CKAN intro for Estonian open data workshop




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The Open Knowledge Foundation

Irina Bolychevsky@shevski

A not-for-profit organisation promoting openness in all its forms.

Progress through community engagement - organise events to bring people together.

We have projects and partnerships throughout the world, especially in Europe.

The Open Knowledge Foundation

We build tools and communities to create, use and share open knowledge - content and data that everyone can use, share and build on.

Aim to improve governance, research and the economy.

A piece of content or data is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it — subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and share-alike.

What does open mean?

What problems are we trying to solve?

Step 1: get the data open

Step 2: make is accessible

Step 3: start building, linking and turning data into something more - information

CKAN is open source software that makes it easy to publish, share and find data.

Features:• Central registry / catalogue for data• Rich search and data publishing tools• Geospatial metadata & search• Extendible and flexible: stats, analytics, comments etc• Rich restful JSON API• Interoperability: metadata standards & harvesting

• Working on: tools for previewing, cleaning up, linking and building on data

Share data - give your data an online home with rich, extendable metadata

Find data - keyword search + faceting by tags, groups

Datasets and resources get their own page with additional information and link to download:

Use Data - Europe's Spending (

UK Government Spending data visualised

Europe's Energy (from Eurostat)

Used by -

...many CKAN instances around the world

Any Questions?

Irina Bolychevsky@shevski
