CCBL - Industrial test report 2015


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INDUSTRIAL TEST REPORT Cavitation Cold Blending of Lubricants unit

CCBL unit supplier: GQOIL Innovation Europe sp z o.o CCBL test holder: PRISTA OIL HOLDING EAD

RUSE June, 2015


The objec ve of the industrial test was to verify the ability of the CCBL to blend lubes as an alterna ve way to other types of blending processes like mechanical blending and in-line blending. In add on the test shall should verify the c veness of the CCBL during normal and regular produ on of lubricants (engine oils and industrial oils).

b. PLACE OF THE TEST: The test has been run at PRISTA blending plant, located in Bulgaria, Ruse.

2. TEST EQUIPMENT: a. CCBL BLENDING UNIT – GQOIL provided a mobile CCBL blending unit with capacity of 6 MT/h. The

unit was installed and delivered in 20 FT sea container. b. The unit consisted of:

CCBL produ on line Control room Computerized process control Electrical panel board

c. PRISTA PRE MIX EQUIPMENT – PRISTA provided 4 mechanical blending vessels, each 6 MT capacity for the purpose of dosing, pre-mix oper ons and storage r comple on of CCBL blending.

3. PRISTA LABORATORY – PRISTA provided laboratory test control at site. PRISTA laboratory is accredited as per EN ISO/IEC 17025:2006. The same is organiz onal member of ASTM INTERNATIONAL

4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Test was run to blend several types of lube oils. The procedure included: - Dosing of components (base oil and add ves) in PRISTA mechanical blenders. - Pre-mix of the components between 10 – 20 min, at ambient temperature. - CCBL blending - Storage and lab test of each batch of produ on

onal test parameters monitored during the test: - Temperature of the pre-mix; - Temperature r CCBL; - Electrical con on of CCBL KWh; - Time of CCBL blending and total me including pre-mix; - Produc on capacity per hour. Physical and chemical parameters of the produced lubricants: For each type of lubricant, parameters were tested as per the technical ca on. Dev on from the general procedure, if any, was discussed and agreed for each single test and separately described.


Lube oil: mu -grade engine oil “PRISTA® SUPER BENZIN 15 W 40 “ 15W40 API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3

SN 150 59,70%

SN 500 22,00%

Add 1 10,00%

Add 2 VII 8,00%

Add 3 PPD 0,30%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Var on from the general procedure: Purpose: to compare the lab results of lube oil mixed under CCBL technology with classical mechanical mixing technology using one and the same me. Pre-mix volume: 6 MT Connec on diagram: Connec on made exi hoses:

10 minutes were taken for the pre-mix opera on in the mechanical blender. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 3000 liters were transferred to CCBL blending. The remaining volume stayed in the mechanical blender. A er comp on of the CCBL blending the remaining quan y in the mechanical blender was processed by a classical mechanical blending op on for a tota me of 30 minutes.


Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, and stored separately r comp on. The first sample was taken immediately a er comp on and the second er 30 minutes. Another sample has been taken from the volume in the mechanical blender er comp on of the process – the rst one immediately, and the second one r 60 minutes.

Pre-mix temperature: +27.7 C Temperature er CCBL: +28.9 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 6.97 KWh Time CCBL blending: 27.53 min Volume: 3000 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 37.53 min. Total me (pre-mix + mechanical blending): 40 min.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te of analysis CONCLUSION The blended lube oil as per CCBL mixing process is in conformity with the PRISTA manufacturing

on. Lab results comparison between CCBL mixing process and mechanical mixing process are more or less the same. D erences are too small and they are within the repeatability limits as per the te g methods. Note: Total me for mechanical blending as per PRISTA opera onal ins ons is min. 2 hours (dosing and mixing at +40 C). Dosing usually takes 20 minutes maximum for batches up to 6 MT.









