Creative income


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Creative IncomeCreative Intelligence

By Ritchie Felix

Turn Your Ideas Into Income..& swell Your Bank

• Creative Ideas rules the Marketplaces globally.

• Turn your hunches into viable business theses.

• The speed of your life depend at large on the speed and quality of your thought

• Your creative import is superior to your college certificate.

• In the time of revolution as in the now, only Imagineering matters most.

• Turn your relationship into channels of income.

• Use ideas to convert your words into numbers.

• Everything begins and ends with an idea whose time has come.

• You can recreate, upgrade, and re-invent your income grid on the axles of relevant ideas.

Software Guru…..Bill Gates

Gates’ Insight…

• “I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness — to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn't solve on their own” – Bill Gates

Bill Gates – Microsoft CEO

Creativity is very powerful…

• Creativity is applied imagination. Creativity is fueled by imagination and is the beginning of everything. Creativity is in all of us. The entire layout of our planet at this instant in time is the result of the collective creativity of every person that has lived before us.

• Nothing is more powerful than creativity. One masterstroke of creativity by one person today could change our world forever – in a positive or negative way. What is creativity? Creativity is not knowledge – it’s different. Creativity can use knowledge to implement the idea derived from creativity but knowledge alone is only a blank canvas waiting for creativity to show itself.

• Creativity is not learning it’s knowing. If I were to ask you to memorize a song , for example, you could learn the song and repeat it after listening to it for a given amount of time. Let’s say you are musically inclined and you could listen to a song several times and memorize the words and play the music perfectly.

How To Bring Out Creativity…

• How do you bring out your creative side? To be creative you must become a child again. You must be completely uninhibited and completely willing to reveal yourself inside and out.

• You must begin to break down all of the artificial barriers that you have accepted and imprisoned yourself within. You must not be afraid to think wildly outside the box and you must know that anything is possible again – just like when you were a child. If you hit a dead end while experiencing a creative burst find a different route to the destination.- that will take you into new territory where you will find the answers.

• To be creative you have to feel free and not worried about where it may take you. The greatest thing about creativity is that you will surprise yourself when you realize what you are really capable of. You must begin to look at your surroundings as if it were the first time and wonder why and how everything in existence came to be.

Creative Burst?

What do you do when you are having a creative burst? Don’t stop! Cancel all of you plans throw everybody out of your work area (unless

it’s a collaboration) and ride it out. Because a true

creative burst will yield incredible amounts of

information and images in a very short but intense

amount of time. Sometimes it will take several weeks to do the technical drawings or

plans that were created within our mind in just


What Creativity Will Do To You…

• Creativity is addictive, liberating, and empowering.

• You will know when your imagination and creativity is peaking because what is going on within your mind will be infinitely more exciting and spatially larger than anything going on outside of your mind.

• Creativity will also give you an incredible amount of satisfaction and a feeling of well being. Not to allow yourself to express your creativity in some way is like keeping a very powerful genie in a bottle. You will never know what is possible until you let it out.

• Creativity will drag multiple streams of income to you no matter where you are located on the surface of earth.

• Creativity will give you speed on the royal highways of life.

• Creativity will distinguish you from your peers.

• Creativity will position to empower your world.

For Further Reading……

Book Title:

• “The Connected: Switch from Credit Crunches to Creative Income: Breaking into the Wealth Zone of the Super-economics”

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