Ecology jeopardy (2)




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Q 1 Q 1 Q 1 Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5




Name that Critter

Friend or Foe?

Where in the World?

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Q 5

Tree-huggersQ 1

What is the name of the process that helps control the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen?


Tree-huggersQ 2

What is the name of the structure on the underside of leaves through which water vapor escapes?


Tree-huggersQ 3

What is the name of the process in which water evaporates out of plant leaves?


Tree-huggersQ 4

Organisms that can “make their own food” are called by these two names.

Hint: trophic levels.

Autotrophs Producers

Tree-huggersQ 5

Which of the biomes on Earth cycles more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere than any other?

Where on the planet is it located?

• Tropical Rain Forest

• Near the Equator

Name that CritterQ 1

What means “the process of a new species being formed”?


Name that CritterQ 2

What is the broadest level of organization that ecologists study?


Name that CritterQ 3

What is the name for ALL of the living components in an environment?

Hint: ___ Factors

 Biotic Factors

Name that CritterQ 4

What is the smallest, most specific, level of classification?


Name that CritterQ 5

Which two levels of classification are used to call an organism by its scientific name?

Genus species

Friend or Foe?Q 1

What is the term that describes ALL the members of a species that live in an area?


Friend or Foe?Q 2

What term describes all of the living (populations) and nonliving things in an area?


Friend or Foe? Q 3

Which type of symbiotic relationship exists when 2 organisms fight over the same resource?


Friend or Foe?Q 4

Which type of symbiotic relationship exists when one organism eats another organism?

What do you call the organism that is eating another organism?

PredationPredator or

Heterotroph or consumer

Friend or Foe?Q 5

What is the term for an organism that eats only dead or decaying matter?

Decomposer or Detrivore or scavenger or saprophyte

Where in the World?Q 1

What happens to biodiversity as you move north or south away from the equator?

It Decreases

Where in the World?Q 2

What is the layer in the atmosphere that protects living things on Earth from harmful UV radiation from the sun?


Where in the World?Q 3

Which biome is responsible for the fluctuation in carbon dioxide levels throughout the year because the trees drop leaves in the fall?

Temperate Deciduous Forest

Where in the World?Q 4

What is the term that describes the development of a community in an area that has not supported life before?

Primary Succession

Where in the World?Q 5

Name 2 greenhouse gases.

Provide one way you can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in earth’s atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide Water vapor methane

Anything that reduces burning of fossil fuels.