Lube oil: mu -grade engine oil “PRISTA® SUPER BENZIN 15 W 40 “ 15W40 API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3

SN 150 59,70%

SN 500 22,00%

Add 1 10,00%

Add 2 VII 8,00%

Add 3 PPD 0,30%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the e ec veness of CCBL blending process. Pre-mix volume was 6600 liters Connec on diagram:

10 minutes were taken for pre-mix oper on in the mechanical blender. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 6600 liters were transferred to CCBL blending. Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on.

er op on of mechanical blending was run for a total me of 60 minutes. A er comp on of the add onal mechanical blending, the second sample was taken for analysis.

Pre-mix temperature: +27.5 C Temperature er CCBL: +28.2 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 15.27 KWh Time CCBL blending: 64 minutes Volume: 6600 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 74 min. Add onal mechanical blending: 60 min.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te of analysis


CONCLUSION The lab results of sample 1 and sample 2 are prac ly iden . This v es that the CCBL blending process secures full homogeniz nish lube oil. The add onal run of mechanical blending didn’t improve the result. Note: Total me for mechanical blending as per PRISTA oper onal instru ons is min. 2 hours (dosing and mixing at +40 C). Dosing usually takes 20 minutes maximum for batches up to 6 MT.









Lube oil: Marine cylinder oil “PRISTA® MARINE CM 50/70 “

Brst 28,75%

SN 500 49,15%

Add 1 22,00%

Add 2 PPD 0,10%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the e ec veness of CCBL blending process for produc on of marine cylinder oils, where the treat rate of add ves reach 22 %. Pre-mix volume was 6700 liters. Connec on diagram:

20 minutes were taken for a pre-mix op on in the mechanical blender. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 6700 liters were transferred to CCBL blending. Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on. Second sample was taken a er 60 min.

Pre-mix temperature: +30.6 C Temperature er CCBL: +32.8 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 16.05 KWh Time CCBL blending: 64 minutes Volume: 6700 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 84 min.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te of analysis


CONCLUSION The lab results of sample 1 and sample 2 are prac ly iden . The produced marine cylinder oil was produced within the target on, without the need for any correc on measures like add onal add ve treatment and mechanical blending. Note: Total me for mechanical blending as per PRISTA opera onal ins ons is min. 2 hours (dosing and mixing at +40 C). Dosing usually takes 20 minutes maximum for batches up to 6 MT.










Lube oil: Marine cylinder oil “GULFSEA CYLCARE® DCA 50/70 H“

Brst 28,75%

SN 500 49,15%

Add 1 22,00%

Add 2 PPD 0,10%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the e ec veness of CCBL blending process of marine cylinder oils, where the treat rate of add ves reach 22 %. Pre-mix volume was 6700 liters Connec on diagram:

20 minutes were taken for a pre-mix op on in the mechanical blender. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 6700 liters were transferred to CCBL blending. Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on. Second sample was taken a er 60 min.

Pre-mix temperature: +31.4 C Temperature er CCBL: +32.7 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 15.94 KWh Time CCBL blending: 64 minutes Volume: 6700 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 84 min.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te of analysis


CONCLUSION The lab results of sample 1 and sample 2 are prac ly iden . This v es that the CCBL blending process produces of full homogeniz nish marine cylinder oil.









Lube oil: Hydraulic oil “PRISTA® MHM 32b “ DIN 51524 part 2, ISO 11158

SN 150 99,275%

Add 1 0,500%

Add 2 PPD 0,200%

Add 3 AF 0,025%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the e ec veness of CCBL blending process in produc on of hydraulic oil viscosity grade ISO VG 32. Pre-mix volume was 4700 liters Connec ons diagram:

30 minutes were taken for a pre-mix op on. Pre-mix was made by recircula on through CCBL, without using mechanical blending. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 4700 liters from the vessel were transferred to CCBL blending.


Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on. Second sample was taken a er 60 min.

Pre-mix temperature: +36.1 C Temperature er CCBL: +38.6 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 11.06 KWh Time CCBL blending: 44 minutes Volume: 4700 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 74 min.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te of analysis CONCLUSION The lab results of sample 1 and sample 2 are prac ly iden . All results shows conformity with the

on limits. Note: PRISTA op onal in on for mechanical blending involves 2 hours, including dosing and mixing at +40 C.









