Client-Side Packages


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Client-Side PackagesOr, how I learned to stop worrying and love




Module systems express code dependencies

› 2000s state of the art:

– One big file with carefully ordered functions, or

– Many small files, and carefully ordered <script> tags

› Other languages solve this problem easily; in JS, until ES6, we have to solve it ourselves.

› We have two hacky solutions:

– CommonJS modules

– AMD modules

› CommonJS is better for code reuse.


CommonJS modules

› AMD:

define(['a', './b'], function (a, b) {return { c: 'd' };


› CommonJS:

var a = require('a');var b = require('./b');

module.exports = { c: 'd' };


The AMD configuration problem

› In require('a'), what does 'a' refer to?

– AMD module called 'a' (per baseUrl config)

– Some other AMD module (per map config)

– Non-AMD code (per shim config)

– AMD plugin (per plugin config)

– A package’s main module (per packages config)

› In a CommonJS + npm system, the answer is always the main module for package 'a'.


The AMD dependency problem

› If Ember depends on RSVP.js, how does it express this in AMD?– require('rsvp') doesn’t cut it.

– I know! We’ll use more config!

› Now your Ember-using project needs to know about Ember’s internal implementation details in order to make Ember’s require('rsvp') work, via configuration.

› This severely limits the extent to which library authors can bring in third-party code.

› Where did this 'rsvp' string come from anyway?

These are all problems to be solved by packages, but AMD tries—and fails—to solve them at the module level.


AMD is not an advantage

› AMD tries to solve too many problems that are way beyond the level of a module system.

› CommonJS can solve all AMD use cases except cross-domain single-module loading.

› Using AMD cuts you off from consuming most module code out there.

› Your code is more universal with CommonJS. More tools consume it, and it’s easier to test.

› AMD users can use r.js to convert from CommonJS.


Enter Packages



› Modules let us reuse our own code.

› Packages let us reuse other people’s code.

› Examples of packages:

– Backbone

– Underscore

– Sinon.JS

– jQuery

– jsdom

– Express

› Packages have dependencies

– E.g. Backbone depends on Underscore and jQuery


Packages as a unit of code reuse

› Packages are small, often one module.

› They can shuffle work off to their dependencies, allowing greater code reuse.

› If jQuery UI were composed of packages:

– jqueryui-position depends on nothing

– jqueryui-mouse depends on jqueryui-core, jqueryui-widget

– jqueryui-autocomplete depends on core, widget, menu, position

– etc.

› ―Download builders‖ are hacky and un-encapsulated ways of solving package management.

› Multi-thousand line modules belong in the 2000s.


Packages can be versioned independently

› When you separate functionality into small packages, you aren’t tied to monolithic, coordinated release cycles.

› By depending on small packages, you can get bug fixes and new features as soon as their authors publish them.

› Then users of your package get bug fixes, without you doing anything!

› Conventionally, we try to adhere to semantic versioning:

– 0.x.y releases: unstable; upgrade at your peril.

– 1.x.y and beyond:

› Increasing ―patch version‖ y means bug fixes.

› Increasing ―minor version‖ x means new features.

› Increasing ―major version‖ means new API, breaking backward-compat.

– So we can express dependencies as 0.1.2 or 2.x or 2.3.x to get the benefits of independent versioning.


Packages can be app-specific

› Each ―widget‖ can be a package.

– Sidebar, header, currency table, news ticker, …

› Or you could have packages for business logic.

– Financial calculations, market predictions, discount rules, …

› Or you can isolate hard problems in packages.

– Talking to SMTP servers, traversing a RESTful API, rendering PDFs with JavaScript, sandboxing user input, …

› They can separate out cross-cutting concerns.

– Number formatting, CSS theming, injecting logging and error handling, …

› They can even help with domain-driven design.

– Encapsulating bounded contexts, exposing services, isolating a shared kernel, building an anticorruption layer, …


Packages with npm


What problems do we need to solve?

› Get code onto our computers

› Automatically install expressed dependencies

› Have a way for one package’s code to ―require‖ another package’s code.

› Make other peoples’ code available to you


npm stands for JavaScript package manager

› 26,000 packages and growing

› The emphasis on small packages means many work in the browser already.

› The npm registry is anarchic.

– This makes package discovery tricky, but in balance is a big win.

– Server code, browser code, even AMD code: it’s all welcome.

– A single namespace means no enforced prefixing.

› npm packages follow a set of conventions that make your life easy.


What’s in an npm package?

