CLOUDS from Both Sides Now



When an industry speaker dropped out of Channel Focus and Bob Snyder was asked to step in. The only problem was that the topic was Cloud Computing and the Channel. As an industry we can't even agree on a definition. We either love the concept or hate it. And we haven't yet figured out how to sell it into the channel (let alone achieve sales-through). See how Bob tackles the problem of addressing 100 Tier 1 channel managers on the topic They Love to Hate.

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THANKS, ROD....• For a topic that

almost everyone in this room knows something about

• For a topic, we can’t even agree on how to define• For a topic so over-used that everyone is fed up hearing about it

Clouds...From Both Sides Now.

Bob SnyderChannel Media Europe




We Do Have Such A Knack for Words

The term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on the cloud drawing used in the past to represent the telephone network

...and later to depict the Internet in computer network diagrams as an abstraction of the underlying infrastructure it represents. 

Cloud Confusion

The Elusive Definition

• Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like a public utility.

• It is a paradigm shift following the mainframe and client-server shifts that preceded it.

• Now, there are only two kinds of people thinking about Cloud Computing: those who believe it is the future of information technology and those who are in complete denial.

• ...the natural evolution of computing is for it to become a utility that anyone can tap into, like other utilities, consuming only what one needs–no more, no less– but always having enough available capacity when needed.

Barry X Lynn, CEO 3Tera


I’ve looked at clouds from both sides nowFrom up and down and still somehowIt’s cloud illusion I recallI really don’t know clouds at all--Joni Mitchell

Why We Don’t Know Clouds at All


• Because we’ve seen it all before: thin client, ASP, SaaS

• Because CLOUDS come in different types• Because we are all standing in a different spot

when we look at the sky...

Science 19 February 2010:Vol. 327. no. 5968, pp. 970 - 971DOI: 10.1126/science.1185138Prev | Table of Contents | Next Perspectives Atmospheric Science: Can We Understand Clouds Without Turbulence?E. Bodenschatz,1,2 S. P. Malinowski,3 R. A. Shaw,4 F. Stratmann5 Just over 50 years ago, Henry Houghton published an essay in Science entitled "Cloud physics: Not all questions about nucleation, growth, and precipitation of water particles are yet answered" (1). Since then, understanding of cloud processes has advanced enormously, yet we still face some of the basic questions Houghton drew attention to. The interest in finding the answers, however, has steadily increased, largely because

clouds are a primary source of uncertainty in projections of future climate (2). Why is our understanding of cloud processes still so inadequate, and what are the prospects for the future?





All want to be



More than 130 million enterprise customers using mobile cloud-based by 2014, facilitated by Platform as a Service (PaaS) deployments from key players such as Google and Microsoft.

--Juniper Research

It’s Not About What He’s Holding in His Hands...

It’s About What He’s NOT Holding in His Hands...

The Power of Applications

Four Types of SMBs

• The laggards (16%) have a basic infrastructure and limited willingness to invest in the near term.


March 4, 2010 –IDC’s European Vertical Markets recently released a new report, which clusters the Western European Small and Medium-sized Business (SMB) business environment.

• Wait-and-see companies (36%) have a solid deployment of IT but prefer to wait until technology is mature and widely present in the market before engaging in other significant IT investments.

Four Types of SMBs


Not Everyone Looks on Clouds as White, Fluffy & Friendly

• IT-oriented companies (21%) have a solid IT deployment and a high propensity to invest further.

Four Types of SMBs


• The fast followers (16%) cluster despite a lower-than-average adoption of IT is the most keen to close the technology gap with early adopters.

Four Types of SMBs


Channel Partners

• Come in similar flavours to match their SMB customers• If they can transform themselves, they can’t transform their customer’s business• Issues surround the financial aspect of climbing on-board CLOUD

Channel Partners

• It wouldn’t be a “sea-change” if no one got swamped...• Battle for who will educate the channel• The emergence of new players• The re-defining of distributors• A foot in one world, the other in the other


Next month a survey of 4000 resellers will tell us. If you want a free copy, just pass on a copy of a business card.

Capgemini Sees Real Demand

• "If we were having this discussion a year ago, I think we would have said it was an interesting hype, but that we haven't quite worked it out yet and we haven't got enough experience," says David Boulter, VP of this newest group.

• “Ultimately, all companies will use aspects of cloud computing and services. However, companies shouldn't rush to use the cloud...”

CAPGEMINI’s Infostructure Transformation Services launched this month!

Following Cisco

Following Cisco...

“We think the network is the central piece. It's not the data centre or the end user device. It's any device to any content wherever it is in the world over any combination of networks wired or wireless to the home, to an Apple device, to a Microsoft device, to an IBM device, HP.“

Following Cisco

• “Secondly, it is not going to be about voice or data. It's going to be about video. “

Cisco Chairman and CEO John Chambers

(center) unveiled a Dallas Cowboys-

logoed Flip video camera during a

press conference to discuss technology at

Cowboys Stadium, including Cisco’s StadiumVision.

The War is Over.

Can’t Build Without Standards

2010, A Special Year• In 2010, we're going to see the IT industry return to growth last seen two years ago (after shrinking by 3-4%)• It's going to be a transformational year, where we really see a new foundation laid for the next 20 years of IT, and really...

...the basis for new industry leadership around cloud computing and mobile computing.

Thank You.


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