clients and browsers


Design a Good Template


Design a Good Template


Design a Good Template


Design a Good Template

What email systems are used?



Coding Issues Emails are based on HTML.

Unlike websites, each email service handles HTML differently.

A newsletter developed by the same EMS can look differently in Outlook compared to Gmail.

Use basic HTML with tables and clean CSS.

Provide view online links.

Use alt-tags with images.


Coding Issues



Writing for the NewsletterEstablish a unique voice Is it formal or conversational? Written from a individual or organizational perspective?

Be Consistent Be consistent with delivery times, verb tenses and voice

Writing Styles Dont write in press release Keep sentences short with active words Write on a 6th-8th grade level Ok to use one-sentence paragraphs Keep news articles to under 200 words or provide a jump link to a webpage


Write for the WebWatch the hype Be honest and realistic Write from a news perspective

Include actionable items with news updates Events Petitions Videos Photos Opportunities to take action offline

Provide value to your readers What is special about your newsletter that subscribers cant get anywhere else?


Follow the Law

In 2003, the CAN-SPAM law was passed to cut down on unsolicited emails

All emails must comply with the following practices:

The subject line is not misleading and advertisements are clearly labeled as such

The email headers, sending email address and other identifiers in the headers have not been tampered with in order to conceal your identity

The body of the email contains a valid physical address for the sender

The email contains a functioning opt-out mechanism, and opt out requests are honored within 10 business days of receipt of that request.


Be a Good Email Neighbor Allow people to opt-out

Send an introduction email to new members

Rather than sell or lend a list, send an email on behalf of another organization with a short introduction from a person who will be familiar with the subscriber


Be a Good Email Neighbor Use Double-Opt in



The most important part of an email Subject lines are the most important part of an email

Spend 2-3x the amount of time developing a subject line as you spend on drafting the email

Open rates vary by industry from 14% to 25%.

25% open rate is optimal.


Best Times to SendSend Emails Tuesday Thursday and Sunday

Source: Mail Chimp


Best Times to Send Launch emails between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Source: Mail Chimp


Mobile & Social Network IntegrationAlways include plain text version for mobile devices

Keep HTML designs clean and simple for tablets and smart phones

Provide links to share via social networks

Include links to your own social networks

Provide ways to sign up on website and social network profiles


Mobile & Social Network Integration


Metrics & Evaluations Open Rate Click Thru Rate (CTR) Bounces

Adrienne RoyerApril 4, 2012


Email: aroyer@gmail.comTwitter: AdrienneRoyerEmail Newsletters

Chart10.520.32Peer to Peer0.410.36Mail0.280.37Email0.220.25Social Media0.150.27Phone0.080.15Text


Sheet1APeer to Peer52%32%Mail41%36%Email28%37%Social Media22%25%Phone15%27%Text8%15%
