De Paul2011 Seminar G Av3


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Full-service online + interactive marketing firm

Presented to:


Web Analytics: Measuring your

Website Effectiveness

DePaul University

4/25/2011 23

About Marcel Media

Marcel Media is full service interactive marketing agency specializing

in Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

We partner with organizations to provide creative and customized

marketing solutions such as Social Media, Interactive Facebook

Applications, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Conversion

Optimization, Website Development and Web Analytics.



About Kelly Cutler

Kelly Cutler is the CEO of Marcel

Media, a Chicago-based, interactive,

marketing firm specializing in Search

Engine Marketing.

Beginning her career in 1997 with

companies including AOL and

Classified Ventures, Kelly’s

achievements include serving as the

first woman president of the Chicago

Entrepreneurs’ Organization,

instructing at the University of

Chicago and DePaul University, and

speaking on industry topics across

the country.

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• About Marcel Media

• About Kelly Cutler

• Intro to Interactive Media

• Intro to Google Analytics


• Getting Started: Basic Training

• Setting up your Dashboard

• Analytics Overview

• Analyzing Traffic, Visitors, and Content

Google Analytics: The Basics

• Defining Goals & Tracking Conversion

• Creating Goals & Conversion Funnels

• Automatic & Custom Reports

• Advanced Segments

Goals & Conversions

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Interactive Marketing is a collaboration of a variety of methods and

techniques related to online marketing. Such as, Search Engine Marketing,

Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Social Media,

Website Development, Website Analysis and Online Media.

What is Interactive Marketing

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Getting Started

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Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a free, web-based, page-tagging analytics


• By adding analytics to a website, you can view and learn

valuable information about your website, such as referring

traffic and keywords searched to land on your site

About the tool:

What is Google Analytics:

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•Fully customizable

•Easy campaign creation

•Advanced capabilities


•Clean reports

•Clear labels

What Analytics Can Do:

• Filter out internal traffic

• Track across multiple domains

• Easy tagging for all online marketing (including email signatures)

• Track e-commerce

• Set defined goals

• Track outbound links, PDF downloads

and form submissions

• Add cookie data to forms via Google

Analytics tracking cookie

• Set up tracking funnels and watch

abandonment points

Google Analytics: Capabilities

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First Steps:

1. Sign up for a Google Account.

2. Get the Tracking Code from Google.

3. Put the Tracking Code on your site.

4. Make sure Google confirms you did

it right.

Signing up for Google Account

1. You can sign up at

2. Google will then ask you for the site you wish to track as well

as some basic contact information.

3. Once this is complete Google will take you to your New

Tracking Code.

Getting Started

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Google Tracking Code

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Adding the code to

your site:

1. Copy the code that

Google provides.

2. If you have FTP access

to alter content on

your site, adding code

is a simple thing.

3. If using flat HTML

pages, you will need

to go through each

page that you want

tracked on your server

and add the code before the ending Body tag of <BODY>.

Google Analytics Installation

HTTP Coding: Place above </head> for advanced tracking

Here’s what the actual HTTP code looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." :

"http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><script type="text/javascript">try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-233062-1");pageTracker._setDomainName("");

pageTracker._setAllowLinker(true);pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}</script>

The code should go on every page to be tracked.


Installing Analytics Code to WordPress

There are 3 ways to install Google Analytics to WordPress: Direct Paste,

functions.php, and plugins.

Direct Paste:

Copy the code that you received and paste it in your theme’s footer.php right

above the </body> tag.

Functions Method:

Add the following code in your theme’s functions.php file and don’t forget to

past your Analytics code here.



Installing Code to WordPress

Plugins Method:

There are tons of plugins available to add Google Analytics to your site. The two that

we recommend are:



Once you have installed Google Analytics in your site, you can go back to the screen

from Step 6 and click Save and Finish. Then you will be taken to the overview of

your site’s analytics.



The Dashboard is your gateway to all the information about your site.

Google Analytics: Dashboard

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• Customize

dashboards by


• Change Dates

• Compare Dates

• Month, week,

and day views

• One click

export and

email reports

• Over 30,000

possible reports

out of the box

Customizing your Dashboard

Understanding the Sidebar

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• Dashboard: Use this to get back to your main


• Visitors: Use this to find out more information

about the visitors to your site

• Traffic Sources: Use this to find out where your

visitors are coming from so you can adjust Ads

• Content: Use this to find out about your

content, what’s working, what’s not, etc.

• Goals: Use this to set goals to see how well your

site is measuring up to what you want it to be


Adding, Removing and Adjusting Reports on your Dashboard

Adding Reports: Using the sidebar, choose the section and report you want. Click the “Add to Dashboard” button, on the top left corner of the browser.