Lube oil: Industrial Gear Oil “PRISTA® ROLON 150 “ DIN 51517, US STEEL 224

Brst 26,50%

SN 500 71,75%

Add 1 1,50%

Add 2 PPD 0,25%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the the e veness of the CCBL blending process in produ on of industrial gear oil, viscosity grade ISO VG 150, by making the pre-mix through CCBL recircu on mode of op on. Pre-mix volume was 4700 liters Connec ons diagram:

30 minutes were taken for a pre-mix op on. Pre-mix was made by recircula on through CCBL, without using mechanical blending. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 4700 liters from the vessel were transferred to CCBL blending. Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on. Second sample was taken a er 60 min.

Pre-mix temperature: +28.9 C Temperature er CCBL: +30.9 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 11.12 KWh Time CCBL blending: 44 minutes Volume: 4700 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 74 min.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil


2. te o lysis CONCLUSION The b results of s mple 1 d mple 2 re p ly ide . All results shows o formity with the

o limits. Note: PRISTA op o i o for m l ble i g ol es 2 hours, i udi g dosi g d mixi g t +40 C. CCBL r l o mode of oper o e ely repl pre-mix, m de by m l ble di g.









Lube oil: Transmission oil “PRISTA® EP 80W90 “ API GL 5

Brst 54,85%

SN 150 38,74%

Add 1 4,40%

Add 2 PPD 2,00%

Add 3 AF 0,01%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the e ec veness of CCBL blending process in produc on of mu -grade transmission oil, viscosity grade SAE 80W90, by making the pre-mix through CCBL recircu on mode of op on. Pre-mix volume was 4700 liters Connec ons diagram:

30 minutes were taken for a pre-mix op on. Pre-mix was made by recircula on through CCBL, without using mechanical blending. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 4700 liters from the vessel were transferred to CCBL blending. Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on. Second sample was taken a er 90 min.

Pre-mix temperature: +31.0 C Temperature er CCBL: +32.9 C El. Consump on at CCBL: 11.05 KWh Time CCBL blending: 44 minutes Volume: 4700 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 74 min.


ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te o lysis CONCLUSION The b results of s mple 1 nd mple 2 re p c ly iden . All results shows conformity with the

on limits. Note: PRISTA op on in on for m n l blending involves 2 hours, including dosing d mixing t +40 C. CCBL recircul on mode of oper on n e ec vely repl pre-mix, m de by m n l blending.










Mu -grade engine oil “PRISTA® SUPER BENZIN 15 W 40“ 15W40 API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3

SN 150 59,70%

SN 500 22,00%

Add 1 10,00%

Add 2 VII 8,00%

Add 3 PPD 0,30%


DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST Purpose: to evaluate the e ec veness of the CCBL blending process, making a whole blending process in one vessel, using recircul on mode. Pre-mix volume: 3000 liters, batch volume: 6700 liters Connec on diagram:

3000 liters were used as input data for a pre-mix oper on with CCBL, working in recircu on mode and without the use of mechanical blender. During the pre-mix process, base oil was added con nuously to the tank. A er comp on of the pre-mix, 3000 liters the CCBL was running to do the main, cavita on blending with whole batch 6700 liters. Samples were taken from CCBL blended volume, stored separately a er comp on. First sample was taken immediately r comple on. The second sample was tak er 60 minutes.

onal parameters: Pre-mix temperature: +23.6 C Temperature er CCBL: +26.4 C (recircul on mode)


El. Consump on at CCBL: 15.49 KWh Time CCBL premix: 30 minutes Volume: 6600 liters Total me (pre-mix + CCBL blending): 62 min. Add onal mechanical blending: not used. ATTACHMENTS 1. Sp on of the produced lube oil 2. te of analysis CONCLUSION The lab results of sample 1 and sample 2 are prac ly iden . This v es that CCBL fully recirculated blending process produces a fully homogeniz nished lube oil. Note: Total me for mechanical blending as per PRISTA opera onal ins ons is min. 2 hours (dosing and mixing at +40 C). Dosing usually takes 20 minutes maximum for batches up to 6 MT.