› lib/

– index.js

– AuxiliaryClass.js

– helpers.js

› test/



› package.json

› .jshintrc, .gitignore, .npmignore, .travis.yml, …




"name": "sinon-chai",

"description": "Extends Chai with assertions for Sinon.JS.",

"keywords": ["sinon", "chai", "testing", "spies", "stubs", "mocks"],

"version": "2.3.1",

"author": "Domenic Denicola <>",

"license": "WTFPL",

"repository": {

"type": "git",

"url": "git://"


"main": "./lib/sinon-chai.js",



"dependencies": {

"sinon": ">= 1.5 <2"


"peerDependencies": {

"chai": ">= 1.3.0 <2"


"devDependencies": {

"coffee-script": "~1.6",

"jshint": "~1.1",

"mocha": "~1.7",


"scripts": {

"test": "mocha",

"lint": "jshint ./lib"



Packages are encapsulation boundaries

› Single point of entry API via the main module:

– require("backbone")

– require("underscore")

– require("sinon-chai")

– require("express")

› You don’t need to know about a package’s dependencies

– Unlike AMD!

› You don’t need to know about a package’s strategy

– Client-side MVC framework choice, templating engine, CSS precompiler, …


Packages are concern boundaries

› Their own license

› Their own readme

› Their own coding style and linting rules

› Their own compile-to-JS authoring language

› Their own tests and test style

› Their own author/owner/maintainer




npm dependency basics

› npm uses a global registry by default:

– A CouchDB server:

› It uses package.json to install dependencies


Dependencies are hierarchical

› Unlike some other package managers, there is no global shared

―DLL hell‖ of packages on your system.

› They get installed in a hierarchy of node_modules folders:


├─┬ form-data@0.0.3

│ ├── async@0.1.9

│ └─┬ combined-stream@0.0.3

│ └── delayed-stream@0.0.5

└── mime@1.2.7



Git dependencies

› Dependencies can be Git URLs

› Useful for pointing to forked-and-patched versions of a library while you wait for your pull request to land.

› Useful for private Git servers.

› For GitHub, use "package": "user/repo#version" syntax.

› This allows an escape hatch from the central registry and its single namespace, if you’re into that.


Other important npm features

› npm dedupe: creates the minimal dependency tree that satisfies everyone’s versions

› npm link: symlinks, for local development

› The "scripts" field in package.json can give you arbitrary scripts which have access to your devDependencies.

– npm run <scriptName>

– npm test (shortcut for npm run test)

› Packages can have arbitrary metadata: it’s just JSON!


Private Code


How can we use this without publishing?

› We can’t put proprietary code in the npm registry.

› But we’d still like to use the package concept, and npm’sfeatures.

› There are hacks:

– npm link

– Using Git URLs entirely (this actually works pretty well).

› But, really we need our own registry!


Your own registry

› CouchDB is really good at replicating. So just do that!

› Then:

npm install lab49-ip –reg

› You can use the publishConfig settings in package.json to make a given package automatically publish to your internal registry, instead of the public one.

› We’re working on ―fallback registries,‖ to obviate the replication step.


Packages, Client-Side


A note on CSS

› Just include it in your package!

› Don’t reference it from your JS, e.g. automatically inject it into the page.

› It shouldn’t matter whether the CSS is in node_modules/mywidget or in app/widgets.

› The application’s build tool will consume it, if the application author needs it; otherwise it sits inert.



› The best solution for bringing CommonJS modules and npm packages to the browser.

› Shims common (and not-so-common) Node APIs to give you access to many npm packages.

– events, path, url, querystring, vm, http, crypto, zlib (!) and more…

› Understands npm’s node_modules structure.

› Has a flexible pipeline and vibrant ecosystem, for e.g. source map support or just-in-time bundle compilation when embedded in simple HTTP servers.

› Allows packages to declare source transforms and browser overrides in their package.json metadata.


Discovering client-side packages

› We trust packages most if they are validated by continuous integration, e.g. by Travis CI:

› We can trust client-side packages if they are validated by testling-ci:


Testling-ci setup

In package.json:

"testling": {

"browsers": [


"firefox/10..13", "firefox/nightly",

"chrome/14..16", "chrome/canary",


"opera/10.6", ―opera/11.0", "opera/11.6",





"harness": "mocha",

"files": "test/tests.js―




WHAT’S NEXT› Make sure all your code is in

CommonJS module format.

› Then organize that code into packages.

› Consume other peoples packages.

› Start publishing to npm—or to a private registry.

› Use browserify in your build process (or in your server).

› Use testling-ci to encourage trust and discovery.