Removing Reports: On your main Dashboard screen, scroll down to the report you want to remove. Click the “X” in the upper right corner.

Changing Placement of Reports: Drag and drop reports where you want them once they have been added to your Dashboard.

Customizing your Dashboard

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1. Pages per Visit: Average number of pages viewed during a visit to your site - repeated views of a single page are counted

2. Average Time on Site: Average duration of a visit to your site

3. % New Visits: Percentage of visits by people who had never visited your site before

4. Bounce Rate: Percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page). Over 60% is below is standard. 40%-60% is ideal. Below 40% is optimal.

Google Analytics: Key Performance Indicators

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1. Search engines report – paid/non-paid: This report shows Search Engine referral traffic in two forms: paid and non-paid traffic.

2. Tagging: Add customized tags to your online marketing campaigns to manipulate the cookie values of visitors to your website.

3. Filters: Ensure the data does not include internal or irrelevant information. Filters can exclude visitors from either Domains or Static IP addresses.

Tips for Leveraging Google Analytics

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Analyzing Traffic Sources

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Direct Traffic: Comes from people that type your website address directly

in the browser or click on a bookmark

Referral Traffic: Traffic sent from other websites. This means that you have

a link on another website, or you post a link or an article on another website.

Search Engine Traffic: Traffic that your website receives from search

engines. Here you can see the non-paid traffic or paid traffic. If you pay for

a service like Paid Search knowing what paid keywords sent you traffic and

what was the bounce rate, could be useful.

Analyzing Visitors

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• In the graph below, you can see that this site has 87 Unique Visitors, but 138

visits. This means that a good portion of our site traffic is repeat traffic.

• If your strategy is to build an online community or retain repeat customers,

then repeat visitors is good news.

Analyzing Content

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The Content report is helpful to learn what content on your site is viewed the

most. On this report, you can see various URLs on your site and the number of

times it has been viewed.

What else can you learn from the Content Report?

• How visitors entered the site

• What page visitors left the site on

• What pages were the most popular

Why is this useful?

•Insight on how to keep users on your

site longer

•Highlight a call to action such as,

filling out a contact forms or signing

up for a newsletter


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Understanding Goals in Google Analytics

Business Objective

Generate Leads

Drive Loyalty

Drive Revenue

Raise Awareness

Visitor Action

Complete Contact Form

Sign up for Newsletter

Complete a Purchase

Whitepaper Download a

Success Measure







Creating Goals

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Step 1: Enter Goal Information

Goal Name:

Make it obvious so that you know what it refers to

Active Goal:

Set to on for goal information to be collected

Goal Type:

This is usually the default of the URL destination, such as the thank you page

Creating Goals

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Step 2: Goal Details (most important)

Match Type: This tells analytics to record a goal for a condition when the page

viewed by the visitor matches your goal URL.

Goal URL: For a “thank you page” this will be the web address of the landing page.

Case Sensitive: Best to avoid this option as it can exclude some pages.

Goal Value: This should be the total revenue generated by form submission divided

by the number of submissions.

Creating Goals & Tracking Conversions

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Step 3: Tracking Conversions

Conversion Funnel:Is the path a customer takes from

entering your site through the

checkout process and finally the

end goal being the purchase or

signup confirmation page.

When you have new registrations, and analytics updates, you will be able

to see your stats using the “Defined Funnel Navigation” report.

Conversion Funnel Overview


E-Commerce Tracking

Analytics E-Commerce Reporting: With E-Commerce tracking, each user's transaction

information is sent to the Google Analytics database as it occurs. Analytics can then

link a specific referral source to a conversion or purchase.

Items that can be tracked:

• Product purchased

• Sales revenue

• Conversion Rate

• Number of times people visited

your site before purchasing

Step 1: Enable e-commerce reports

Step 2: Add Google Analytics

tracking code to receipt page

Step 3: Add e-commerce code into

your basic analytics tracking code

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Example of Google Analytics E-Commerce Tracking Code

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Setting up Automatic Reports

Once you're viewing the report you would like to have emailed to


1. Select the "email" button located above and towards the right of the

trending graph (Trending graph being the big graph at the top of all the


2. This will bring

you to the "Setup

Email page".

3. From there select

the "schedule" tab,

you'll then have the

option to schedule

the report for delivery daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.

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Custom Reports: Filters

Filters are used to customize your analytics reports and clean up and define your data.

You can use the filter manager to create new filters.

