Cloud computing



I have made this ppt in my 6th sem of BE..hope it'll be helpful for others!

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BY: Supriya BY: Supriya PasePase


Practical scenarios!What is cloud computing?What it is not?Computing needsPerspectives of Cloud ComputingDrivers & Barriers for adoptionConclusion


Feb. 21, 2011. During ICC Cricket World Feb. 21, 2011. During ICC Cricket World Cup, IndiaCup, India

Furious cricket fans slammed organizers of the World Cup on Monday as the official ticketing website crashed amid a scramble for 1,000 tickets available for the final…

June 2009, ChinaJune 2009, ChinaA Chinese website set up so people can inform

on corrupt officials has been flooded with so many visitors that it crashed shortly after launching.

What inference can we draw from What inference can we draw from above server crashes/failures?above server crashes/failures?

Even a moderate increase in Internet usage, say to 50%, will add more than a billion Internet users!

Definitely, too many clicks to handle.They are soon going to add to this


What’s the solution to prevent the What’s the solution to prevent the above scenarios?above scenarios?

Load-balancing-Add more servers to balance the load.

But will adding more servers solve the problem, or compound the problems of companies that are already on a tight budget?

Moreover, how many servers do you think will be enough to handle that kind of traffic? Take a guess.. 100? 1000? ?…

SO what can we do for it??SO what can we do for it??

There are these traffic spikes to be planned for.

Adding thousands of servers to handle a few days or seasonal spikes in traffic is a humongous waste of resources.

The reverse can also happen, i.e., a recession can strike again and you may need to reduce your infrastructure drastically.


Data CenterData Center

The data center is a physical place that houses a computer network's most critical systems, including backup power supplies, air conditioning, and security applications. We're talking a large amount of data here, stored in a large number of computers.

What it is not?What it is not?

Cloud computing isn’t network computing.

Network Computing Network Computing means the access is over the company’s network only!!

It encompasses multiple companies, multiple servers and multiple networks.

Computing NeedsComputing Needs

Cloud Computing is a style of computing which must provide the following computing needs:

1. Dynamism 2. Abstraction 3. Resource Sharing

Dynamism- Your infrastructure to support

the changing needs.

Abstraction- From an end user’s

perspective, they don’t need to care for the OS, the plug-ins, web security or the software platform.

Resource Sharing:  The whole architecture

should be implemented in such a way that provides you the flexibility to share applications as well as other network resources (hardware etc).

Perspectives on cloud Perspectives on cloud computingcomputing

The Service Models The Service Models Based on provided capabilitiesBased on provided capabilities

SaasSaas- Pay as you use,

service delivered on demand

PaasPaas-Deploy customer created

application to a cloud IaasIaas- Rent processing,

storage network capacity and other fundamental computing resources

Cloud Architecture Cloud Architecture Based on who can access resourcesBased on who can access resources

→Public Clouds→Private Clouds→Community Clouds→Hybrid Clouds

Public CloudPublic Cloud

In public clouds, resources are offered as a service, usually over an internet

connection, for a pay-per-usage fee. Users can scale their use on demand and do not

need to purchase hardware to use the service. Public cloud providers manage the infrastructure and pool resources into the

capacity required by its users.

Private CloudsPrivate Clouds

In private clouds, resources are deployed inside a firewall and managed by the user

organization. It is the user organization that owns the software and hardware

infrastructure and that manages the cloud and controls access to its resources.

Typically, those resources and services are not shared outside the organization.

Community CloudsCommunity Clouds

Community clouds are shared by multiple organizations and support specific needs

and concerns of a community.

Hybrid CloudHybrid Cloud

Hybrid clouds that are the combination of two or more public, private, and

community clouds. However, both community and hybrid cloud are

specialties of public and private clouds.

Drivers for adoption Drivers for adoption

AvailabilityAvailability -Users have the ability to access their resources at any time through a standard internet connection.

CollaborationCollaboration -Users begin to see the cloud as a way to work simultaneously on common data and information.

Lower Infrastructure Costs Lower Infrastructure Costs -The pay-per-usage model allows an organization to only pay for the resources they need with basically no investment in the physical resources available in the cloud. There are no infra-structure maintenance or upgrade costs.

MobilityMobility -Users have the ability to access data and applications from around the globe.

Risk Reduction Risk Reduction -Organizations can use the cloud to test ideas and concepts before making major investments in technology.

ScalabilityScalability -Users have access to a large amount of resources that scale based on their demand.

VirtualizationVirtualization -Each user has a single view of the available resources, independently of how they are arranged in terms of physical devices. Therefore, there is potential from a provider perspective to serve a greater number of users with fewer physical resources.

ElasticityElasticity -The provider transparently manages a user’s resource utilization based on dynamically changing needs.

Barriers for adoption Barriers for adoption

InteroperabilityInteroperability -A universal set of standards and/or interfaces have not yet been defined, resulting in a significant risk of vendor lock-in.

LatencyLatency -All access to the cloud is done via the internet, introducing latency into every communication between the user and the provider.

Platform or Language Constraints Platform or Language Constraints -Some cloud providers support specific platforms and languages only.

RegulationsRegulations -There are concerns in the cloud computing community over jurisdiction, data protection, fair information practices, and international data transfer—mainly for organizations that manage sensitive data.

Reliability-Reliability-Many existing cloud infrastructures hard-ware that is known to fail unexpectedly.

Resource Control Resource Control -The amount of control that the user has over the cloud provider and its resources varies greatly between providers.

SecuritySecurity -The main concern is data privacy: users do not have control or knowledge of where their data is being stored.


1. AMAZON web services2. Verizon3. IBM4. Salesforce.com5. CSC6. RackSpace7. Google8. BlueLock9. Microsoft10. Joyent

1. AMAZON web services2. Verizon3. IBM4. Salesforce.com5. CSC6. RackSpace7. Google8. BlueLock9. Microsoft10. Joyent


Cloud computing and the technology behind it are maturing quickly. If 2011 is the year in which cloud computing saw a huge increase in interest due to its potential, it is not difficult to predict that 2012 will bring significant changes for the way enterprises will plan and build their IT infrastructure.


Any Questions?Any Questions?Any Questions?Any Questions?
