Do plants grow better in water or soil


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Do Plants Grow Better in Water or Soil?

By Hannah and Sandy

Background InfoBackground Info

• We learned hydroponics is growing plants in water. We thought this sounded interesting so we looked it up, and decided to try it for our lab project.

While looking it up…

• These were the pictures we found.


• Our hypothesis was that plants will grow better in water, instead of soil. Since we can control what elements go into the nutrients, we can control what happens and what conditions grow. Therefore, we can make the ideal growing conditions and

ideal nutrient solutions for what makes a perfect, healthy plant.

Experimental Methods• In order to test this

hypothesis, we must try growing plants by both methods. We planted six plants via hydroponics, and six plants in soil.

• I recorded when I planted the seeds, when they sprouted and throughout the rest of the time. We watered the soil plants 60lm every time we went to lab. Also, every two week we changed the water in the hydroponics kit, and gave them the nutrient solution.

• After a month and two weeks, we gently uproot the plants from each group and carefully remove and wash the soil from the roots. we then compare the growth of the hydroponically-grown plants and the plants grown in soil.

Experimental Methods Pictures


• Our results showed that the soil plants did better off then our hydroponics plants. Due to a couple of issues.

Hydroponics Results

Soil Results

Pictures of Results

• Our results • Other people’s results


• Our hydroponics plants did not get enough sun, we also found out later that most people decided to use already growing plants, and maybe we should have picked a different plant to grow.