2 Types of Filters:

• Predefined Filters

• Exclude all traffic from a domain

• Exclude all traffic from an IP Address

(usually company traffic)

• Include only traffic to a sub directory

• Custom Filters (3 main parts)

• Filter types (6 different types are available in


• Filter field

• Filter Pattern

Best Practice: Always maintain one unfiltered profile.

Once data passes through a filter it can not be reprocessed.

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Custom Filters: Filter Types

Exclude & Include

These are usually used to filter out traffic from a particular state or country

• Exclude: If the pattern matches, the hit is thrown away

• Include: If the pattern doesn’t match, the hit is thrown away

Lowercase & Uppercase

Do not require a filter pattern, just a filter field. They are very useful for consolidating line items

in a report

• Lowercase/Uppercase: Converts the field into all lowercase or uppercase characters

Search & Replace

Replace one piece of data with another. Often used to replace long URL strings with shorter URL

strings that is easier to read and identify in reports.

• Search/Replace: Search for a pattern within a field and replace it with something



• Construct a field from one or two other fields (Ex: append hostname to request URI)

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Filter Manager: Screen Shot

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Tagging Campaigns

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Add customized tags to your online marketing campaigns to manipulate

the cookie values of visitors to your website.

Every URL Tag needs the following items:

• Campaign Source (utm_source)

• Campaign Medium (utm_medium)

• Campaign Term (utm_term)

• Campaign Content (utm_content)

• Campaign Name (utm_campaign)




Advanced Segments

Advanced Segments :allow you to analyze subsets of your traffic that include visits

that only specific set of criteria i.e. visits from a certain geographic regions

Advanced Segments vs. Filters

• Advanced segments can be applied to historical data; filter profiles will only

filter traffic moving forward.

• Advanced segments are available across all profiles; filter profiles is only useful

for a specific web property

• Compare up to 4 advanced segments at once; filter

profiles can only be viewed one at a time

• Advanced segments are easier to create then a filtered


• If you want to permanently affect the data show

i.e. only see CPC data, use a filtered profile

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Advanced Segments: Screen Shot

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Part II

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Google Analytics:

Google Analytics Annotations

The annotations feature allows users to make comments on graphs regarding events

specific to that day. Annotations are notes attached to a specific date.

• Click the tab below the graph to add a new annotation or see other

annotations that have been entered.

• Enter a note into the text area and next to “visibility” choose private or shared.

• Then any user with access to the profile can see it and are automatically tagged to

the profile that created it.

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Annotation Screenshot

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Google Custom Alerts

Automatic Alerts:

Google Analytics has an Intelligence Engine that monitors your traffic and

posts alerts when it sees an anomaly.

Custom Alerts:

Custom alerts lets you add on to automatic alerts, and tells Google to watch

out for specific things like monitoring and managing campaigns. If you are

running a campaign to a certain landing page, you can monitor the metrics of

that landing page (such as bounce rates, weekly revenue, new visitors) that

can be emailed to you either daily or weekly.

• Under Dashboard, click on Intelligence.

• You can import or copy in custom alerts, and share with colleagues.

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Google Alerts Tutorial Video

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In-Page Analytics

In-Page Analytics: is a tool (currently in Beta) that allows you to take your

Google Analytics data and look at it in the context of your webpage. This

helps you to visualize reports.

• Access In-Page Analytics from “Content Reports” in Google Analytics

• The bubbles you see represent the percentage of clicks, on the page, that

went to the specified link

• When the bubble has a dotted outline, it means there is more than one

link to the same page (i.e. headline and picture both link to the same


• The report can be noisy: the tool allows you to filter out low performing

metrics (or content with low link percentages) so you can see the most

significant links on the page.

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In-Page Analytics Cont.

• You can use advanced segments with in-page analytics to understand how

a segment of traffic interacts with a page (which can be applied through

the dropdown)

• Also shows top demographics (language/country) and top technical

attributes (operating system/screen resolution)

• Use filters within in-page analytics to filter traffic to show any visitor that

came in using a specific keyword, such as “t-shirts”

• Choose filter by “keyword” from the drop down, then in the value start

typing in the keyword you’re interested in and analytics will suggest

keywords that the page received traffic from so that you can auto-select

as well

• You can use the data for continued optimization and landing pages

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In-Page Analytics Tutorial Video

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Take a 15 minute break

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Key Resources & Experts

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Key Resources & Experts: Matt Cutts

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Matt Cutts joined Google in

2000 as a Software Engineer

and is currently head of

Google’s Webspam team.

His blog advises the public on

how to get better visibility in

Google as well as webmaster

issues in general.

Key Resources & Experts: Avinash Kaushik

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Avinash Kaushik is the best

selling author of Web

Analytics: An Hour A Day.

He is the Analytics Evangelist

for Google and the Co-

Founder and CEO for Market

Motive, an Internet Marketing

Online Certification Site. His

blog Occam’s Razor is a great

resource for Web Analytics

and Reporting.

Key Resources & Experts: Seth Godin

4/25/2011 48

Seth Godin has written

thirteen best selling books

that have been translated

into over 30 languages.

Majority of his writing is on

Marketing and Leadership.

His blog is quite possible the

most popular in the world

written by a single individual.

He blogs on everything from

internet to brand marketing

and everything in between.

Key Resources & Experts: Search Engine Land

4/25/2011 49 is a great resource for news

and information about search engine marketing,

optimization and how search engines such as Google,

Yahoo, Microsoft and work for


Search Engine Land offers in-depth “How to” articles to

give you better understanding of all things Search Engine


Key Resources & Experts: HubSpot

4/25/2011 50 is an Internet Marketing site with

everything from blogs to webinars to help you better

understand Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search

Advertising, Social Media, SEO Tools, and actual Case

Studies so that you can see the resources in action.

Key Resources & Experts: Website Grader

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This awesome site walks you

through your site analysis to

see how your website is


•Does it have SEO problems?

•How popular is it in Social


You can find out all those

answers and more with their

Web Analysis Tool.

Website Grader Exercise: Content Summary

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Below is a summary for Type in a site URL that you would like to analyze. Once

entered, it will take you to that specific site’s summary.

In the Content Summary you will get the basic run down of the site content and content attached to

your site. This will tell you if the site has a blog attached as well as how many content pages are

indexed by the search engines.

Website Grader Exercise: Image Summary

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Below is a screenshot of the image summary. Here you can see how many images are

found and how many of those images are missing ALT text.

Website Grader Exercise: Conversion Summary

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The goal for most companies especially this one is quality leads and customers. The

only way people can come to your site and become a customer is through conversion


In this Conversion Summary, you will learn if your site has a conversion form available

as well as an RSS Feed to let people know when knew content has been added or

updated on your site or blog.

Let’s try it!

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Advanced Tools

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Compete provides digital insight and data into online

marketing and consumer behavior, as well as access to a

variety of solutions that help measure the an organizations

online advertising campaigns.

Analytics Tools

Search Analytics-

Enter a site or a category; get a list of keywords referring traffic to it or Enter a keyword; get

a list of sites it refers traffic to.

Referral Analytics-

Enter a site or a category; get a list of other sites referring traffic to it, or Enter a site or a

category; get a list of other sites getting traffic from it.

Ranked Lists –

Allows you to see the top ranked websites on the Internet

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Quantcast -

A media measurement tool that gives you key insight into your online

audience and helps companies find and reach their target market.

Their tools enable the direct-measurement of traffic and audience

characteristics, empowering both publishers and marketers to operate in a

more connected and transparent way throughout strategy, buying, selling and

evaluation phases of a campaign.

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Quantcast Insights

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Nielsen -

A recognized global leader in research, ratings, and data for all types of media. Nielsen

provides reports containing information and metrics on consumer behavior, their clients

receive up to date data that highlights what consumers watch and buy to better help

companies target their marketing and advertising campaigns.

Nielsens blog, nielsenwire, is a great resource that highlight latest industry news and

top stories

The Nielsen Company measures activity and engagement at every consumer

touchpoint – from TV screens to smartphones, from viral videos to shopping carts.

What they measure:

• Retail

• T.V.

• Online

• Mobile

• Cross Platform

• Radio

• Consumer Confidence

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Google Insights

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Google Website Optimizer

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Google Keyword Tool: sktool

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This tool will help you discover new keywords you maybe missing out on

based upon the search query data from your website or your competitor’s


Google Keyword Tool: Using Sktool

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When we typed in our URL of the site we wanted a keyword list for, the

sample keyword list will appear like this.

Google Webmaster Tools

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Google Webmaster Tools is a no-charge web service by Google for

webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize

visibility of their websites.

It has tools that let the webmasters:

•Submit and check a sitemap

•Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about how Googlebot accesses a

particular site

•Generate and check a robots.txt file. It also helps to discover pages that are blocked in

robots.txt by chance.

Google Webmaster Tools (con’t)

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•List internal and external pages that link to the site

•See what keyword searches on Google led to the site being listed in the SERPs, and the

click through rates of such listings

•View statistics about how Google indexes the site, and any errors

•Set a preferred domain



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Thank you!

Kelly Cutler

Twitter: @kfcutler

Linked in: /in/kellycutler

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